Betty Ann Colquhoun (right) and her daughter Heather (left) admire a colt. cuddly poodle, one of a collection of stuffed animal: looking tor a home at All Saints' Anglican Church Christmas bazaar Saturday. A variety of gift items, home baking and preeervee were snapped up by - Christmas shoppers. m 4mm photo Camera Junction mm plus 'pre-fows" for sh: (lures m p am VMMcr "Smart than“ . ' for easy cmpcsnm Mme-motor moves Aamtegtathc Mn flastt Into place when tr-trt m additional ugh: as Automate loading l neetlete film advance and Mtl rewmd "CLD. "ce - _ Automatic exposure â€a!" Senses “gm conditions CL' C2 and autornattcally sets " T {shutter weed and lens ’ P, , 'nmg . Fra-- V†liar r W Mmm no lens a etements m 3 groups for crystal (tear otctures tiiieutoatt " Waterloo Town Square " 886-8080 Camera Junction TEC-35 - 1 99.95 Ash has M Infrared ray focus sys mm plus "pre-ttsus" for sharp pictures Waterloo Town Square 9.3. out -iiitriirr, an ms uov. 23/93 NICE STUFFED 1111*}:er Ways key oformir non for (hasten free photography. - 35mm '" lens d elements In 3 groups tor crystal clear A Unto-motor moves flash Into place when attthtkmal ugh: IS Senses ugm commons and automatically sets yshuner speed and lens mung w ad like to introduce you to another member of our family of 35mm compact cameras. the EF35. The EF35 Cotrr bines easy nlrtt-loading, a built-in/pop-out flash, SS.SS Chronicle St." Members at Water- loo's business develop ment committee have come out in support of . property standards bylaw for the city. ' 'at's a step that will tend to upgrade the community, as long as it can be controlled ... " long as it doesn't become a bureaucratic millstooe," remarked Bob McGargar, com- munity-at-large repre- sentative on the WBDC. W306 supports property standards The proposed main- tenance bylaw pre- pared by city planners was sent to the WBDC by council tor input concerning its poten- tial impact on the com- mercial and industrial sectors of Waterloo. sharp intar lens, low- light and ftash-reatly indi- cators and a protective. encapsulated body design all for about the same price asa 110 or disc camera. Committee consen~ sus seemed to be that motrtMireetly lady to residential properties and have little impact mtottterseetoes. "Good management dictates that " plant and its environs be kept in good WU commented McGar gar. “It's easier to put the arm on " induari- al or commercial operation." "When commercial or industrial buildings are in operation, main, tenance is usually rea- sonable. But, when they're empty, they're not easily maintained and they are liable to be vandalized," said Aid. Robert Henry. "For youngsters and empty public building seems to be fair game." The property mainte- nance bylaw being con; sidered by the city would be enforced only in the event of a written complaint, or at the direction of city coun- cil. Mayor Marjorie Car- roll stressed at the WBDC meeting Tues- day that the bylaw was intended to assist prop- erty-owners not "threaten" them. Our stance has always been pretty reasonable - we don't lay on a heavy hand, but there are some problems and we have no mechanism (to deal with them)" Carroll said WEEKEND SHOPPING TOUR December 9, 10, 11 Accommodations at the Holiday Inn, Grand Island New York Indoor Pool & Sauna' Factory Outlet Mall-Rainbow Mall. Eastern Hills Mall. Festival Of Lights Niag. Falls N.Y. ($95.00) per person Cdn. United Trails Tours 744-3558 . Evenings 745-3154 The Anwu lndums the preColumbun Inhabitants of Jamuc- nursed " hymn. “but! of Wood and Water." and In beauty I. legendary A (not ridge of ngreen mounums mm the island In the interior. Home.) birds an; aod exotic flowers grow and unexplored territory »- the Cockpit Country -- mu mum On the -tal plum the ruins of great planhllion house. are mlhmaeuad guns! the hills m moody evocation of the pol! On the itdtttt - white sand beaches. a sapphire In and [um hotel- have made Montego Bay and Ocho Rm mi Rnnera of the American Janna bu been a lure to pirate. and mrptoremr Today It: vulture come m search of the perfect "option Isle Junuca Is one of the beat established toumt resorts of the Caribbean The plenaurebound vocationer wan And It difhcuit to ttune of anything that it cannot supply It. clan white beaches and cryuul-cleu protected water- have an average yearly temperature of Ti? degree. There In every concewabk 'rtrrrl on land and tea for " A . 1 AL, 4_.e4‘._ A“ It... Inc“ - nu, w..w..__~ WW, daytime annulment, and touches of the exotic In the calypo 'rtnRers and tirv-ttrsttturttt dancer: for night tune entertainment The hit word m creature comfort |I Iupplwd try a Wide Chaim of luxury to moderate hotels And, tor than who prefer them than an simple but charming little tr-tttou- Lat week I was on vacation In Junuca, my second vult In two yvam It was zlonuus and I'll be gums but May I help you plan your trip Plan-P come) In at least I can show; you my tan JAMAICA _ "ho, Ernest Holmes. my reseatiatg the Unlvenlv ty of Waterloo. up- "atsdedthemove,say- In; it will prevent “slippage" in ttk cur- mt high quality of buildings irstheeity. Ollie} committee members wan to en. sure that the pgposed regulations addressed the problem of vacant properties in the city, which. overrun with vegetation or left lit- tered with rubble, have become "eyesores." "if you drive around the city it's the vacant lots that are the eye- sores, not the build- ings," said Wnterioo's business development director Gerry O'Ne0. lame dissenter in the group was Clarence Mamie of the Uptown Waterloo Business Im- provement Area, who suggested the city should consider a “wa- tered-down" bylaw which deals only with exterior appearance of buildings and does not address structural or interior deficiencies. Mamie a1so asked what guarantees exist- ed that the city's cur- rent "benign ap- proach" to the regula- tions would be contin- ued under future city councils. A public hearing to discuss the property standards bylaw has been scheduled for January 9 in the city council chambers. ittriyClESiii:iE2 a; a. a. s. "aa": From the do“! or Isabella Grayson