PAGE 32 â€" WATERLOO CHfionncie. webnmesgoay 4ovesisch 16 +6nd W 7%,5(%@ cut quality ? i. Gordon Ross /7 Serving the comm,umg y > : {/with personal and professional service \\ 4 _ for over 35 years CRESCENDO HAIRSTYLING PRICE INCLUDES CUT & SET OFFER VALID UMNTIL 45 Erb Street East wishes to announce the relocation of his Law Practice To we don‘t discount the price but your car is GUARANTEED to be RUST PROTECTED‘! 746â€"1 530 Waterioo, Ontario N2J 1L7 Barrister & Solicitor , 885â€"5620 355 Weber St. N. 128 WEBER STREET, NORTH, WATERLOO (NEAR TOWERS PLAZA) d T.* * Edward R. Good ten‘t that REDKEN PERM ‘Ever notice how the first people Ming Auto Beauty Centre 9 § J L Jm Ertb to cut the in the first piace ? REGULARLY $49.00 l Funeral Home Limited & fike 171 King Street South, Waterioo â€" 745â€"8445 $29.95 â€"LARLZ TTE PEND EVERY DAY IN