PAGE " --WMEML00 ME. MY. M ‘1†4 and 6Cylinder . . . . BCyIinder......... GET READY FOR WINTER DRIVING FLUSH RADIATORS ' NEW ANTIFREEZE . . ' . . Specializing in the mechanical maintenance. w,,,,,-" _ot We will get your car ready for winter q00 service you can trust. . TUNE-UPS a. BRAKES . EXHAUST . ELECTRICAL SERVICE . PROPANE . DIESEL . . MAJOR a. MINOR ENGINE REPAIRS 2iiiiiise Fijiglllllll B. PRIDE AUTOMOTIVE LTD. 54 BRIDGEPORT RD. E. WATERLOO, 886-2850 95 Regina St. s., Waterloo, 888-3851 AND GET THE MOSTFROM EVERY GALLON OF GAS DEPENDABLE SERVICE TO IOST OTHER MAKES MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION 579-2620 FOREIGN a DOIESTIC o TRUCKS ir0IilIiiilllrI1'i2 0 WINTER TUNE-UPS o BRAKES PLUS PARTS HONDA ... DATSUN TOYOTA ... MAZDA ......‘I3.95| 123 Moore Ave. South WATERLOO . M2.oo . ‘48.00 (comer Union) . Battery failure ' frequent cause of l winter headaches According to the On- tario Motor league, by far the most (matte-t cause of winter no- atarts is battery tail- ure. It is very sensi- tive-its output is easi- ly affected by tempera- ture variations. The lower the temperature, the less efrieieaat a bat- tery becomes. It de- livers its maximum output " obout NC (VF). When the mer- cury plunges, so does your battery's effi- eieney--dropping to about " per cent of its potential " trc (32'F); to 40 per cent at -urc (0F) and down to less thanmper cent at -28'C (NF). - Shawna tips: The two main con- siderations when look- ing for a battery are its cranking poring-cc Price and warranty will almost take care of themselves once you have narrowed down your selection based upon the two consi- derations mentioned. A battery. like time. waits for no man. It usually coats out at an inconvenient time. “V 'C5riiTrin T, DfiEEIrCCiaCZriiItctd 650 KING EAST 232 KING NORTH " MAIN ST. 579-4800 579-4911 623-6730 INOUlRi ABOUT OUR SATURDAY COURSES kiTCHENER WATERLOO CAMBRIDGE (G) 1 pan-10 Fm. MAY l mousmv S:Stt gnaw pm. I 0 Upon completion of the Driving Course an insurance certificate wilt be supplied for insurance premium reduction. 0 Course fee is Income Tax deductable by the student 0 Driver - in car instruction q Your choice of automatic or standard (gear shift) q We otter a choice of 12 professional instructors to choose from c Free home or work pick-up for in-car instruction - (within city limits) young Drivers of Canada. Over 125,000 graduates recommend Bunting 'teter"--4s available from the bat- tery at are (VP) for " seconds while main- taining a voltage 91 not training centres coast to coast car's requirtmertls, less than " 12-voltbattery. placelqept 'try-ay. match it to the bat- tery’s rated capacity. For our cold climate, add 20 per cent. A 232 CID engine, for exam- pie, would need an extra 46 amps. You’ll need to purchase a bat- tery with a cold crank- ing power of " least 278 amps. If you can't find one with the exact number of amps you need, purchase a higher rated battery. The reserve capacity refers to the battery's ability-An minutes-to keen a car running at keep a car running at night if the alternator fails. The figure is achieved through labo- ratory tests and is cal- culated for a 2tPC (80F) night. If a bat- tery has a reserve ca- pacity of 100, that Simply. crank!!! You LEARN TO DRIVE ONLY ONCE! . .. oo IT RIGHT! Canada's Most Comprehensive DRIVER TRAINING PROGRAM Extra new courses for your convenience (Age 16 years and over) r'iTCEfETLaCEaCEE krre-atrarErtcoo -iT.a-i6iLn. ' ' meson I mm 6:30 p.m.o0:30 pm. means it will drive a car after the alternator stops charging-with a 25 amp load for lights, wipers, ignition and other accessories for approximately 100 minutes. Operating heat or air conditioning under these circum, stances, however, can cut that figure about so per cent. At tempera- tures lower than 2ec the reserve capacity in minutes will be re- duced. But reserve ca- pacity does offer an idea of the battery's um um mu T5TrEitEEiDaE , gum-10 pm. MAY a “MWAY ttrTCteMErt-WATERL00 6:11-0:33 Mn. expecteql performance add quality. ln summation, when purchasing a battery, don't just go out and buy the most expensive one or the one with the longest warranty. It just might not be able to do the job-especial- ly on a cold morning. Select a battery with enough cold cranking power, desirable re- serve capacity; one with a warranty suited to your ownership plans and then consider price. tS6%