PAGE 30 - WATERLOO CHROMCLE, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER s, 183 IE HAIR DESIGN 255 Tailgate Blvd. off Glen Forest Blvd. APPOINTMENTS Open Late Wed. a Thurs. - 888-6800 CUTS 10.00 Feeling Insecure about working for someone else? Management contracts just may be your answer to be in control Think about . Sett employment in a service industry q Starting part time and advancing into full time q Above average and guaranteed income . Independence o Flexibility . Security . Building a future _ SHAMPOO-CUT-BLOW DRY --SAVE W|TH THIS AD-- PERMS 32.00 COMPLETE This opportunity to be self employed requires a minimal investment NOW in a maximum opportunity for the rest of your life: CONTRACT MANAGEMENT PERMS l CUTS INTRODUCING DEBBIE GOGHUN Iit1st,t,1tr'e FROM ASTORIA HAIR DESOGN ALBERTO WILL BE HERE WED. I FBI. OCTOBER SPECIAL 888-1888 fl 'Wamm no tttttt (Rev m Sott8t3 so: EglmIoo In, E Yuma. Din-no W W! THIS WEEK ONLY! FREE introductory muting: on Mom-y. Tuoodoy. Wednesday & Thursday waning: (Oct. 3, t. s I 6) at 7:30 pm. Choou the day and location amt convontont for you. you join Smokendets now and follow our successful program. Srttokenders' will be a pleasant surprise. No one at Smokenders will tell you to throw away your cigarettes, or try to frighten you with talk of cancer, em- physema and heart disease. What we will do is teach you how to stop easily, just as we did ourselves. What's special about Smokenders is that you get to keep on smoking while you learn to quit. And without gainingyteight, either! Sound too good to be truis.o - Not on your life! It's a fact that thanks to Smokenders, When funeral services are needed. more and more families are calling the Edward R. Good Funeral Home. Our experienced directors are noted tor their personal and professional attention to every detail. This along with our newly Conestoga Inn 1333 Weber Street (opposite Hi-Way Market) KITCHENEB Increasingly Preferre Paul Good Jim Erb So even if you don't believe you can ever quit, it won't hurt to hear what we have to say. Just come to one of the Smokenders meetings below. Leave your willpower at home, but bring your cigarettes . . . by November 9th, you won't need them anymore. hundreds of thousands of people just like you have already learned to put their ciga- retges out for good. Funeral Home Limited S 171 King Street South, Waterloo - 745-8445 nr Edward Good 214qu um 'tlttoiertttrvt0"trv.y00t-r Holiday Inn . 601 Scottsdale Road (beside Stone Road Mall) QUELPH â€ALLY†FLOORING“ RAFT INTERIORS VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOIS M $5.“ Wlark tri; mu at 8 pm. The next meeting is My, Oct. It. For not! inlomauon. call ISO-M62 or $18-47â€. and (amine: of Individuals with can" Mn such as anorexia nervoaa ow butt, tata meet on the Beermd and tour"! Tuesday of each month at K-W Hospital in the second floor assembly Anorexia dKIng-ndAlIenSueec-in “Misc!“ willie â€than 'ldl'da', on Organist Philip Shana. director of music at St. Paul's United Church in Cambridge will be featured in a free noon hour concert at First United Church. corner of King and William Streets in Waterloo, Tues- day. Oct. ll. l2:l5 to l2145 p.m. Lunch is available. geaterGo, Take a Thanksgiving hike through a woodlot at Laurel Creek Nature Centre to enjoy the colors of (all Simday,0ct. 9, " mm. and? Inn. The centre is located on Beaver Creek Road in Waterloo. For more inter- nation, call will“. Waterloo Band concert The Waterioo Concert Band will be performing a concert Saturday. Oct. 8, 2 p.m. at Westmount Place in Waterloo. Everyone is wel- come. Noon hour concert Thank a tree at Laurel Noon hour recital St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church in Kitchener will present a free recital by organist Ian Saddler Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1221510 12:45 pm. Oktoberfest Stamp show The annual Oktoberfest Stamp Show will be held Saturday. Oct. 8, 9 am. to 5:30 pm. at St. Andrew‘s Hall. Admission is free and refreshments will be avail, able. HIE-WINTER INSTALLATION VIIIII MEIER!“ $lltBUl IE mam I“ SUPERIOR MEMORIALS 528 Vlctoria St. N., Bulletin Board Kitchener - m Intuit!) 1454!†All" but! $13M“ urge - Shim-s ll