Car owners too often neglect transmissions Engine temp can affect consumption: Howhnghasitbeensinceyouhadymrcar's automatic transmission serviced? If your an- swer is "never," don't be too embarrassed. You are among the negligent mayrrity. In two surveys, the most neglected car component was found to he the automatic transamissittgt. People tend to inure transmis- sion oil and fitter service, say these independent repair shop owners. In another survey, these technicians were asked how often they tho-mu certain car care services should be performed vs. what their customers actually do. Generally. they say, people wait far too long for preventive mainte- nance. Among the customers who do invest in preventive maintenance services on their auto- matic transmissions. the average waited beyond 30,000 miles. These technicians recommend service at about 19,000-mile intervals. However, the vast majority wait until service is needed. say mechanics, indicating that corrective rather than preventive maintenance is the norm. Automatic transmissions have finely ma- chined valves and passages with extremely close tolerances which cannot accommodate dirt and grit. Transmission oil serves as both a cleaning If your car has been slow to warm up during these cold winter mornings, you may be due for a new thermostat. Controlling the flow of water between the radiator and the engine, the thermostat is a temperature control valve which keeps engine temperature within proper limits. Replacing this part is a minor expense that can pay for itself in a short time. A thermostat that's stuck open will cause the engine to run cold, increasing gasoline consumption by as much as 10 to 20 percent. If it sticks in the closed position, the car will overheat. possibly damag- ing the engine. A visual check of the pressure cap may expose a faulty gasket or weak spring. But the best check is with a pressure testers designed for this purpose, generally used by most service shops. This indicates the condition of the cap and tests the rest of the cooling system for leaks. Another valve in the cooling system is the radiator pressure cap which keeps the cooling system under pressure. thereby increasing the boiling point of the coolant. When the pressure cap fails. the engine may overheat and coolant goes into the resevoir tank. eventually overflow- ing to the ground. How do you know when it's time to replace transmission fluid? Your eyes and nose can tell you a lot. if the fluid has a bright, cherry-red color, " indicates that it is in good condition. A darker, reddish-brown color indicates the ttuid has become contaminated and needs changing. In the first case, proclslon parts will wear rapidly or malfunction. In one two the transmission will be starved of oil and may cease to operate. agent and a coolant. passing though u tliter that traps the that otdtrt and contaminants. A very dark reddish-brown or nearly black nuid indicates it has been subjected to high temperatures. tn such a case the transmission already may have been damaged due to over- heating. Note: If your car is driven much of the time in stop-and-go traffic. if you haul trailers and/or other heavy loads, or if you frequently drive on ice and snow where the vehicle has to be "rocked" out of slippery spots, your car may qualify as a severe-service vehicle. In this case. the automatic transmission fluid and filter service interval may be more frequent, It the fluid smells burnt, or if it has an odor similar to varnish, it would be wise to have a transmission specialist check for possible inter- nal damage. If the tliter becomes clogged. it will either allow dirt or mandated ttuid to bypass flowing through the transmission or it will restrict nuld Bow. Check your owner's manual to be sure 886-4650 CAT'I'ON’S 743-4177 ['"2'"s'"il F5 l Excellent Savings on Export Cat Care . r, t†Ct , Excellent Savings on Expert Cat Care T .F‘ mLL‘am --McLUDEtt COMPLMENTARY BRAKE MSPECTum-. mmcnn'ou WATERLOO Drop In Or Call For Appointment KITCHENEB COUPONS sxmne "avenues 31.1003 lilr%il50liaEiWri50i? FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT *1â€.qu mud-pill hum-Inmate -- t COOLING “815.. FLUSH I FILL Dam-unantu "a.0qqtihgmrtq_ ammumn armada-mu â€I“!!! mmowmnm "Mit".....-......,--.. mmmmL "66tttg...............,...,,., ., mwmnvuu. ""3t"..................,,..,,.. mun. yum nut. snow rm sures RADIAL SPECIALS FiRESTONE CENTRESI um um moai t 3204 MT "In†21 Weber St. N., Waterloo 885-2000 t. “feet companion 8. Setignltion timing 2.RttpttrceopaNptutts 9.Chochartdndlutrt 3. Replace points - carburetor settings where applicable IO. 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