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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 14 Dec 1983, p. 7

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lEEiiEE-E Thanks for comprehensive rugby coverage On behalf of the University of Waterloo Rugby Football Club. I would like to express our appreciation [or the extremely comprehensive coverage of our champion- ship games. Such coverage helps to promote our sport throughout the commu- nity and is greatly appregiated; . _ Catholics are better educated now than ever Millions of people grinned and shook their heads unbelievingly when they read the Pope's decree on sex that said people mustn't do it for pleasure. The decree warns that the world prefers the science of man to the science of God. No doubt the Pope wants to turn the clock, preferably to the Garden of Eden. You may not have noticed a press report about Pope John Paul Nov. 9 warning Italian people against voting for left-wing parties. His statement brought on a storm of protests from many commentators pointing out to him that the Vatican was “strangely quiet" regarding the danger of fascism in Catholic countries such as Portugal, Chile and Spain. The truth is that Roman Catholics around the world are better educated and more politically advanced than ever in history. Twenty-five years ago, Pope John xxni threatened the big population of Catholics in Vietnam with excommunication if they took part in the revolution. That line didn't work, now Rome has "recognized" the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Closer to home a gallup poll Oct. 29. 1975 found that 67 out of 100 Catholics think their Church is losing influence on people. The authority of the Pope has drastically declined/Once, "when Rome speaks, it is settled." Not anymore. The reason is that tens of millions of Catholics today are saying to the Pope that the church must move on into socialism, or perish. Terry Fox Run coverage conveyed exact spirit I would like to thank your staff for your excellent coverage of the Terry Fox Run. We sincerely appreciate your efforts of keeping active the Marathon of Hope. I would like to extend another thank you to Mr. Rick Campbell for the beautiful editorial that was written in the Sep- tember 21 newspaper. The editorial con- tained the exact spirit of the Terry Fox Run for the Marathon of Hope. Thank you for your invblvemenl and support in helping us to keep Terry's dream alive. The best evaluation of the list of “election goodies". packaged as last week‘s Throne Speech, is provided by former Trudeau Cabinet MLnisters. Kitch- ener-native itoir. James Fleming. P.C., M.P.. Omeerermtrtiously dumped as Min- ister of State for Multiculturalism) said on the eve of the Throne Speech that: 'l.. the clock is ticking. ljust think it's time people saidiuwblictheohvioua-ihere‘sgotto be major clam. It's time to rethink and MW. Could it hedone with Trudeau as Prime Minister? It would be very dimeult ..." -riiciiiy Pernult. British Columbia Senator. was the former, Qovenlmem WALTER McLEAN Dank Humphrey: 1hfaterioo, Ont. Sherry O‘Rourke Chairperson Terry Fox Run Waterloo, om. Citizens must serve the system to find justice I wish to respond to the letter written by Maurita McCrystal. chairperson of the K-W Status of Women. and published by the Wuterlee Chronicle December T. She asserts tint the sentencing of the Ottawa woman by Chief Justice O'Brien "is unduly punitive" and "further in- creases the probability that women will not find justice in the court system." l think the issue is being clouded by the ease being one of rape. I had occasion to bring a charge of careless driving against someone. The case went to trial on the condition that I relate my story, and swear to its authen- ticity. It was, after all, my word against someone else's. If I had refused to testify against the person, I certainly would have and should have been charged with contempt of court. Ms. McCrystal also states "the system of justice is set up to serve citizens rather than have citizens serve the system," - I submit that In order [or the justice system to serve the citizens. citizens must also serve the system'. Any other way further increases the probability that all of us will not find justice in the court sys- Minister. He said the staff of the Prime Minister's Office under Tom Axworthy. Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister. are “increasingly out of touch. especially in Western Canada, and are pushing buttons that aren't wired anymore." Perrault admitted. however. that his previous calls for reform and rethinking have not been heeded. "They were met with all the enthusiasm of someone announcing they had just introduced bubonic plague in the country: VSC group appeals for more funds We want to thank all our faithful supporters who have so generously con- tributed to the USC to help meet commit- ments to the hungry poor in the Third World. I can't help but wonder it Fleming was dumped Inst August because he asked too many questtom. He In: said publicly that the current government's policies are "hmg on form and obviously short on sub- However, the USC still requires $2 million to fund urgent requests for assis- tance and desperately needs new friends and donors who will help to give hope to thousands in countries such as Bangla- desh. The USC works with people of all faiths. both in Canada and the Third World. Receipts are issued for income tax pur- poses. _ Block Parents thankful for publicity On behalf of the Waterloo Regional Block Parents, I would like to thank you for your generous help in publicizing Block Parent Week. Our special week would not have been such a success without your support and encouragement. Thanks again. Please help! liltschmmva, C.C. Founding Director Mrs. Kathy Benner Publicity Director Monty Kersell Waterloo. Ont. Dr. Lotta Out of touch stance". _ You cannot be blamed for wondering, by this point, just how much of the Throne Speech "announcements" are old news about the spending of previously allocated funds. What we are faced with is a "shell game". Voters are bribed with their own money. We are, after all, on the eve of a Federal General Election ... I we: planed that the Voluntary Sector was mentioned seven different times in the Throne Speech. One passage begins: "Canada's massive, diverse, and vital voluntary sector ..." The speech an- nounces a Joint Parliamentary Task Force to study what is allowable charita- Me activity under the Income Tax Act. and Now lookit. You know there's no way around it. Thisistheteartoryoutqtttttr, annual tree-tihrtmisttt party. Once in Mr, whether you need it or not. -- And of course, you’re suffering from tlopapttohia. You think. as you always do when you invite anyone into your home. that it will be one big busterooo. People will show up late, exchange sarcastic looks behind pour back. ignore your food, actually look at the pocketwatch in their three-pieee suits, laugh at some- thing that isn't close to being funny in an attempt to disguise a yawn - and then leave " 9:45 pan. on a Saturday night claiming they've been paying the baby- sitter since noon. And they know that Iyou know that they dort't even have any ids. It's a terrible feeling, 1 know. But there is one surefire way to avoid all this anxiety and make yours the best Christ- mas party in the neighborhood. It's called the RC party pat and is available free with the purchase of this newspa- per, which you didn't realize, I bet. Yessir. all the instructions you’ll need. including tips on the tree itself, food, who to invite, and we‘ll throw in a green garbage bag as well for the clean-up crew. Without further ado, clip this and save for the party of the season, which I have fondly subtitled "How to Get Manfred to Wear The Lampshade, Even Though He Doesn't Drink Anymore." Ideally, you should have a real Christmas tree. Plastic trees are much harder to trim, and for some reason, usually end up looking worse instead of better. When buying a real tree, it you get hosed by the salesman into paying $44 for a tree with a trunk that sports as many directions as King Street, by all means pay the extra three bucks for the five-pound test line he'il suspiciously have in his vest pocket. It is much more appealing than hockey skate laces when tied to the curtain rod. and your guests won't be as likely to spit their drinks on the tree laughing when they notice it. o'Ne Host: that's you, and your spouse, ideally. However, if it is an office party, send your spouse to the in-laws Christmas shopping, and invite the cute blonde from the Purchasing dept. to help you host. She/he may not be able tpfind the corkscrew in the kitchen, but it'll sure liven up the conversation around the Franklin fireplace. oSaln Slush: that's your best friend you know is going to get drunk despite all the focus on the evils of drinking and driving. When your party starts at 8 p.m. and he arrives "to open the book" at 7:45. tell him you're having a car-key adult game at the end of the night and you'll need his now to get the ball rolling. Pre-plan to give him a place to sleep it off, preferably far away from potted plants. . THE TREE THE-CAST human thtMBttt".tttmMwttnAY. new "."e-- cAtetttit4, _ 'r'" Partee time she‘s got, dresses the out. and is gorgeous enough to prevent any of the lonely may: at the joint from resorting to “rustic humor about how rotten the party is. Just don’t let her get in any religious or political discussions. Ca- reers have been mined. o Curt Kurt: It's always wise to invite a real zero to your get-together. Stands out like a sore thumb. but tends to make everyone else feel good about them- selves. q Bart Boss: have to invite the big boy. He’ll come with his wife or mistress dripping in furs and diamonds. tell you what a nice place you've got when it's really a hole, and then leave at five after 10. He'll appreciate the gesture though, and after he makes his exit, everyone will go "Yay, now we can let loose again". Except for Sam Slush, who is already bombed and couldn't care less. 0 Wayne Worhy: comes to your party, and does nothing but talk about the business. What's right with it, wrong with it, bad about it, good about it. The real question is - what's wrong with him? q Connie Culture: she’ll hold court over by the wine rack, pick out the stupidest three people at the party, and tell them all about what's trendy in the world. Speaking loud enough, of course, for Peter Pectoral over at the swag lamp. to hear and be impressed. He can, of course. but isn't. . Peter Peetoral: you hate him. cause he's so good looking he doesn't have to dance well or sing or tell jokes or anything to be the most popular partier. But let your wife have the thrill of answering when he asks what he should bring. "Chest make sure to bring your hot little buns:" Pete's heard it all before. But he'Maugh anyways, though it might be a yawn. o Pro-om: Partysaver: a definite must. Start no party preparations with- out inviting the funniest person you know. Doesn't have to have a thing in common with anyone else. Can rattle one-liners at the drop of a hat, regale guests with ribald tales, warble dirty ditties like there's no tomorrow, and is usually so busy yapping, he won't drink hardly any of your booze. Be warned however. that Rodney Dangerfield is usually booked up this time of year. related matters. But we have no idea how long the government will want this further study to take. And since there is no commitment In the Throne Speech to act on any of the Task Force's findings, 1 am entitled to some cynicism. I am pleased, however, at the government's long-over due discovery of the voluntary sector as an engine for job creation. as an instrument for public education. and as a partner in the development of citizens‘ job skills for entry and re-entry into the labour force. Punch bowl a must. Plastic ice cubes with insects are passe, though. Pour all your cheap rye into Crown Royal empties. and then stick them on top of the bar. Forget about those bowls of nuts, Larry Loser will sit in the corner and pig out on them all night and leave all the shells in your deep-pile rec room carpet. Serve cavity-filling canopies, nobody likes having to take two bites. And whatever you do, don't serve CABBAGE rolls, if you don't know why there's no use explaining here. _ Now go party! The voluntary sector‘s historic accom- plishments remind us that improvements to Canadian life can come about with no government acknowledgement. assis- tance, or even awareness! THE FOOD AND DRINK

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