If the Serv gang's Going Berserk ever comes to' your living room screen. (perish the thought) take the television and immedi- ately apply Second City etiquette. John Candy. Joe Fla- herty, and Eugene Levy should have their comic licences revoked for the mindless batch of the worst in the history of Second City gagsfnow playing (and probably not for long) at Fairview Cinema. UW Art Gallery features works .. of fibreglass It's a wacky LA, vehicle for Candy as John Bourgignon, limo driver and prime patsy for villainous forces who hypnotize him as they intend to frame him with the murder of congressman Ed Reese, blandly por- trayed by veteran actor Pat Hingle. University of Water- loo Arts Centre Gallery opens its doors on a new exhibition entitled Brian Ripping: Paint- ings In Fiberglass Thursday Nov. 17. The Show. running until December 13 is a mini-retrospective which represents a five-year survey of Cr berglass paintings and f! Second City 'schtick fllie brutality beyond, belief TMFmLMFromNoon‘ulHam. MWookMTho iiEmiifllllEE% iui6iitriimoot-rt6toy1t v ii-r-Car-ttto-io a 2O DANCERS-2 STAGES Doet't Page! Our W's Lunch DROP IN ANY DAY! . NONyS'I'OP! FeatttrietgrtteFineotcoettiet-EototicrmttcttTatsethtttcer' EVERY T1lEStuy MGM VIE mm: REDUCED RATES FREETAaE0htttattG.T-$MTs o mum seems: meson was me - PARTY NIGHTS the That, in a peanut- shell, is the plot, and it's all downhill from there. Flaherty as Candy's good Samaritan side- kick, and Levy as sleasy film director Sal de Pasquale, do min- imal much to assist their rotund accom- plice so Candy basi cally does a slapstick solo. The greasy blond locks. Bambi orbs and silly putty visage don't quite pull it off, and Candy plunges in and out of preposterous sit, nations to the flicker oi drawings tfy Toronto artist Brian Ripping. These unusual works are oil and graphite on paper. covered in no lyester resin and fi, berglassed. Kipping describes the show as the "beginnings" of his work as an artist and points to the direction of the "atmospheric quality" in his most recent work. [2mm Ton Seott's mm oeeasimtatiy ensue, es- pecially when Candy finds himself hand- culled to an escaped convict. hustler Mo- hammed alter being 'busted' for creating a ruckus in a male strip establishment. Candy's a master at straight faced shenaniv gans and in one scene where he's handcuffed outside the apartment door during torrid love- making between Mo, hammed and his girl- friend on the other side, Candy applies a lightning flash of comic genius. and a moment that makes you cry laughing. But it's only one bright spot in Mt min- utes of sheer absurdity, and it's difficult to pin the blame on any one aspect of this insulting low budget 1schtick flick'. Going Berserk is more a means for sa- tirical scrutiny from the America's sacred professions to the wholesome sit-com in- stitution of Leave It To Beaver and Father Knows Best. Elinor Donahue has a minor role in this an- imated mockery, as the convoluted script leaves no topical stone unturned. and should of. But ... the biggest disappointment in Ber- serk is the droll script and disjointed direc- tion credit which as- toundingiy belongs to Canadian pseudo witti- cist David Steinberg! Steinberg can sadly earn the continuing hilarity 9A PACE "