ChronicIe Special A Bruce Springsteen sound-alike, played by a John Cougar look. alike, lipsynching to another Bruce Spring- steen sound-alike. Bad taste? Call it Hollywood. Call it Eddie and the Cruis- ers. This trite, overblown affair, which opened last Friday at the Odeon Hyland, is noth, ing more than a vehicle for screenwriters Mar- tin and Arlene David- son to glorify their fix- ation with the Spring- steen mystique. Movie Review It is New Jersey, l963 (Asbury Park is the Boss' hallowed territo- ry) and Eddie and the Cruisers have attained cult status as a local bar band. Eddie Wilson (Michael Pare). the street-wise leader. has aspirations \(Lf_ great- ness and will se2tle for nothing less, even though the Cruisers re- alize their limitations. As bassist Sal tMat- thew Laurence) states, "WeYe Just some guys It is called "Leisure Today" which is also the title of his newspi- per column and it is, in fact, a collection of past columns. They are grouped under 15 chapter headings such as: History. Philoso- phy and Values of Lei- sure; Leisure and Human Life Cycle: Sport as Leisure; Ex- ercise as Leisure; Lei- sure and Mental Health; Hobbies as Leisure; Sex, Sexuality and Leisure: lntema- tional Overviews of Leisure; Leisure and the Future. and Lei- Dr. Joseph Levy, UW recreation professor and the writer of North America's only weekly newspaper column" on leisure (which has ap- peared in the Kitchen- er-Waterloo Record since 1979). has pub- lished a new book to help people make bet- ter use of their free time. Leisure Today Eddie Cruisers, tribute to plastic excess 4llu.p0nir. 4: Hun-mics mm & laughter! ,gtatGaashaatee, UWArts Centre Berenger) is the reri dent poet and his inter- est in Rimbaud is the inspiration for A Sea- son in Hell, Eddie's eventual masterpiece but ultimately, his Wa, terloo. When the record company biggie dis- misses it as too much Wordsworth and not enough Holly, Eddie decides to go for a swim in his automo- bile. Enter the Jim Morri- son/is Paul dead? story. It is years later and the Cruisers are on the airwaves. A hotshot reporter from Media Magazine (Ellen Bar- kin) raises the possibil- ity that Eddie may still be alive. She also wants to find out what happened to the Season in Hell tapes. from Jersey." But Eddie is relent- less in his dream to create a musical Rem- brandt. He constantly reminds us that "words and music," his music and Frank's words, will make it all hay He has interspersed his writings with pithy quotations from some of his own favorite writers: Orrin E. Klapp, Shakespeare, Matthew Arnold. Ar- nold Toynbee and others, and he includes a reading list with each chapter. sure Research In clarification of a statement made in the article "Big isn't always better". of last week's Chronicle, it should be pointed out that Rick Hutt wrote the Jingles for CKCO-TV. CFL football and the 1984 Olympics, which in turn were produced through the facilities of Waxworks Recording Studio. St. Jacobs. The book covers a wide range of topics... each briefly. In the chapter on "Mental Health," for instance, Dr. Levy includes sec- tions entitled: self-care pays off in the long run; don't overlook a leisurely nap; want Clarification Sal continues to wrestle with the past, still playing with a hy- brid version of the Cruisers that includes a surrogate Eddie. nashbaeks and remini- scences we follow her efforts in tracking down the former Cruis- ers and piecing to- gether the events sur- rounding the fateful re- cording session. F r a n k h a s n 't changed. Still preppy and well-read, he feels the Cruisers died with Eddie but wonders aloud as to "what might have been." And of course there's the love interest which in this case is Joanne (Helen Schneider). She is more of an ornament than an actual Cruiser but as Eddie's girl- friend and backup singer she becomes the subject of a rift be- tween Eddie and Frank. The loose ends of the story line remain that way in the hands of director Martin David- son. The flashbacks are Leisure Today is published in paperback by The Backdoor Press Inc., Box 182, Guelph. Ont., NIH 6.19. It is Dr. Levy's second book; an earlier one. "Play Ber havior," takes a more scholarly look at why human beings like to play and what play does for us. He is also the author of a hand- book on retirement. fast relief? pills not the answer; exercise a key stress-reducer; stress study reveals five basic symptoms; re- laxation exercises used to relieve tension. ThqttmtttaroethitdNtetuettotats . . . . . . . At Simmons Sat, Oct. tr, 10:30 1 8 3:30 pm. " lightning bone! woman.“ lunacy." Bob Berky of especially coattusing since none of the char- acters appear to use. Eddie's stage per- sona is rife with cliches†He struts and pouts, resplendent in his sleeveless, black T-shirt and Sassoon hairdo. With his tough. Jersey jargon. he comes across as the Fonz with a Strata caster. The rest of the char- 618 (in; St. 1. at Pandora, kitrheoer, 5794950 Soon it will be the end of our Fiscal Year at Wesseling‘s. Which means our bookkeepers are faced with the job of counting the inventory in all our stores. That's no fun for them, and it's expen- sive for us. So we've decided to have an enormous SALE. (You can save 10% to 50% on all kinds of stereo equipment including turntables, receivers, speakers. amplifiers. tuners, cassette decks, Portables, car stereo and acces- sories) It's actually less expensive for us to offer you cheaper prices than to count a zillion stereo components. Come to our inventory sale this week You‘ll bring joy into the hearts of a lot of bookkeepers. (You can thank our bookkeepers for this one) wESSEuNG'S ONCE-A-YEAR INVENTORY SALE accers are equally one dimensional. Bereuer coasts 01M his role like a Hulk Rich- about as consumable at the piano as Jerry Lee Lewis would be at a sewing machine, overwrought opening scene to the implaus- ible climax, Eddie and the Cruisers degem crates into a frivolous Tom Jones Tues. Oct. 25, 8 pm. A lusty musical full of comedy, knm and adventure The Show Festival “Am W. may“. m a. "qs-PAM. " display of hero- worship. The music isn't even credible, sounding more like Springtime out-lakes circa 1m than any- -tial as they may have been. Eddie and spin-ii of no. interesting biography. At least this late N's make for a far more The $99.95.: Comekt-itimi'the ttem6ttartofttettittgttirttsl" Oct22.0p.m. madam: This sparkling British UWDramaD-trn'dot Stray Cats invented rockabilly. ttttttutr) appeal " plastic trittukto Ex- ligand. we have to settle for Eddie and the era and push- for ttotr's,_e1tuideartuIe some of that 'teiiod's band, with its nu en-