The Langs noted that Carmadhy's is unique of all popcorn stores now operating because they alone offer the "flavored popcorn". topped with Currently in Canada, the Longs said. there are only three stores which specialize in popcorn: one in Montreal, another which just opened in Toronto and their shop in Elmira. The shelves of this small shop, opened in July by Waterloo resi- dents Carol and Henry Lang. are lined with popcorn of every taste and color imaginable, including a few varieties almost beyond belief. As a result of an unfortunate, accident which occurred as the store was about to open its doors, the Lang's partner was forced to sell her interest in the venture, and the Waterloo couple became sole owners of Carmadhy's. Oddly enough, while popcorn is one of North America's best-loved snack foods, specialty shops like Carmadhy's are only a recent entry onto the business scene. Carol explained it was US actor Jack Klugman who really got the popeorn-shop phenomenon going. "He (Klugman) went on a pop- corn diet, but soon got tired of plain, old-fashioned, butter-flavored pop- corn. so he started putting stuff on it." Carol said. Today Klugman heads a chain of franchised popcom stores across the US. which speciai- ize in the exotic candy corn. For area popcorn lovers, Car- madhy's of Elmira is nothing short of paradise. Green apple. chocolate, grape and pina colada candy corn. Pizza. taco. cheese and barbeque-flavored pop- corn. Salt-free, oil-free. If it's pop- corn you fancy, Carmadhy's Pop- corn and Ice Cream Emporium is the place to be, and the Langs are the people to talk to. Although the Langs are popcorn lovers from way back, according to Carol, their entry into the world of mass popcorn production and dis- tribution came by accident earlier this year. when she. as a Waterloo realtor. was hire to find space for a small shop to open. The store-to-be was Carmadhy's, and Carol recalled. she was so taken with the popcorn-store idea, that "before long I was a partner. It was all so flukey." Melodee Martinuk Chronicle Staff Kings of kernel open shop for popcorn purists Carol and Henry Lang "Business is just getting too big for this place," Henry said. "I could wholesale a lot more popcorn, but I Just don‘t have the taeitities." Other than this, the Lungs have no firm long-term plans for Car- madhy‘s. "it's known as a junk food, but it's not - popcorn is very much a healthful food," Carol said. "We haven't looked too far down the road," Carol remarked. "it's all been so last. The big thing now is to keep the quality up - there's no sense going too fast," I Carol added that contrary to their expectation, the major market for their popcorn has been adults, who come from all over the area to stock up, not children. "The popcorn freaks are really coming out of the woodwork," she said. She was also quick to point out that while popcorn is a snack food, it does not deserve its reputation as a "junk" food. "ws a natural food, with no preservatives or chemicals, other than the salt, oil and any spices that may be added," she said. "Pop- com's low in calories, has plenty of nutrients and as much fibre as breads or cereals. At present, Langs are combining their wholesale popcorn business with the sale of ice cream, but Henry said. plans are in the works to separate the two. This summer the mainstreet Elmira shop will be transformed into a real "old. fashioned" ice cream parlor and the popcorn processing operations will be moved to another building in the Elmira area. spicy coatings like ketchup. onion- garlic, taco. strawberry and pizza. In addition to selling their popcorn in the Elmira Shop, Carol and Henry wholesale their plain popcorn to businesses in Kitchener and Brant- ford. The shop also sells a complete range of popcorn-making supplies, including Carmadhy's popcorn ker- nels (imported from the south-west- ern US, Henry says they produce a numer, better-tasting popcorn) popping oil and butter. And while the candy corn fad has swept the US and is very big in Toronto and Montreal, Henry said it has been slow to take off in the KAN area. He added that the best-sellers continue to be the old favorites of cheese, natural and caramel pop- corn. WITH NEW \ . FUJICOLOR HR '_ "fiirht"ss, Try one roll of new Fujicolor HR and get td M, " w lllW?' pictures with never-bet re brilliance, fine , p N Ill 1’ sam' grain and razor-sharpne s. It's the B, -‘ n & Y new high-performance lor film the .I K F 3,“, whole world is applaudi g. i EFaii q . 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