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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 5 Oct 1983, p. 28

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PAGE " - WATERLOO CW. NEWSDAY. CST” 5 Phon. BBB-2830 Service f""" ii'iiiiic] Lummu meage- q Coming Events tk Announcements METAPHYSICAL Science Lectures by Ella R, Chase. MSc D Topic Discussions Knowing Yourself, Healing, Dreams. Human Aura. Meditation. Astral Travel, Intuition, etc, Free intro- ductory lectures Thurs- day, October 6th _ Water- loo Family Y, 145 Lincoln Road. Waterloo. B 00 p m and Royal Canadian Legion Building, 48 On- tario Street North. Kitch- ener, 200 pm Further mtormalaon 745-9184 TRILLIUM CHINA Painting Guild Sale and Tea, Sat- urday, October 8th. 8:30 am -6:00 pm. October 9th, 1:00-7:00 pm Hil- liard Hall. First United Church. King and William Streets, Waterloo (40) 1030am Waterloo Christian Reformed Church Wh'0Af SCHOOL _ an iiges 9 30.3 m and W3tirm WORSHIP SERVICES 10 30 am and 7 pm nursery ls prorated We mile you to at Mhtrtratfqt and um 70 HEAD free-listed regos- tered Heretords. western pedigrees. horned and polled. Carson's Sales Arena. Listowel. Ontano, October 22nd at 1:00 pm For Findlay Lewis, Route 3. Ayton NOG 1C0, MO) s7 Coinmercial Space Available In. "tani Valle: Berg ,outottte'tttrota camtrmirriatrrmthe mum. TEESWATER A" Fair. October 8th, parade. COV- ered show ring. horse- shoe pitching. round bate rolling. 4-H shows. exhib- its, tog sawing. greasy pole competitions. mid- wuy, dances (40) ONTABUO Hereford Club Sale. Hickson tr Sale Arena, Lindsay. October mm. 1:00 pm 35 tots bulls bred and open heifers Contact Elinor McCrae, Route l, " moMe 1-613-256-1275 (40) 9tham SPACE AVAILABLE Chr lobar tat. suitable for cratt, antique or gift shop. trxcxAqstt tourittt and heal crude, King Street. St Jacob; 06444380 (40) (one! at (“on Fm! A 'i-eeti" [Alt-bore - Church an KIWI. Walnut All Welcome at the Great Hall Conrad (Rebel College Weslmoum M North Womble Semce Sunday School and Mutt Blue (40) 6 Office Space Available 7A Commercial Space for Rent DOCTORS, DENTISTS or insurance omce space Lots ot parkmg Located m busy mail sa 50 and up 57B-7656 (tin) OFFICE FOR RENT, 625 square teel In Uptown Waterloo Phone 886- 18111000600 (43) 7 Vacation Accommodations EXOTIC Key West - Three bedroom. two bath house, secluded garden $400 U s weekly 884.6411 78 Storage Space Available PC Storage Space Wanted FENCED IN Storage for boats, trailers. motor homes. cars, trucks, Rich Craft Interiors. 274 Mars- land Drive, Waterloo, tMM-9131 tttl STORE FFRONT omce and retail space tor rent In busy mall $425~$500 squale foot 578-7656 GARAGE on Space of 9 Ants. tor Hem Close to Conestoga Mall 2 bedrooms lu.., bathrooms En suite Luxuriously broad NORTHFIELD GARDEN loomed throughuul Must be soon to be ap predated Monday 2:00-A:00 p m Thursday 1O0-:r00, 6:00- 9300 pm, Saturday 1 1:00-3O0 pm CLOSED THANKSGIVING WEEKEND Sat.. Sum. Mon, or tot appointment call rental office 885-5602 or residence 8tt4-6860, similar suze wanted tor storage Phone 884- 2698 (40) IMPOSSIBLE A sawmill tor 834,95, Patented acces- sory converts chainsaw to sawmill 7.000 sold De- tails. send a stamp to Beam Machines, 160-8 Prentice Place, Ouattuas- ht Cove, B C VOP 1N0 1 3 Articles for Sale LOG HOME Ktts Do-it- yourself or we do it tor you Send $4.00 tor color catalogue PosI Office Box 1539. Uxbridge, Om tam LOC 1KO. (40) 168 Wissler Road HAVE YOU EVER seen an uncut quamy adult movve vat? Call an your order t-ao0A$63-6555. 839 95 each 8019 Of VHS Visa ooly Prompt 00le Waterloo ofr Northfield Dr. East Country style setting in town A,e,t2,it,t,1't" ow RENTtNG (40) itt) (40) (40) 13 Articles for Sale SIMMONS Dout9e Beauty Rest mattress, also two ttumiditiers Phone 885- 6749 (40) CATTLE MANURE tor sake - s25 oo tor heaping puck-up trucktul Oeuv- eled sa oo per wheel- barrowiul Mm 3 wheel- barrows Will wheel tuit loads unto backyards tor extra $15 oo 578-0992 NEARLY NEW Mowhrat wood-burning stove with thermostat controlled blower unit, asking $375 Also seventy 18-try-18- Inch colored (faded) patio slabs. asking $1 oo each Phone 886-651 3 (40) MOVING - Must Sen. Cross-country skis m- cluding poles and boots GE stove and refrigerator. gold GE electric tawn- mower, Queen Size box sprung and mattress Chesterfield and chair 884-3023, (40) INS-INCH OAK Paneumg. 450-square teel. 5200 Ask for Tricia 886-6441 (40) ROYAL DOULTON Prisma china. eight-place set- tings plus extra pieces. deep blue on white, $250 or best otter B86-1571, BOY'S SKATES Size ll, like new. Bauer Turbo molded boot. 31500. Phone 884-6905. (40) UTILITY BOX trailer, dou- ble skidoo size with sides. Ski-Rome skidoo Can be seen at 341 Lancaster Street West, Kitchener APARTMENT are humid" Iler In good condition Phone 884-3789 mom» lugs or evenlngs MO) HARVEST TABLE, benches, freezer. nu- merous small Heme. Phone 88435493 after 5:00 p m (40) BEDROOM SUITE A Four mece Single box sprung and mattress Retrigera- tor. tables. wooden desk Avon articles 744-5868 (43) BICYCLES - Girrs five- speed 21-inch, lady's ttwee-speed Phone 884- 2329 after 5:00 pm (40) DOG HOUSE tor large dog. unsulaled, carpeted, alu- mmum siding exterior. shingIed roof. $125 tcost of materials only) tttMV 4073 (40) 32-FOOT WOODEN exttrn- saon ladder for sale Cali 742-7255 or 7427585 743-321 9 SPRlNG AND FOAM MATTRESS SETS Mammoth Showdown" Phottr or Drup m a nun SI ttESI It?!“ (40) MO) (40) " Artidu for Sale MOBILE HOME - 27 tool Shamrock haiku - shops 7, tonal, sank. WWI. trudge. stove and oven. furnace. propane hot water heater, ram 30 th propane tanks. two " gallon hoddlng tanks; plus many many extras Must be seen Come to West Montrose Camping. Hwy 86 (between Emma and Guelph) any weekend or call B94-1183 tor ap- ponnlment GRANDFATHER CLOCK - Assembled. unhmshed case. complete with Inple chime movement, VINYL REMNANT Clearom Variety ot no wax vinyl floor covering: all first quality Call 886- 4080. PIANOS _ Lowest prices Fender gunars now on sale Lowrey organ ciear- ance oniy at Joe Carlo Musuc. " King North, Waterloo 886-0500 ttt) BARGAIN HUNTERS - Over 200 factory outlets VACUUM CLEANERS Best selling models, new and reconditioned. Offering you the best and auichest professtonal serwce In your home at no extra cost An expert wuth 11 years expenence Dont muss this opportunity Phone Joe B8a-3652 (N) CARPET REMNANT Clearout, variety of colors and sues, all first quaMy Maple and beech. cut In 1982 $4000 for 32-cobrc feet or $45 00 dehvered Bulk rates on bush cords and four-foot lengths 5rtr- 9023. B86-7825 (48) Tempus Fug” dual, $395 Canadian Standing Clocks, 272 Woolwich Street North. Kitchener (Bndgeport) 743-3291 BOYS' SKATES Sizes 4 and 1 Girl's long brown winter coat sue 14 Girls tong pink dress suze 14 B84-7714 (40) USED RECORDS LP's, 45 s. Ttrs and tapes Roch, country and more Buy and sell 95 King Street North. Walerioo WHITE ALUMINUM storm to save Glitwear. fail/winter clothing. toot- wear, siticones. blankets, hats, tabrics, etc For the list send $5.35 to Oliver Enterprises, Dept W5. Box 2173. Cambridge N3C 2V8 (40) QUALITY FIREWOOD Why buy used or pay retail prices when you can buy tirtrt quality Orthoposture manresses at factory direct prices'? Also custom sues made lo order UATTRESSES Call 886-4080 WATERLOO BEDDING opeo Mon. to Fri, 1-5 pm My 91 on door. like new. tits 31 Vp- by-80-81-mch opening. $5000 7A2-7A30 "th 21 All." Bt. W001. W) (40) (tf) " Amide: for Sale CLASSIFIED DEADLINE " “SDAY, 1 1 can. SEPARATED OR di- vorced" Your lite unsw- ance may need a revoew Phone 578-7656 itt) FOUR-SEATER Chester- held. chair and ottoman, ttoral print. beige back- ground Phone 885- 4103 (40) APARTMENT. Home. car, lite Insurance from a major unSurance com- pany Phone 5784656 THIS YEAR ttor much less than you thinkh surpnse her wtth Canadas best built In vacuum system. Easily Installed In any home! ideal anmversary. burlhday. Christmas gift Donl lug a vacuum - plug in a Beam Call Bernie Carroll 893-2930 days No obligation (42) HOCKEY EQUIPMENT - Good condition'. skaies saze 8V, goalie skates saze 12: three pan pants: helmet: gloves, shoulder and shin pads. Phone 885-2059. (40) TWIN BED in good condo- tion $3000 tis-Gallon fish tank. stand and ac- cessories. Phone 886- LOVELY Deitcratt coffee DlRNDL For sate compete. size 8-10 petite Call 886-4875 after 5 30 p m for Information (40) DOG HOUSES - Dittereot sizes. reasonable Phone 885-3119 (AI) ELECTROHOME Humudt- tier $30 oo. French pro- vmcual stereo console, wainut, $180 Call after tive 885-3333 (40) NAVY FLORAL Drapes and bedspread to match. the bedspread tits a regular sized bed and the drapes an ordinary sized Window Phone for appointment 884-0787 MO) IMPORTED From China - Oualoly black bamboo framed hand embrondered silk art. $65.00. small to $165 oo large 576- 2898 (N) CHtLD S Cross-Country skis. 127 cm Se.00. boots size " ’1351000. Boy s Bauer skates size one $10 Orr, Peppter dou- ble bed headboard. toot- board. rails, walnut 535,00, kitty litter bor S2 oo, children 3 books May be seen at 173 Alter: Street East. Waterloo Everyttttog miist 90' Two four drawer dressers one, two drawer desk, table and four ChalfS. two pUMtorm rockers. washev and Owen Iveezev. vacuum cleaners coda: picmc table wnh umbveHa, swung. lawn~ mower, anoded .ndoo: and outdoor turnrture, tools. also many other hem: Phone T03-fM2? tabie with centre cup- board. fruitwood, $95.00. Pair amber glass swag lamps $20.00 each. Slip covers tor tttree-cushion sofa and two chairs, green nylon, new. $35.00 742-3074 (40) Moving Sale (40) (N) MO) (40) 13mm“. No, J quality hardwood. maple. beech, oak; cut. split, dried and delivered, Phone 8866850 (48) Lamb $2.50 per Lb. Fresh. naturally raised lamb, hall or whole. cut, wrapped and labelled. $2 50 per pound 742- 4143 (42) 1 3A Garage Sales GARAGE SALE - Saturday, October 8th. 9:00-5:00. 53 Combermere Crescent (comet Craigbeith/ Com- bermere) Household items and cotbectiMes. GARAGE SALE 'e Thanks- giving Monday. 9:00 a.m,. two blocks from Oktober- fest parade at 236 Her- bert Street. Waterloo Bookcase, books, bicy- cies, skates. antique rockers, goalie pads. 1972 Pontiac Convenibte and much more, (40) Bought and sold. top prices paid. Encore Recortts, 297 king Street East. Kitchen- er 744-1370. ttt) GARAGE SALE - Saturday, October 8th. 8:00-2:00. 210 Douglas Street. Wa- terloo. School desks; tri- cycle: games; toys; Christmas decorations; typewriter and many more items, (40) L.P. RECORDS THANKSGNING Weekend - Giant yard sate, October Bth. Bth, 10th, 8:00 am.- 5:00 pm Automotive ac- cessones. stuffed toys, children s toys; girl s clothing size mfams to B. lady‘s clothing sale 9-l 3. kitchenware. books. baby furniture, GM Loveseat. appliances. sports euuw- meat, many more items too numerous to mentnon All m A-1 condmon 333 Concordia Crescent. Wa- terloo Oust on Budge Street In meoln Village) MO) SKI PANTS Wanted. size M-Tall, navy. in good condition Call 744- 9946 (40) " Articles Wanted CASH PAID lor used appu- PIANO WANTED - Regard- less of common Call anytime 669-2198 or 669-2280 ttfl CASH PAID for old toys. comics. old cameras. glassware, post cards, Ilgunnes Tony Lahmev 5 TB- 7656 (N) WE BUY Used rennerav tors, stoves. washers, dryers, dehurmditiers and ances. refrigerators, stoves, washers. dryers, dishwashers. mu. cvowaves Call 742-4081 Beck Appliances. 5-D Paanndev Drive. kttchen- er (43) FIREWOOD an conditiooers Phone 578-3375 ttf) Colhctov m to 'tor- chuo a may ot PM 1967 sum CM cw 090-5290. [331] (40) (45) " Anidcs Wanted OLD BASEBALL Cards, hockey cards. sports re- lated items, old post cards. tttttttes and quits 893-3029 (40) no POLICE CARS. TRUCKS, STATION WAGONS, 414': I WRECKERS 120, 1981-82 Mercury. iChevrom. Ford and Pty- mouths. 2, 1980 Che- vettes. 1. 1979 Cadillac A, 1978-79 Chevrolet and .Plymouth station wagons I, 1978 GMC Suburban 5. 1976-78 Dodge. Chevrolet and Jeep 4xA's IO. 1975- BO hatt and (r/a-ton puck l ups, club and crew cabs B, l 1976-78 one and 2-ton l stake dumps and cabin ‘ChaSSlSV 3 GMC one-tons lwrth Holmes wreckers 5 l utility bodies 1, 1976 Ply- i mouth as low as S695 stock 21868 MIghlon s l Car Sales, 6 mules East of I Hanover on No 4 Hughway ‘Phone Durham 17369- _ 3136 OLD DISHES. Odd cups CASH FOR GOOD Quality anhques and collect~ ables. One piece to whole household. Complele es- tates handled AI Jones, 664-2830 St Jacobs (tf) KNOWLEDGEABLE. Repu- table owner of small an- tique shop wishes to buy household items: rugs. silver, furniture. etc 885- 2300. (U) USED WATERLOO Cttroo- icle newspaper carrier bags Payung $100 for dean (not torn) news- bags. Waterioo Chronicle 45 Erb Street East. Wa- terloo 8%2830 16 Cars for Sate 1974 BUICK Century two- door. V-8 automatic. power steering, power brakes. radio. 85.000 miles. $550. Phone-tMMV 0676. ttt) PANTHER Black Mercedes 250-8 With ongmal red leather mterior, excellent condition, $3500 or best otter 576-2898 (N) 17 Trucks for Sale 20 Typewriter Sales 8: Servicer verplme and musty Phone 885-2300 tttf MUST SELL - 1972 Ford Custom pick-up 1978 Dodge Diesel With power tailgate Phone 745- 6901 (43) PORTABLE TYPEWRITV ERS cleaned, Olled. ad- 1usted. repans to all makes. veasonabte rates, work guaranteed Add- Type Busmess Euuip- ment, 28 '3rt09epor' Road WORKING PARTNER re- quired to asstst m the management and devel- opment of an musing busmess Busmess My capotahzed No "west- mem wowed For mm- vww orrtte to Bor WC- 362, Waterloo ChmmcIo. " Erb East. Waterloo N2J IL? (OO) 21 Business Opponu nmes East. Waterloo (Just down from Towers) 885 P570 (m

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