'rgtaEi--iNNutet m. WY. m a. "iiiiiiiiiritim.EcTmG LOUDSPEAK§R§ FEATURES . HIGH POWER HANDLING CAPABILITIES . COMPACT DESIGN 0 ASTONISHING STEREO IMMAGING! o OUTSTANDING TONAL ACCURACY o RELIABILITY! IY-Wd'l'o' Tiiri%iriiiiiik Amteovqtd by LEA. IA-theh-s-, No clams on warranty In ovev 75.000 eqhtcttts RUST CHECKED ME 0t _.. Rustct-oesrtotSeEV $%sttMecattoesrtotSTam Rustcttechdoesnot- “Woman?†249 Count-ad Mr. E. (AND Sttettog) CWT“ OMATURAL â€own“ “and...“ “-3me Lde-ooh anâ€. â€(m-Ohm! mum coma. 745-343 1 On your mark. get set, GO?'.'. Quickly scan thewalls.nndthetoysectton.andracedown tseaisies.s'reietinetottetttrqtast c-P-td-s-tttole. Soldont.ntnhaektoyourcaranddrive furiously to the next store. By the time you've shopped tour or the stoieswttttraoNe-'tltrereadytokillfor the doll or whatever it is you‘re having annuity tudirtg. Christmas shopping in full swing. Lots " tall-3.1m of stunning and beatinglntsottenstondrivinginparkinglots overfull with customers rushing everywhich way. All the things that make Christmas shopping so enjoyable. I usually wait until the last week to shop but this year I thought I'd try it differently. I went to Waterloo Squire on a Monday and was shocked to find the parking lot full and throngs of people in the mall. I watched people with utter amazement. While wearing heavy winter coats and boots people were carrying parcel upon parcel and still trudging on. No wonder many find Christmas shopping a chore. Who wants to be laden down like a mule while people push and shove? We're always thinking "I wonder what so and so really wants" that We forget about ourselves and what rushing around can do to us. If you do find Christmas shopping a chore. you should take the time to arrange and organize yourself and try to shop at a relaxed pace. You should consider what the walking. rushing and tension can do to you. We should consider our back and how to eliminate a sore back during and after our . y.ow bank to shopping. Where were shopping save $100, '200, $300 _ on new HAMMOND ORGAN S . e A low down payment now for delivery on Christmas Eve. Order before November ttottranet we will reimburse you 7% of total sale -ffi8ititess Forum q MODEL 122, Ar14RXiy.NR9 SAVE $100.00, $1595.00 oMODEL 138*. $189500 SAVE $200.00. $1795.00 q MODEL 140*. S249tiH$0 SAVE $300.00, $2195.00 . Featuring Hammond's Exclusive "Compose-A-Chord" q PRICE INCLUDE, FREE INNS. FREE DELIVERY. 3 YEARS PARTS WARRANTY. Our backs an become very stiff particular- ityiiwedna'tstmttoresots1rmeeateUe theshopolnchyounormnllywalkwlthan upright back with shoulders well-squared and bactyoumaynndmelniddlepnrtotyour ttaektirttestitr-tutinatUdttsitdowat. You may have compensated tor your tired- necs try over-straightening your back. " this happens sit down and rest. Round out yourhnck tburmtstiruryourehintoyotelhest and curling your shoulders forward. You'll get u better stretch if you extend your arms out in front. If you feel to conspicuous doing this, you can lean over your lap as you are sitting and pretend to do your shoe up or something. This will curl your back and stretch it. If you normally have a poor posture. such as walking with your shudders forward and your neck scrunched down you may discover a stiffness in the upper back and neck area. Stick your chest out and push you shoulders back by stretching your arms up behind your head. (You should be reminding yourself to walk with your shoulders back and head up at all times if you have a posture pmhlemJ You shouldn't feel silly doing these stretches as anyone who sees you will know exactly what yoil're doing anyway Remember to stop and give your feet and legs a good stretch as well. As you're sitting, point your toes and flex your feet. (Jul your heel out and curl your toes toward your body.) Do a few ankle circles. especially if you choose to shop in high heels. dolls on sale?......... 65 Uetitromtty Ave. WATERLOO PHONE 805-2940 STORE HOURS new. Tues.. I SAT. " mum-6 pm. WED., TM. a FRI. 10 mum-9 pm.