POODLE PUPS - No ROUND WOODEN Krtcheo table and tour Chin's warned. reasonabte "mass-6278 (41) FREE - To someone who will love ten-month old temaie part coll-e, spayed and all shots, preferably senior citizen 8B4-9651 (41) “new.“ Can an hr good dun "trAteratore, stoves. â€a. m. one C A v Anal-u. 144-3231 (In 15 Pets a. Supplies HOME - PET Car Service Try the convenience of M care done m your home; nail clipping, bath- hg. grooming and more Call for appointment after 7:00 p m 743-6066 (43) t3BED mmoo Chroo- 1979 PLYMOUTH Honzon TC-3 sport model. ex- cellenl gas mileage. rally wheels. sun root, clean throughout. $3400 Cer- tilied. 885-3689 (41) 1962 PONTIAC LAUREN- TIAN, trot cylinder, auto- mane. power seats. brakes and steering. very good condition 886- 4299 (41) 16 Cars for Sale 1977 PLYMOUTH Fury. tow mileage, lady driven. excellent winter transpor- tation, newly painted. clean throughout, $2950 certified 885-3689 (41) 1974 BUICK Century two- door. V-8 automatic, power steering, power brakes. radio. 85.000 macs. $550 Phone 885- 0676 Itt) Dino's, all needles, plants purebred, $150 Ready to go October 22nd. 88€r0460 884- 0451. (41) PANTHER Btack Mercedes 250-S with original red leather interior. excellent condition. $3500 or best otter 576-2898 ttt) lnut. Paying 31.00 tor Ohm (not Dom) ms- tt-a-tooctwoeucse 46 Erty SIM East, Wa- ’.7 Trucks for Sate MUST SELL - 1972 Ford Custom puck-up 1978 Dodge Diesel with power tailgate Phone 745- 6901 (43) - Woe! earner PORTABLE TYPEWRIT- ERS cleaned. cued, ad- BEAUTY SALON - Kiog Street, Wttterboo: Wee chairs. two sinks Phone 1491-35747 144) 20 Typewriter Sales ty Service 21 Business Oppottunities MARE MORE Money work- ho was†in countries like USA. Kuwait, Saudi Arm. Venezueta. etc Pcrmcnon‘ltemponry work." needed are tre- iusted. repairs to all makes, reasonable rates. work guaranteed, Add, Type Business Equip- ment 28 Bridgeport Road East. Walerbo (just down from Towers) 885-2570 ttt) “nonunion. and your an. and address to: Box 727. Sutton "F", Town- to, W00. MAY 2N6 (44) BECOME PART ot a uni- ATTENTION RETAILERS - We need 15 volunteers The Mstutute For Smatt Busmess m comunctton wuth a major umvertuty and an mternational ac- counting tum. has dovet- oped a unique. low cost computenzed planning and bodgetog secwce tor small velailers We need tetanlers to help us field test the program ONO! to publication Wath no pnor experience, you will de- vetop a sophisticated plan tor your store In 4-8 hours We pay all costs You pay nothmg Results are yours to keep and use Ptease Phone 746- 1235 (42) 21 Bush!“ ATTENTION' HI set an honest. ambitious person up m a high oncome sales and servrce busmess for motorists Inns business repeats year after year No money requnred to start We will tram you at our expense. pay you a guaranteed weekly In- come plus commISSIons and bonuses Car needed but no ovemngm travel Apply in person to WM Hackban, at the Desert Inn. Cambridge on Thurs- day. October 20th. at 6:45 pm sharp. or can Wilt at 743-A867 (42) mutton dons: induct†contract. tor pan-Nun operattoo an roorhomeor backyatd, We otter mal "ammo program. on- tutetvnosettng,orputtrtc contact work, W! at $6550 reamed For turttter mlonnation - Catt Deme Systems Inc F 6533-D Mississauga Road, Mtsstsaauga, On- lano LSN tA6 t-al6- 8212152 (42) 23 Agents & Sales Help YOU CAN earn good SSS setting Avon For more Information call 743-0421 Avon LISTEN - Are you tired ot people making your deci- srons. goals? Do you want to Be successful. use your own ideas. earn good money, even today when It seems hard? It you have the ambrhon to win. re- gardless what people say then you are a lighter. you win succeed Write me. Box WC-367 Waterbo Chronrcte and we it set up an appointment to talk about your mime at no cost to you Are you interested. I am (45) PEOPLE WITH a second language needed tor sales and servtce Call 884-6030, (42) HOMEMAKERS - Looking for work? " you need extra Income and We workmg with people. can tMMA$030 for cooti6ettt'tttt hletview (42) BEAT INFLATION! Earn extra income, teach and tbemooatrttte needle- crafts No upenence nec- essary, will train Catl Lila 744-9819 (42) BABYStTTER AVAILABLE - Wound.†and eve- â€.mAcrumd LincoIn Vin-99 one Pttooe8tM-t0tM Mt) 25 Child Care WHY an On a -tttntt an wanton Como Pn- -uchool (AM and em Banal.) h“ M000. now tor Monday and warned" W. Home cal! ace-0359 or 579-0634 ht tum trr. W. (‘4) 2687M 35mm Stuck tor a gift tor the party? Want to surprise someone? Belly Banana tor any occasuon Call Manna 744-1354 ttt) D. MICHAEL TREMKO - Maro'sand-staitor.att kinds ot tailoring and alterations. oven lane‘s nalrowod. workmmo- “may. very reason- able rates Bt Ridgmw Cresconl. Waterioo (41) 28 Personals THE PERSONAL Touch - Confidential match mah- Ing based on Christian ideals means results for BELLY GREETING CHURCH OF Gospel Mm- Isuy Hour Inc. (Interna- honal wand Moe). tookmg tor boys to 10m the Chet- drens chow ages 6-13 years For further Intor- mahon please can Rev Father Garry Rhmdress 893-5770 (42) BIRYHRIGHY ts caring. nonnudgemental and wig- mg to help tree ot charge " you have an unplanned pregnancy, phone 579- 3990 ttf) CHURCH OF Gospel Mm- tstry Hour Inc (Interna- Ivonal world wide) Chal- dren s confident) help line PA-hours Tramed personnel on duty B93- 5770 (42) DONATIONS OF Clothing. turmture, dishes to The Salvation Army. 657 King Street East. Kitchener V Help us to hem others For pickup call 578- 3130 (If) INTRODUCTORY OFFER - Any adult who hasnt been m before. have a shampoo and set or shampoo and cut tor $3.50 (tong hair extra) Hens n' Chicks Beauty Salon. 59 Menno Street. Winerioo BB6-2733 (m TOUGH LOVE - Self-help gtoup for parents ot trou- bled teens St Michael‘s Church basement, Tues- day 7:30 om Phone LOSE WEIGHT Now' Its easy, no exercise need- ed. reasonabte price. nat- ural program It's 100% guaranteed Ask me how 885-2445 (42) JANE'S HAIRSTYLING - Gel your hail back into shape tor tall Perms 82300 complete Sham- poo / so! $5.00 Sham, poo I cut / awed $600 Hennas 514,00 Tmls $16.00 By Wither" 744-6330 273 Margaret Aveoue,9utctteoer (AIL) ASTROLOGY - Take guess work out of busmess de- cislons. mttestmertts. apecuUMiort, career, Cove. marriage and persooal ttoroscope cast Licensed astrologer For apooml- men! 8844067 (45) 32 Musical Onstruction EXPERIENCED owned macho: ot piano and BB4-tMB3. 884-8568 ammo" and can" [new not: 7424976 (43) Call 8843297 (42) (42) a Lot-In mm cows My “we wanna WI AuthorsottttetGWRe 'hqtgtes mcum- Microwave Glass tor Coughs. Mi- crmve Basics. cums Baum m the Minimum Gun a Pot Poum For S,'r'Si)ltdl'dl can 74A- 2690 or 885-5256 Ma' i2 Mutual Instruction EXPERIENCED Teacher gcvmq piano lessons in Maple Hecams can (close to Beechwood West and Westvale Meadows) Phone 885-0864 (44) PIANO LESSONS From ttuatitied tmtcher in Lm- coin Village, Colonnal Acres area Royal Coo- servatory curriculum, all ages 885-6272. (45) PIANO LESSONS - Classl- cal. Popular and Theory. over ten years teaching expenence with the Royal Conservatory of Music Specializing In chéldren and beginners 886- 8835 (43) 36 Education . Trade ',-..'.:m.o: TUTORING - MATHEMA- TICS Grades IO. 11. 12 and 13 Phone 884- 2641 (43) 34 Tutoring EARN EXTRA Income Learn to prepare Income tax return by corresponG- ence Local franchises available Write Tax Time Services lelled. 1304 Speers Road. Oakville. Omano L6L 2X4 (42) FREE 120 page Career Guide shows how to tram at home tor 205 top paying full and part "me yobs Granton Insmute 265A Adelaide Street West. Toronto Call (416) 977-3929 today (39) CASH IN on Income tax, earn money. learn money savmg tax llps by corre- spondence U 8 R Tax Schools, 1148 Mam Street. anmpeg. Mam- loba R2W 336 (42) CAREER lN Trucking, Con- tact Merv Orr 3 School Othces m Cambridge Phone 648-2519 P.C.E.C. Member (42) 45 Services Evervthing done try hand washma. waxing. interior shampoo. Cara, vans. pick- ups. rentals. 312 Morgana Drive (tear mm). 886- 151 1. Open 8:00-5:00. Saturday till 4:00 The packing lot is paved tor your convenience (If) OIL SPRAYING Oll spraving.done by owner/operator, now in eighth year ot spraymg Located on gravel road Open Monday - Saturday Pttooe886-5850. (48) Ott, SPRAYING - New and used oil, dulled and plugged Rick smut Pro- tection 856-2644. (m CHUNEY SPECMUST - A-1 CAR CLEANING ine chimney $30.00. ctr-tioo Mnace $25.00 Any type at chimney n- Mg walls. tireptt"M" Ouatitywortoutoettip M about 00' guano!†Call 74A-2452 “to: 3:00 'tENoVATT0%tt-R- ALL TYPES ot renovatlons. guaranteed, quality work- manship at competitwe onces Buck work. tire- places, ptastermg, drywall, cottcrete work and carpentry Free es- tumates Smau protects a specratty 884-28t5 (45) moaning Minoan. an '%retirtg coo-2331. FRESHCOAT - Fall special Will do painting Interior and extenor. Free es- timates Phone Kitchener 745-1473 (42) Quality {workmanship rea- sonable rates, tor tree es- hmates. call 884-2256 or 696-3254 (48) APPLIANCE REPAIR 125 Union E., Waterloo chimneys. Gene's. porch-tto-pore, 'temontt.ortt,tattt-rer- pairs, “election moms. All Rep-in Guaranteed Excellent Service Daily, Weekly. Monthly Cleaning SBAMPW/STEAM CLEAN Ill'Gs. etc. m Rates, Ramos Commercial-Residential 742-5259 EXPERIENCED PAINTER . Interior. extenor. reason- able rates. tree estimates Phone Austin Puckett 7440850 (43) Painting ' Paperhanging 20-Ycars experience Govt. Consumer licence APPLIANCE REPAIRS TREE STUMP REMOVAL Call G Schaefer 742- 4675 Itt) FURNITURE Rotinlshmg and restoration hand shopped. quality work. man», hoe estimates Phone 3rtVt?tt9e (I!) Residential urinating Call today tor tree estimate and inspection Compare our ates and guarantee 743- 4495 (It) TOPS ROOFING JOI'III’S JANITORIAL SERVICE ;ARPENTRY AND Re- pairs. reasonable rates, small jobs manned Phone 749-1510. (If) WATERPROOFING SPECIALISTS 10% Discount for Seniors 60W - tiOGiWemiirtg ' accounting and income tax and“ available to 20 PEA" exam LOW PRICES Work Guaranteed 0&V 744-3231 745-7790. after 6 pm. mvemoo tMrtt$qtSt:E. WAY. we! to. was - " S-3253 toat taa) And accounting semces. hnancia! statements, tax returns available for small businesses Phone 742- 6627 (44) CERAMIC REPAIRS - Bathrooms and kitchens our speciany Can 886- 4080 (H) BOOKKEEPING PAINTING And watlpaper- ing, interior and exterior, over 25-years expen- ence, Phone HA. Wilkins 745-6738 M Single sheets, news bulk;- tins, catalogues. etc, very reasonable rates Cal! Wa- terloo Chronicle 886- 2830 m) McTAVISH‘S CLOCK Re- pair Shop - Specializing in repair and complete over- haul ot antique clocks; protessionat training Free estimates. One-year guaraniee Baa-703‘, 9:00-5:00 (m OIL SPRAYING - Cars oil undercoaled tor mm pro- tectioo, T Weber. 85 Mom Street. Blooming- dalo 742-205! (N) NELSON STEAD Painting and Decorating: carpen- try work. Mamba-to re- pairs: over 30mm on- ponent» 742.8505 tm We Deliver Inserts “may ttteututtred- ' 1m - 6 on NO SPRAYING ON WET DAYS Somy‘s 8ttattmtltttt 312 Moral-n6 Drive. Com- ill W900. Gatttithttr, cucuuv and ttattt6 and. «boom. CW3. knives. skates. Shop noun 8:00-5:00. Salutdny ti" noon 884- soot tttl T%ilrGGiGilt,a Tidy Heidi Cleaning Services I . U r EA ‘\ 3.9% \\.r Jesu.: , "ss, EM ' Tidy Heidi provides a vari- tir)), cly of services performed I" “ r,) promptly, efficiently and / p, lc, " courtt'ously by fully in ( "gl sured and bonded person- , AN nel. nu.» C?, Economy Service - A gen- " FP, eral tidying. cleaning and l te , I disinfecting of your home. \ "a . - _ l Full Service - A thorough (FRU I cleaning of your home _ "ss sa guaranteed to shine from ceiling to floor. Ask about our special Requests & Emergency survives RUST vacuum AT LOW tWST Mi 0994mm 1510 Dace-wan 20 mm 0.000»- SCHNARR’S LANDSCAPING " FILL CLEAN-UPS " SNOW PLOWIIG 893-7464 Rates Are Now Available if Free Estimates APPLIANCE REPAIR - Why pay the big guys. their big prices? Ernie Snow 5 Ap- pliance Repair at a price you can attord. Retrigera- tors, stoves. washers. dryers. etc, Senior Cite zen s discount. Evening amrotntments available. Call 7453240 (if) TREE TOP - Tree Care M aspects of tree mainte- nance. tully qualified. ttttly insured. Free estimates plus 10% discount for senior citizens. Call Greg 742-2026 after 6:00. ttty Drilling & Plugging --8 6' C a. S JANITORIAL Ser- vices - Complete ianitovial service for your home or business Prompt and courteous service guaranteed. 8854454. ALL PLUMBING Repairs - Water hasten and so!- Ionors insulted Painting and decanting, Call Bob 576-2974 ttfl PLUMBING and Heatbng _ Licenced gas-oil tumace conversion. 2%st ex~ parlance, custom sheet metal. chimney â€new gas BEAU‘S TREE Service - Topping. pruning. 'emo- vats and Wedges, Spe- cializing in ornamental and fruit trees. 12-years exponence. Special low rates tor seniov citizens Free est-mates 743- 2375. ttt) PAINTING .AND WMDODOF mo. an." repairs to walk ahons, bum. kilchen. shows. want better 742-0006 (If) enact. tree autumn!†Doom. Kirby 742-0357 3139 It. lam on Ugh! ttft ttt)