Rick Campbell Chronicle Staff Forget about "Pete and the boys" and their brew for a sec. How about Steph and the girls? What you have here are four certifiable "zanies," who have known each other for years, and who, on an alarmingly-regular basis, get together to crazy on Wouldn't you know it though, that one of their insane little ideas has turned into a most productive proj- ect. It's a darling little food guide called Festive Beginnings. another in the line of locally-produced cook- books. but one which based on its creative content, and that of its authors, stands well apart from the rest of the assembly line. 00mins St+4tntsttem$er M) and cm- McLennen proudiy display their Festive Beginnings compiled with longtime friend: Janie Boyd and Wendy Currie. tr you buy a copy, word is to proceed directly to mushroom/water chestnuts in bacon. Page so... ' It Came-u 't0tottt Shucks, they wouldn’t have it any other way. _ Festive Beginnings was spawned last fail when the local froliicky foursome of Steph Hunsberger, Carla McLennan, Wendy Currie and Janie Boyd decided to put to paper their recipes for hors d'oeuvres, finger foods, dips, patés and so on - an area essentially untouched by the plethora of recipe books sparked by the success of Muffin Mania. The result was 100 copies of a one-ring, hand-on-a-hook type book they took with them to WaBrertoet's Heritage Fair, where they had been featuring Christmas crafts for the previous four years. “We all just love the chance to get. away for a weekend together," noted Hunsberger. - - "Yeh, have tilot of fun and drink a lot of cream soda," said McLennan, a decided twinkle in her eye. Tom Ramautar- singh, member of the Wilfrid Laurier Uni- versity Board of Gov- ernors. Senate and Alumni Association as well as many other organizations for a number of years. has been awarded a "as Citation from the 3tr,Mtrntemtrer Secon- dary School Teacher's Federation for excel- lence in Behooi-eommu- Stylish book from four crazy cooks lave Hint of fun and drink a Right. And given the otrihe Jan am soda.“ said McLennan, nature of this four, who knows I twinkle in her eye. what's next. OSSTF honors I I top contributions nity relations. The Bob Brooks award was created by OSSTF in honor of the late principal of Toron- to's Malvern colle- giate. Ramautarsingh. who teaches at George- town District High school, was nominated by Garry and Sharon Kirkpatrick. He has contributed greatly not only on the long list of boards he has served OK, nowback to the book. "We had no idea how well they'd sell, we just took 100 with us and they went over so well," said Steph. "We nearly fainted is what we did," picked up Carla. "I figured we'd have these things on our hands for about 19 years." But no way. After the first 100 went like hotcakes, the foursome produced two other issues of 300 apiece, and this year have gone first-class by converting the recipes to a stylish, imperial measure. tight-ring edition measuring 5 x 7. Pages are firmer than most other books. the writing is crystal clear and easy to read, and each recipe contains a personalized serving suggestion. As the group points out, "put it on a shelf, and you do notice it." And how it is being put on shelves! Festive Beginnings is currently on sate at such local establishments' as Maple and the Butterfly, Country Charms, Timothy's (at Conestoga Mall and Westmount Place), W.H. Smith stores, Knotty Pine restau- rant and Eaton‘s Westmount, where the four will hold a book-signing session this Saturday from It.30 pan. They are also pounding the area pavement to promote their product, and the best part is - they continue to have so much fun doing it. "One night, we're walking around the table collating our first book and I said 'Janie, I'm getting dizzy doing this,' " said Carla. "Next thing you know, we're doing a book signing! ., with, but in community programs as well in the Georgetown area. Kitchener-Waterloo collegiate and voca- tional institute staff also received a citation for ttm after the school was selected to be the locus of a National Film Board feature ll- lustratlng the public secondary school sys- mm at mi best. [i;"':'?!,';-")":;','-' . (ir7iii, 3’4 ll" F Shirts? We Do! EM, Beautifully! mmmmmm.mm â€VIM†tttytiiltaWCn,,00lits 20-25% OFF Raai itgtoot I7 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE The only floor protection that never needs finishes and dressings. Resists deterioration by abrasion up to 10 times longer than comparably priced no- wax layers. Spills that would ruin a no-wax floor wipe right up with never-wax. JT-88 gives Mann- ington floor owners more free time for themselves. 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