PAGE to-.-' Coral Andnm Chronicle Special "1 know we are the chosen people but every once in a while can't you choose some- one else?" This id Jewish milk- man Tevye's urgent plea while constantly misquoting the Good Book and soliloquizing with Him at sunrise or sunset as he faces life's hardships in Czarist Russia. Yet if anyone else but Julian Reed had filled Tevye's leather-worn boots, Fiddler on the Roof couldn't have had the same endearment and simple enchant- mem. KW Musical Produc- M.. and When They Shall Ask film follows Mennonite Russian sojourn ...and When They Shall Ask, a 90 minute docu-drama film portraying the story of the Mennonite sojourn in Russia will be presented at The Centre in the Square on Tuesday. December 6 at 8: 00 p.m. ...and When They Shall Ask, follows the Mennonites through migration. prosperity and persecution. The main focus is on the turbulent years between 1910 and 1930 when Mennonite fortunes took a drastic fall. The film presents an unsparing picture of a society which has lost all vestiges of order and civility. Lawless an- archists plunder the Mennonite colonies. More and more people look for escape and eventually many thousands do flee the country. The emotional highpoint comes during the drama- tized account of the journey of a trainload of refugees as they pass beneath the famous Riga Gate. ...and When They Shall Ask also sketches the events since the 1930's and, for the first time Superlatives abound for K WMP Fiddler on the Roof i g,%1f,'ll',i/g,'Nr% m I 'fs",'gl,'lN"gg',lrl'r" r, ',R'riR,'lfgff& I itfft,?l"tili ï¬g ߠ9/? iillillliiiiiRill2 lï¬ï¬lm3IIlҤï¬MI%Ill"-°ï¬= THREE WAYS tii-iii) TO SAVE? Rtntutitylhied Chicken 3 pieces of delicious Kentucky Fried Chicken plus Golden Fries, Coleslaw and a slice of Grecian Bread. This coupon valid till Dec. 24. 1983 i.,?,,,,,!,,?,,,!?, t i o n s t K W M P ) achieved professional status that won't soon be forgotten by anyone who saw the outstand- ing accomplishment at The Centre In The Square. The house was jam- packed each night last week and the robust pleasure in seeing Alan Lund's sparkling adap tation, made patrons yearn to see it again. The show was er- cellent from every angle possible includ- i n g L a w r e n c e Schafer's carefully- crafted setting of Ana- tevka and the imagina- tive choreography, staging and candle-lit splendor, of a people whose small joys arose q County W Plan on Councry PM Drive . Fauna Pant Mall. 0(6ch 0114 King m.WIhdoo 0355 Ertt Weet,Wateettto "momentum (manta-alumna.) mama.†Highway) q 331 Lartcaqter Wu! (nut to WI) scan-mum .Hsrmsuurrmh (W)mema otrtH-tdRoodE_- i,,Stg adrnrtdtts4at, SAVE WITH VALUABLE COUPONS mmcourou Ntrr'W9BEUBrrDWrrR from children‘s happi- ness and the wonder of The cast was cus- tom-made and KWMP's old pros never shone like this. Julian Reed's Tevye was a magnificent and simple experience from his little wiggle in If I Were A Rich Man to anguished audience asides, as he weighed each daughter's future against his own faith and traditions. Reed first played Tevye in the 1974 ver- sion of Fiddler. His numerous television appearances and wealth of experience set the standard and the quality of this Fid- dler which was estatr 12 pieces of delicious Kentucky Fried Chicken This coupon valid till Dec. 24. 1983 ...and When They Shall Ask was filmed by a creative and committed team of people. "We looked for the best," Dave Dueck says. As executive producer. Dueck was in charge of all aspects of the project from the financing to overall artistic direction. John Morrow, the director, is a Christian filmmaker with exten- sive experience in the film division of World Vision. One of Canada's top cinematographers, Rene O'Hashi directed the photography. Experience a dramatic re-enactment of Men- nonite history. See ...and When They Shall Ask at the Centre in the Square on Tuesday, December 6 at as; 00 p.m. Ticket prices are $10.50 and $12.50. Purchasers of two $12.50 tickets (in advance of performance) are entitled to a free souvenir record album. ever, presents footage of a modern Russian Mennonite Church at worship. 7.50 ax My. With Do It Yourself Buffet Mary Smith as Tevye's wife Golde, was also convincing, the rapport between her and Reed was magic throughout the production especially the couple's moving duet Do You Love Me. The warmth and in- sight flowed through each match " Papa gave consent to their individual happiness. KWMP's Alex Mous- takas and Jennifer Toews have always wanted to play opposite each other and did a fine job as childhood sweethearts Tzeitzel, iTevye's eldest) and Model. the village's lished immediately in musical opener Tradi- 15 pieces of delicious Kentucky Fried Chicken This coupon valid till Dec. 24, 1983 8.50 mmoourou l poor but hard-working tailor. Karen Taylor as Model and Jeff Knight, as teaching revolution- ary Perchik. were an- other great match. Jennifer Cornish as Chan. made a stun- ning impression as the child who disobeys Papa foregoing her very faith to wed Fyed- kn. A show of shows, Lund's Fiddler could easily be staged across Canada following in the successful dance steps of Charlottetown’s Johnny Belinda and Singin' and Dancin' To- night. Honorable mentions go to veteran Terry Doyle as the feisty old butcher Lazar Wolf and Nan Millard, who was super as Yente, the town gossip and matchmaker. Fiddler on the Roof was skillfully created in and out of the spot- light, and Lund really gave this show pizazz with his segments of split screen silhouettes and ever-smooth tech- nical operations with a little lighting help from Charlottetown com- rade Ron Montgom- If Fiddler on the Roof is a continuing KWMP tradition, then a thou- sand Mazeltoffs to you Alan Lund for a stupem dous effort. The annual fall presentation of Opera Ex- cerpts will be given Friday and Saturday. Dec. 2 and 3, by the senior voice students of Wilfrid Laurier University"s Faculty of Music in the WLU Theatre Auditorium at 8 p.m. The evening provides music for a variety of tastes, including the operas of Richard Strauss (Der Rosenkavalier). Gustave Charpentier (Louise). Lennox Berkely (The Castaway), Vincenzo Bellini (Norma) and Otto Nicolai (The Merry Wives of Windsor). Among the talented performers taking part in the Opera Excerpts are locals Steven Horst, Michael Lenz, Alan Reid. Nancy Dyck (Heibert) and Terri-Lynn Niddery. Tickets for the performances are $4 for adults and $2 for senior citizens and students (high school students admitted free with identifier tion) and may be purchased from the Music Faculty Office. Macdonald House, Wilfrid Laurier University (884-1970 ext. 2432) and at George Kadwell Records Ltd.. Waterloo Town Square. WLU Opera Excerpts QM??? AUTUMN ARTS $iiH0rEItrWAIERuX9 Norah Cowley of Waterloo was one of several local artisans who came to demonstrate their art and sell crafts at the University of Waterloo annual Autumn Arts craft fair. Along with Cowley's silk-screened cards and notes, crafts included weaving, pot- tery and Ieatherwork. Pu AMI. photo Serving Wandoo Coooty. Iran the comor 00th I ErtrSt-'rtcettM0. THIS WEEKS DINNER SPECIAL 4 King St. u. ass-5840 ROAST BEEF 689