Schneider Haas exhibit An exhibit my Michael Bird entitled Calligraphy to Cabinetmaking The Fruit tur and Furniture of Abra ham Latschaw â€1991319) will be featured in the Heri tage Gallery of the Joseph Schneider Hans from Oct I to Nos 30. Waterloo Y Oktoberfest sleepover The Waterloo Family YMCA will be holding its annual Oktoberfest slee pover for boys and girls aged four to 12 years Satur- day, Oct, ls Swimming. gym activities. party game» and a hot breakfast will be included in the program For more information, call Dave Morton at 8853500. China painting show, sale The Tiliium China Pain. ing Guild will be presenting its second annual show, sale and tea Saturday, Oct. ti, b.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 9, I to 1 pm. in Hilliard Hall of First United Church in Waterloo. Admis- sion is ".50. Oktoberfest brunch The 5th Waterloo Scouting Association will hold its fourth annual Oktoberfest Parade Day Brunch Mom day, Oct. 10, 7:30 am. to 12:30 p.m. at Know Presby- terfan Church in Waterloo. Tickets are 84 adults, $2 children and proceeds will be used for scout troops at Knox Church. Travel, Adventure Series The â€83434 Travel and Adventure Series, spon- sored by the Twin Cities Kiwanis Club, will feature Stanley Paulauskas' Renee lions of Poland Friday, Oct. 7, 8 pm. at the UW Humani- ties Theatre. Tickets can be obtained from any local Kiwanian or at the door. For more information. call MM, CPR workshop The October Heart Saver workshop will be held Thursday Oct. 27. 7 to II pm. at St. Mary's General Hospital. Participants will learn among other skills. one rescuer CPR and man- agement of a choking vie tim. Registration is re quired in advance. For more information or to rep ister, call Waterloo Region- al Heart Save at 884-2045. Arthritis Patients' Group The Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients' Support Group will meet Tuesday. Oct. II. T.30 pm. at the Adult Rec- reation Centre in Waterloo. For more information. call “9594! or 893-0300. Meet the author at YWCA Margaret Randall. a writ- er and journalist will read excerpts of her poetry and discuss the role of Nicara- guan women In rebuilding their country Thursday, Oct. 6. l2 noon at the YWCA Bulletin Board 0 Problems in reading? . Difficulty expressing ideas in words. or in writing? q Difficulty understanding instructions? . Spelling or Math problems? ' q Feeling like a loser? PARENTS Is your emu) EXPERIEICING: CORNER ONTARIO AND DUKE STS., KITCHENER AND WATERLOO TOWN SQUARE Educational and Family Services Clinic offers a comprehensive complete learn- ing assessment by competent, qualified professionals. Specialized Counselling Services Available There will be an Executive meeting of the W.MS.C. on Oct. 17th - 7:30 pm. at the Soccer Office - Seagnm Stadium. , All convenors, coaches and interested parents are welcome to attend. EDUCATIONAL t FAMILY SERVICES 884-2221 Sat. Oct. 15 - 7:30 a.m.-8:20 a.m. Minor A Sat. Oct. 15 - 8:30 a.m.-9:20 a.m. Major A Sat. Oct. 15 - 9:30 a.m.-10:20 a.m. Minor Peewee Sat. Oct. " _ 10:30 a.m.-ll:20 a.m. Major Peewee Sat. Oct. 15 _ 11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. Minor Bantam Sat. Oct. 15 - 12:30 p.m.-1:20 p.m. Major Bantam Note: Players must be registered with Waterloo Minor Hockey Association Fee: $1.00 per player SHE DAY SERVICE “I: “WIN“ Get your wardrobe looking better, longer! Skilled, professional services, ensures finest quality cleaning of all your garments including suede: and leathers. "0588"!!!“ WATERLOO SISKINS acquire Room a Board For a Players From October 1st - June 30th Preferably close to Waterioo Arena Call PETER BRILL 885-4200 886-751 , TUTORIAL SCHOOL 1 " University East, Waterloo (ALBERT MCCORMICK ARENA) bet. " - 5 p.m.-7 Fm. Major Novice Art. 15 - 7:30 a.m.-8:20 a.m. Minor Atom lot. 15 - 8:30 a.m.-9:20 a.m. Major Atom Art. 15 - 9:30 a.m.-10:20 a.m. Minor WAIERLOO MINOR HOCKEY SELECT TRT 0018 LET US HELP YOU. Whiiiig] Grades 1-8 - Individual Instruction Saturday Morning WATERLOO MINOR SOCCfR CLUB ANNOUNCEMENTS OKTOBERFEST "PARADE a LUNCH" Monday, October 10. 1983 9 mm. - 1:00 p.m. See parade from a reserved seat & then enjoy a homemade lunch at the Centre. TICKETS FOR LUNCH $3.50 _ available at main office. "Badminton - Friday Oct. 21/83 2 pm - information and movie presentation All Welcome No Ch, "Curling" Thursday Oct. 20/83 2 p.m - information and movie presentation Anyone who is interested in curling or learning the game can do so Tuesdays 9 a.m.-11 am. at the K-W Granite Club starting Tuesday Nov. I, 1983. There will be free instruction plus some very helpful movies. If interested please contact Chris at 579-1020. Friday. October r, 1953 2 Fm. Color slides by: Prof. Allen Morgan, U. of W. "ICELAND and ITS VOLCANOES" plus THANKSGIVING MUSIC by: Fred ' Louise Pulkinghorn, Oct. 25 Mohawk Raceway Nov. ll Royal Winter Fair 2. NEW YEARS In Plush-u December so. was .. January l, mu Cost - 8219.00 ON GOING "ACTMTY" CARPET BOWL CARPET BOWL SATURDAYS 1:30 p.m. Come out and enjoy an afternoon of exercise, sociability and fun. 3. OBERAMMERGAU nu Push- Play May 21-June s, 138} (pmhures available) FRANKENMUTII CHRISTMAS December 11 - l3. um . Cost - 8165.00 Twin OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Monday. October IT, 1â€: "APPLE PICKING" 1:30 pm. meet at centre at I: 15 pan. where car pooling will be arranged. Adult Recreation Centre 185 ng St,, South, Waterloo 5794020 Tuesday, October 11, 1983 , pm. - 5 pm. Cost: $2.00/person Tickets available at Centre or at the door WATERLOO REGIONAL POLICE BAND In Concert Thursday, October 6, 1983 7: 30 - 9: 30 p.m. Mutual Life of Camada Auditorium (King & Union St. S) ADMISSION : FREE Concert made possible through Music Performance Trust Fund Music by: Howard Snyder Band Admission: $1.00 at the door Wednesdays 2: Is p.m.-3215 p.m Location: Rink in the Park No Charge All Welcome (‘Basic Instruction Available) FRIDAY AFTERNOONERS SENIOR ADULTS "HEiDELBERG HAUS" (Moses Springer Arena) DANCE Friday, October r, 1983 SENIOR ICE SKATING “no. TRAVEL Plum 579-1642 VACATION TOURS NEW ACTIVITY "CURL8NG" SEMINARS DAY TRIPS All Inclusive WAYERLOO CHROMCLE, NEWESOAY. ocroesa 6, ttttba - PAGE St No Charge WATERLOO AREEA t51tETCrm Pill!“ r" t PREV WHOM PM}?! awn SKATE ALBERT MCCORMICK ARENA R.I.P.: RINK IN 'ilEr'AR_k WATERLOO h comma" 1t8itlllllllil'l, ACTIVITIES HOCKEY $40.00 - RINGETTE $40.00 Price includes $7.00 late fee. Late registrations are being accepted daily at the Waterloo Community Service Offices - 5th Floor Marsland Centre - 20 Erb St. W. “In: Monday-Friday 8: 30 a.m.-4: 30 p.m. Hm: The following divisions in Minor Hockey are filled and are accepting names on a waiting list only. Phone Community Services at 886-1550 Ext. 214. . Midget - Born 67 & 68 Novice _ Born TS, " & TT Waterloo Community Services currently is accepting registrations for the following pro- grams which will begin shortly. I. China Painting 2. Uptown Fitness Registrations are limited. Call Waterloo Community Services at 886-1550 Ext. 214.. tMom-Fri. - 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) Registration: Oct. 15 9:30 a.m.-I:oo pm. Oct. 18 5:30-8:00 p.m. Where: Rink In The Park (Club Office) There are still a few openings at Albert McCormick Arena for Boys or Girls Ages 5 to to years old. Classes begin shortly. Girls 1:00 pm. Boys 2:00 p.m. To register call the K-W Skating Club during office hours. October 12. 1963 Sonar-mo Shalom. Waterloo 5:15 Fm. Riders vs. Ttcats t Flag Football 0:15 pm. Argos vs. Als. - Flag Football T:30 Fm. Guelph Argos vs. Waterloo Chargers Children Under 12 Admitted Free Admission _ $1.00 Office Hours: Monday 4: 30 part.-tt:00 p.m. Tuesday 5:00 p.m.40200 p.m. Friday 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. FALL ICE SKATING SCHEDULE WATERLOO IINOR SPOR'IS LATE REGISTRATION FOR HOCKEY OR RINSE"! Marsland Centre: 886-1550 ADULT FALL RECREATION PROGRAMS Sun. Oct. 9th - 7:30 pm SISKINS vs. GUELPH GO SISKINS. GO! CLUB OFFICE - 884-5790 KAll SKATING CLUB POWER SKATING " SKATING CLUB LEARN TO SKATE YOUTH FOOTBALL BENEFIT NIGHT JR. 'B' HOCKEY Waterloo Arena 1123mm. - 2.00 pm. ttttmmm m Tatum to Friday. Ion. 2a:30 pm. - Wod. 1011220 In. Fd. 1041220 mm. Sun. 3:305:30 sun. rm to Friday 1L3 O... - 1:20 MI 8-1011!) pm.