PAQE "-, "iiiiiiilir Admission: Adults " Students 8. Seniors $3. Get your tickets now! Select Christmas gifts now! John Tickner, trumpet Dan Warren, trumpet Jane Noyes, tuba A Special Brass Concert featuring members of WLU Faculty and K-W Symphony. â€December T, 1983 " thoo pan. KqHer lament! Chapel FACULTY CONCERT SERIES BY-THE-SEA SWIMWEAR Westmount Place. Waterloo 888.8133 _ Nobody Suits You Better â€my, tahmMErt 23. 1003 Joseph Castello, trombone Nina Brickman, french horn Jan Overduin, organ Taking a breather from drone of math, sciences Members ot the Unlveralty of Waterloo Chamber Players (let! to right) Tereea Pilek. Mark Lana-Smith, Rick Prokopowlcz, Laura Dlerkor, George Yu, Andrew Lane-Smith and Noel Erhard! practlee at Conrad Grebel College Chapel. new†Nathan Rudyk Chronicle Special Technology is taking over at the University of Waterloo - even in chamber music! UWCP sounds like the name of a new piece of computer software, but it is the University of Waterloo Chamber Players. who are giving a free concert Friday, Nov. M, at Siegfried Hall, St. Jerome's College at 8 p.m. Although the music they play is remarkable. the amazing thing about the group is who they are: UWCP is largely a troupe of technologists. Engineers, computer scientists. biologists. and optometrists make up all but two members of the l3-piece ensemble. "Our cellists are from the music program at Wilfrid Laurier," explains Teresa Pitek. direc- tor of UWCP, violinist, and engineering student. "But other than that we're all (UW) scientists - with a difference." The difference is that each UWCP member The concert is being sponsored by the St. has at least 10 years of classical training In Jerome's College of performing arts series, and music. the Creative Arts Board of the UW Federation of "Most of us considered music as a career but Students. look ing to stock play Faustu. directed by Drama Co-ordinator Douglas Abel. The auditions will be held Nov. 28, 29. 30 and Dec. 1 (Monday to Thursday). from 3:30 to 6 Fm., in Hagey Hail (the Humanities Thea- tre building). room 180. Ttie play will open in the Humanities Thea- tre March 13, 1984. Academic credit is available for participa- tion in Drama Depart- ment productions; you can be in a show and get rid of a course at chose science instead," said Pitek. “I felt if I went into engineering. 1 could continue music, but if I went into music, I would lose out on engi- neering. "We all see this as a wonderful release from the heavy drone of science and math." Pitek's dual career seems to be a fine balance. As a student, she has played with the Kitchener- Waterloo Youth Orchestra. the Toronto Sym- phony Orthestra. and the Wilfrid Laurier University Symphony Orthestra. She also stud- ies music at the University of Toronto while she is on her engineering work-terms. The free Friday concert at St. Jerome's is called "Fall Leaves, Winter Sparkle" to cele- brate the changing of the seasons, and will feature Croelli's "Christmas Concerto," one of Bach's Brandenburg corteertos, a taste of Haydn, and concertos by Albinoni and Cimarosa to set off the musical feast. Mr. Tom Randall. President of Taxptan Mid-Western is pleased to announce the opening of a Taxplan Centre in Kitchener. The New omen an toe-ted at 450 PM ttt., SM. 301 KITCIENER, 0mm An invitation ie extended to " Taxplan clients and individuals mixing Tax A Financial "alttance to visit the new omen during offhce hours. (519) 748-1410. 704429 TAXPLAN CENTRE the same time! No pre- partion is required for the audition. although familiarity with the script is desirable. People interested in technical. back-stage work may sign up at these audition times. Fourth year Drama major Joyce Miller will also be at the auditions to choose actors for her special winter chil- dren's road show. For further informa- tion, please contact the Drama office, room HH 148. 885-1211 ext. 3730.