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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 26 Oct 1983, p. 7

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iEiiEiiiiEiEE Take heed of world's conditions Regarding "the modern-day earth- quakes." Does Jesus prediction of earth- quakes find a fulfillment in he 20th century? In other words, have there been great earthquakes that indicate we are living at "the conclusion of this system of things?" Has the generation that was living in 1914 and of which there are still many survivors witnessed these things? The answer is yes! and earthquakes are still being wit- nessed not only by remaining ones of that generation but by the largest number of people in history. Matthew 24: Mankind today is also more aware of the global activity of earthquakes and their effects than were people in any past century. David Peterson told the Ontario Legis. lature that he recently bought lo shares of Suncor through a stock broker for $15 a share _ less than a third ot the $49.77 a share paid by the Ontario Government in 1981. He has calculated that if the Govern- ment sold its " million Suncor shares today, it would lose more than $450 million. During the past twelve months. just holding on to the shares has cost the Government almost $140 million in interest charges. These carrying charges were only partially offset by dividends of $25 million. The sign Jesus gave has obvious fea- tures, easily noticed everywhere. These are not obscure or abstract. Note part of Jesus answer at Matthew 24:7 For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, food shortages, earth- quakes in one place after another. Read Luke 4:1, John 8:28. Acts 16:26. He also told his followers that Jerusalem a reli- gious temple in his day would be destroyed with no stone 'r't upon a stone and it happened. We are also told in 2 Timothy 3: l-S that there would be critical times in the last days. World conditions in our Liberal Agriculture Critic Jack Rid- dell (Huron-Middlesex) has stepped up his campaign to have the Ontario Government launch an emergency, re- troactive program to rescue the red meat industry. He has called for an emergency legislative debate on the crisis facing farmers in the province's cattle industry, who are losing between It is obvious from a look at the shelves of any convenience store in Waterloo Region that pornography is a problem. Playboy. Hustler. Penthouse and other magazines portray graphically, and in detail. almost every sexual act, and often perversions... The issue of pornography, and its place in Canadian society, was brought to the fore dramatically this past winter. Thou- sands of letters poured into the ortices of Members of Parliament and the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunica- tions Commission (CRTC). complaining about First Choice's Playboy program- ming. Despite fierce opposition. this program- incites to hatred or to riot. Pornography, ming went ahead. Now, however, with a in my opinion, incites to hatred towards recent move In the House of Commons. women." some action is being taken. A Private Member's Bill proposed by Lynn McDor- K-W Status of Women has initiated a aid, M.P.. (NDP - Broadview-Green- community-based committee on porno- wood) was referred to the House of graphy. it sponsored a workshop on Commons Standing Committee on Com- September 23-24 as part of an on-going munications and Culture by an all-Party education process in the Region. The agreementooOctober s. 1983. This means immediate goal of the newly formed that the Committee now has a mandate to committee is to have by-laws implemented examine the lane of pornography and to " the communities ot the Region which Queen 's Park Report WALTER McLEAN HERB EPP all) and $150 for every finished cow marketed. However, the Conservative majority in the Legislative blocked the debate, causing Jack Riddell to con- demn the government for avoiding public scrutiny of the issue. "Many of the producers who are in trouble today," he said. "were seen as aggressive and progressive farmers when they made their financial deci- sions - on the advice of the government and often urging of their bank - a few years ago. In the ailing beef red meat sector, we must have emergency assis- tance now. Ontario is the only province of those with significant production which is not rendering financial assis- tance to their industry." The Minister of Agriculture has stated that an agreement has been worked out with western cattle producing provinces to alleviate the problem in Ontario. but the Federal Minister has stated that he has no details on the agreement. Emer- gency action is needed now to save many cattle producers from bankruptcy. system today are proof of that statement! And in 2 Peter 3:3-4 in the last days there will Some ridiculers with their ridicule regarding the things to come upon the earth. In Noah's day he was ridiculed for building the "Ark" but when the flood came those who ridiculed him were swept away with the flood and Noah and hrs family were saved. Tottenham Centennial in 1984 If you lived in Tottenham, shopped here, went to school or church here, we would like to see you again. Your presence will help to make our year a memorable one. For further inrohnation, please write to: The Centennial Committee, P.O. Box 310. Tottenham. Ontario, LOC, Iwo. 1984 is Centennial Year in Tottenham!! A Cordial invitation is extended to all former residents of the area to come and participate in the various events scheduled throughout the year. determine the best manner of regulating it. This is, of course. a very thorny subject. Some citizens are afraid that legislation to curb pornography will threaten freedom of expression. Others counter that women's freedom to participate equally in society is already being hindered by pornography, Monica Heide, vice-chairperson of Kitch- ener-Waterioo Status of Women, agrees with this point of view. “...Freedom of speech is an important right. When it starts impinging on the rights of others. however, we have to draw the line. We have laws forbidding literature which incites to hatred or to riot. Pornography, in my opinion, incites to hatred towards Ralph. Hatton, Reeve, Village of Tottenham. W.D. Pope Waterloo, Ont. Time for action A cone-sue here " the Chronicle had the occaslou to blow out the candles the other day, and although she remains the fountain of youth, hot stove lounge talk got around to those feared words: old age. Not old age. As when you‘re 38 or 39, way past everything in life that really counts. I mean impending old age. Like when YOU realize you have jumped oft the tow rope and are on the downhill side of the ski slope of life. Having hit the big three-oh this year, I suppose I'm looked to as the one who should know in this case. But hell, the milestone didn't bother me a bit, if anything. I feel years younger than I did when l was reckless 25. But since everyone at the office claims they have would require pornographic material to be displayed at least 1.5 metres oft ground level. and behind opaque barriers. Only the titles would be showing. Such a by-law has been enacted successfully in Toronto. a rock who is my grandson. here's a checklist of how to recognize impending old age. You know youve getting old when: - you buy your first pair of boxer shorts as insurance that someday yet, you will play a part in perpetuating the family name. Pornography is currently regulated under the Criminal Code. The term used is "obscenity" (from the Latin ob senuln. "about filth"). To date. obscenity tests in court have proved to be vague and subjective. "Community standards." a very amorphous yardstick. are used to determine the limits of obscenity. - y'ou buy Andy Williams' records at a garage sale - and go right home to play them. hair. - you start making lunch to take to work and bank the four bucks into a fund for your dream house, which you will purchase in about 48 years. Despite past failures to deal adequately with the problem. changes to the Criminal Code would still seem to be the best way to approach the Issue. The Criminal Code is enforced at all police levels. and court trials are both public and publicised. Suggestions have been made that changes to the Broadcasting Act. with specific reference to the CRTC regulations. would be the better approach. However, the CRTC is a centralised agency. with no powers of atonement, except the refusal to renew a licence. It has no mandate to act pre-emptiveiy with respect to events - your buddies don't even joke anymore about the grey strands in your - you get blitzed at your ball team's annual party - and say yes when the host asks if you want the other half of your mickey to take home. , I: yaAns"ist on taking an electric golf cart while your 67-year-old uncle walks "to get his daily trerrcise": :: -you start" flipping through those chiropractic manuals you used to toss in the garbage. _ - _ -Lrjuriiop using a hair dryer out of the paranoic fear it is actually blowing the hair right off your head J -Lryd, si/t your'radio to automatically go on at 7 a.m. to wake you up - and it does. but you don't - .- _ - your dancing partner declines to cut the rug to the sounds of the Beach Boys, claiming she doesn't know how to dance to those old songs "-rryUui-, out'io Happy Hour with the boys from the ottice - from 5: 15 p.m. to 5:23 pm. ___- _ A "1&011} wife, girlfriend, etc. complains that youve not half the pervert you used to be - or half anything, elseteithgr - you shave the right side of your face, then go have breakfast to build up enough strength to go back and shave the left side ' Juno e""""",'""""'"'. cam-ea 20. was - PAGE , Old times - you don’t switch off Bowling for Dollars until after you hear who the "pin-pal" is - __ ---- - . I, ion purchase Pay-TV for any other reason than the late night skin shows - someone asks you who Def Lennard is and you say one of those poor diseased souls trom the movie Papillon. Actually, you are only half wrong. - you win every “tie at the Trivial Pursuit "Baby Boomer'reditiop, _ - - you order a piiza with double tomato paste and cheer? - . - your favorite TV character is Rhoda Morgenstern's mother - you kriow who all the faces are on the Canadian dollar bills - you can vividly recall every play when Argos last won a Grey Cup _ - you Remember when Bill Smiley got his start in the newspaper business - Those are Just a few of the hints of impending old age. if you scored _li0 per cent familiarity with the above, heads up. A mere 25 per cent and you‘re OK for a while. Rumor has it seven Chronicle staffers had to cheat in order to avoid a perfect score. Not me though. Just a frisky young colt. Albeit, with a chiro- practic appointment next Tuesday. Speaking of cars(?), as promised I'd like to pass on some of the suggestions I received last week to my plea for help in selecting a new car. Warm and wonderful Art Carr, CKCO- TV's congenial Country Editor, pens in from Palmerston with the hypothesis that since Campbell is such an unpopu- lar name in Scotland, I should change my surname to a good old Irish name like Shaw. Then I could buy a "Rick Shaw." Thanks Art, but if you don't mind, I like to work alone... Contributor Y. Jain wrote in with a most informative letter, underscoring the benefits of supporting the domestic car industry. But the letter of the week honors has to go to Mrs. Sharon Powell out in Westvale Meadows, who says my column made her day since in contrast to the 150 per cent in repairs 1 have made on the original purchase price on my car, she has only made about 75 per cent continued investment in her 1975 Mercury Comet. Not curiously, she writes. her repairs began the day after the warranty ran out. Welcome to the club Sharon. But the best part is that Sharon is willing to sell me her Comet. even though others will be offering up "their Mercedes, Lincolns and Cadillacs." Her parting advice is "Comet's where it's at." Sharon, I think Ralph Nader is looking for you. But hey, thanks for writing! that have not occurred, or programs that have not been broadcast. A police force can, however. seize material before it is distributed. Obviously. whatever changes are made to our laws will have to be very clearly spelled out. it will require thoughtful analysis, thorough research, and exten- sive consultation with groups representing varied interests from across the country. The Standing Committee on Communica- tions and Culture. (of which I am a member), has its work cut out. it is a pressing issue. As my colleague Geoff Scott, M.P. (Hamilton Wentworth). put it during the debate on Ms. McDonald's Bill, "although the Playboy TV issue is only a small part of the pornography question, it serves to focus attention on the fact that we have progressed - if you like to use the word progressed in this context - to the point where soft-core pornography is available on your television set via broad- cast. I wonder how long it will be before soft-core pornography gives way to hard- core pornography and all its horrible ram- Mentions?"

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