P Christmas mailings - C-"-", Canada Post is ready 'rlIllllllltillr- and hopes the public is too! M05060. Mutinuk Chronicle Staff Thinking that Christ- mas is still a long way away? Take another look at the calendar. While the appear- ance of Santa Claus in the recent parade can be taken as the first "official" sign that Christmas is fast an proaching. other clear indicators are the re- minders from Canada Post that you’d better think about sending those cards and gifts out soon if you want them to arrive before December 25. In fact. if you take a look at the list of dead- lines set by Canada Post, you‘ll see that some are long past, such " surface parcel post and cards to Great Britain and Northern Ireland - these should have been in the mail November 3 and No- vember l7 respective- ly. No need to worry though. They can still go out by airmail, which has mailing deadlines of December 5 for packages and De- cember 12 for cards. First-class mail to NOTE: .8m = 1 sq. yd. NEW DOMCO NO WAX VINYL SPECIAL: NP' .8m Crossley KargsEn Emperéau Mk m Save '24†.Bm one roll in stock Richmond Soliloquy Save 'T'" Atm Europe should be sent out by November 28; People sending gifts to destinations in Can- ada and the United States should have them off before De- cember 3 while the deadline for mailing Christmas cards out of town is December 13, in town December 17. Packages to family and lriends serving overseas with the Ca- nadian Armed Forces should be mailed Thursday if they are going to Cyprus or Le- banon, Friday if they are headed for Great Britain. Cards should be mailed December 5, Cyprus and the Middle East, December 12. Great Britain. "Deadlines are pad- ded very handsomely in case volumes (of mail) pick up, but it is still best to get things out early." remarked June Newton, custom- er service manager for the Kitchener post of- rice. Newton added that rates for cards and first class letters in Canada is 32 cents, 37 cents to the US tind 64 cents to other interna- CI'TiiillrE[ljMjifIEE ?alllll SPECIAL VALUES! - SPECIAL PRICES! FAMILY SIZE: Reg. $59900 ONLY 4 LEFT! SALE 'SSS'" “SHOP THE "on: or BRAND um: cums" FITZGERALD BROS. LTD. Sergei} , We sleek Pink, Grey, Black and Blue Carpet " well " all the Earlhlones! tional destinations. She stressed that all cards sent in Canada and the US must be sealed. While cost of mailing has increased in recent years, Newton said vol- umes of mail processed by the post office haven't dropped. She also wanted to remind customers that proper packaging and addressing of items sent through the mail will go a long way to ensuring on-time. safe delivery. Fragile items should be packed in rigid boxes and protected on all sides with cushion, 490 WEBER ST. N. WATIRLOO 884-0851 Crossley Karastan Renown Save 'SO'" .8m 2 rolls in stock Coronet Inscription Suva 'T'" .8m Lots of Stock to Chooso from " ALI. KO WAX! GIVE A TAPPAN MICROWAVE ",,.2nvtoDELS TO CHOOSE FROM - SUNDIAL SOLARIAN SAVE 'S" per .8m ing material such as crushed newspaper and tissue paper, Can- ada Post advises. Boxes should also be firmly sealed and all seams covered with strong packaging tape. Items which could be damaged ifJtent in transit should be marked "do not bend" in block letters above the address. Additional packaging information is outlined in a booklet prepared by the postal service entitled Packaging Tips From Canada Post. Newton noted that Harding Embassy Save - .8m Richmond Stoneford Save '5†.8m insurance is available for any pack-3g sent that if coverage has not been purchased, Can- ada Post will not offer compensation for items lost or damaged. And if insurance is purchased, she said, the package must be properly addressed and protected for a claim to be approved. "Claim settlements are based on common sense - if it is pack- aged properly and we goof up, we will cover any damage. If it is improperly packaged, we won't. The public should be aware that they are responsible for packaging their things solidly," she said. Once again this year, Canada Post will be giving Santa a hand answering those many letters sent to the old fellow during the Christmas season. Let- ters to Santa should be addressed Santa Claus, North Pole, Canada, HOH 0H0, and must include the child's name, return address and postal code to en- sure a speedy reply. tatAmtuxtcstrttmttaa.t--ttu-ap,frerr:.t.1e_t.? " niait and Service Savings Selection - FREE ESTIMATES - Installation Guaranteed WATERLOO STORES ONLY WATERLOO SQUARE CONESTOCA MALL DESIGNER SOLARIAN SAVE '9" per .Bm Ill-STOCK WALLPAPER LATEX CEILING PAINT UP TO 73 % OFF Walrrloo tNeor x ham Wuntoo tNear 1 Man) nun: an». Moo__.t3tFtoS:rtt "oer-Fri-t3.roW3t, [hun.4ri. _ 9.1) to no Sat, . no to up ur. t no to no $947 mmwpaperpeoue COMPARABLE RSSIPIED ADSI I Richmond Salvo Save M'"' Atm Consort Grey Save MO'" At 4 Litre Reg. $18.95