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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 14 Sep 1983, p. 33

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13AM“ GARAGE SALE - Mildly. sum trttt, 3:30- 5:00 out. 127 Moth"! GARAGE SALE - 104-8 Lillian Dave. Waterloo, Saturday, September 17th. 9:00 am (37) GARAGE SALE - Saturday, NEIGHBORHOOD Garage Sale - Saturday, Sep- tember 17th, 900 am» 100 p m_. Avondale, Dawson and Dunbar Streets, Waterloo Ice bow. venetian blinds. tire- place screen, pcctute frames; Jeans; men s golf clubs; antique drop leaf table: albums: pine shelves: many other household items (37) GARAGE SALE - Chester- held and chair; cottee tame. two aluminum storm doors and other household Items. Satur- day, September 17th, 9 00 - 5 oo, 260 Sunview Street, Watertoo (37) GARAGE SALE - 55 Thorndale Drive. Water- too. Saturday. September 17th, 9:00-a:00 All kinds NEIGHBORHOOD Garage Sale - 9:00-5:00, Satur- day, September Irth, 188 Erb Street East, Wa- terloo. (37) GARAGE SALE - Coilect- Ibles. electrical and household items. bicycle. Saturday, September 17th, 9:00-6:00. 108 Peppler Street, Waterloo. (37) antique “can. (37) GARAGE SALE - Two tami- lies. 9:00 a.m.-2:oo Im., Saturday. September 17ttt. 292 Sandowne- Drive, Watedoo. (37) September Irth. 9 oo irm_-3:00 D.m.. 49 Cut- pepper Drive, Waterloo Chesterhek: and chat lawnmowers. plus other household items (37) FANTASTIC Garage Sale - We need the room, clear- ing out - Sailboal, eight- foot wooden complete; Volkswagen Beetle front hood: hide-a-hed: chests ot drawers; small appli- ances; tires: auto parts; knick knacks; retrigera- tor; pictures; frames: hockey equipment; crib; sinks: lqys. Saturday. September 17th, 9:00- 5:00. Sunday. September 18th, 1:00-5:00. 10 Union Street East. Water- too. Absolutely no early bird viewing or sales,(37) GARAGE SALE - 120 San- tord Fleming Drive (Beechwood West). Pro- ceeds to Waterloo Chargers Peewee Foot- ball Team, (37) AN EXCEPTIONAL lawn saIe with a lame selection of articles including de- humiditier; humidifier: electric tam scales: car- pet sweeper, chiMren's voiding chair and table set; some toys: exercise bike: picnic table: flower boxes; garden tools and much more. Saturday 9100-300, 94 McDouga" Road. Watedoo. (37) OLD DOSHES. Odd cups and sauce“. "ver, " verphle and jeweuory Phone 885-2300 Itf) " Articles Wanted ot goodies HELP Couoctor “that to out: chat. 1 quantity ot HE 1967 SlVER CONS cm 699-5290. (37) (45) walpaytocouocoJluot ttointtoodcoetdttioet. BOOK EXCHANGE We Tmdq and Sol Comic Book. USED WATERLOO Chron- icle newspaper came: bags. Paying 't 00 tor clean (not torn) news- bags Walertoo Chronicle 45 Erb Street East. Wa- tertoo. 886-2830 ENE“?! Wfrtttd _ - .20 “out?!" - COMICS WANTED KNOWLEDGEABLE, Repu- PIANO WANTED - Hegard- less ot condition, Call anytime 669-2198 or 669-2280. tttl 16 Cars for Saie Phone 886-1 365 WANTED TO BUY a baby swing-a-matic in working condition. 885-3695 (36) CASH FOR GOOD quality antvques and collect- ables, One paece to whole household Complete es- tates handled. AI Jones, 664-2830 St Jacobs tttl CASH PAID tor old toys. comics. old cameras, glassware. post cards. figurines Tony Latrmer 578-7656 (H) WE BUY Used retrigera- tors. stoves, washers. dryers. dehumidifiers and an conditioners, Phone 578-3375 (tty I WRECKERS 22. 1981-82 Mercurys, Chevrolets. Fords and Pty- mouths. 1, 1981 Lincoln MK VI, 1, 1979 Cadillac. 1. 1978 Volare station wagon, 4, 1976-78 Dodge. Chevrolet and Jeep 4x4'sv 9. 1975-80 half and 3/4- ton pick-ups. 6. 1976-78 one and 2-ton stake, dumps. cab and chassis. 3. GMC one-ton with Holmes Wreckers. I. 1976 Pty- mouth as tow as S795.. stock 81868. Mighton's Car Sales, 6 miles East ot Hanover on No. 4 Highway. Phone Durham 1-369- 3136. 777 1974 BUICK Century two- door, V-8 automatic. power steering. Dower brakes. radio, b5.000 miles. $550. Phone 885- 0676. (N) " POLICE CARS, TRUCKS, WAGON, 414's 1974 GREMLIN. three speed, new radial tires, certified, $1400. or best offer Call 742-2284 after 600 pm. (37) table owner ot small an- tique shop wishes to buy household "ems rugs. silver, furniture. etc. 885- 2300 tttl 1977 PLYMOUTH Fury. tow mileage. lady driven, good gas mileage. clean throughout Call anytime 885-3689. (37) 1962 PONTIAC Lauren- tian. six cylinder. power seats, steering, brakes: very good condition Phone 886-4299 (37) TRUCK CAMPER for real Propane stove, fridge a furnace Sleeps 4 Will fit nicety on 1/2 too $75 00 weekly and special rates monthly 578-0992 1973 MAZDA BOB Wagon. one owner, lady's car, standard, 45.000 miles. new exhaust, new brakes, good condition. $800, Phone 885-3652. (37) " Truck Camper for Ron} " CG"! THE CREATIVE CIRCLE offers auatity Needle Craft Kits ChmImas Ms availabte. ask me how to earn free out: 886- 3108 " Rosina St. Noun 21 Business Opportunities PORTABLE TYPEWRIT- ERS cleaned. oiled. ado mated. was": to all makes. "raaortatN "tes. work quantum. Add- Type Business Equip- ment. 28 Bridgeport Road East, Watedoo (just down trom Towers) 885-2570 ttt) WORKING PARTNER re- quired to'assist In the management and devel- opment ot an exlshng business Business fully capitalized No invest- ment required For uncer- View write to Box WC- 362, Waterloo Chrooicle, 45 em East, Waterloo n21 tL7 (37) 23 Ageqts_ th YOU CAN earn good SSS selling Avon. For more information call 743-0421, BEAT INFLATION - Do you have spare lime? Earn S? 00-31000 m" hour We tram opportunity tor management 742-7572, Fuller Brush (AO) - No Investment - Immediate Earnings _ Must Have a Car - Start full or part-time. (39) Avon A Wednesday evening Woup tor 5 to 8 year olds, Math scales. story telling, and artistic expression en- couraged through use of Froebel's Gifts. Based on shapes of nature. Call 744- 6448. (37) EARN EXTRA money part- ttme as a Regal Sales Representative. Our Gift Catalogue us all you need. Write Regal. 939 Eglinton Ave E., Dept. 447, To- ronto, M46 2L6. (37) Learn through play, Tues- day attemoon play group. Music, craft and art experi- ences tor two to tour year olds. Call 744-6448. (37) QUALITY TOT TIME FINANCIAL PROBLEMS? NEEDLECRAFT LOVERS. Turn your hobby into money tSSS) Join my Creative Circle team. Putt/Part-Time. No expe- rience necessary. We train over 18, Call Joan Brooksbank 692-9216 or write: Site 27, R.R. #1, Lively, Ontario POM 2E0. (37) STUDENT Will babysn weekdays from a-od pm on; Weber/Columbia area, Phone 886-7408 26A Drnsmking & Alterations EXPERIENCED Seam, stress will do an alter alions. back to school pant leg narrowing. hams. cools. ole Reasonable Free pick-up and delivery 745-9282 tart MOTHER WILL Babysil lull or pad-time; as compan- ion to tour-year om Ex- cenent reIerences. Lake- shore area 884-5014. 25 Child Care WILL BABYSIY in my home. days or evenings. Stimulating and Davina en- vironment Uttiverttity ot Waterloo area. 886- 3108 Stop Worrying PHONE 743-5301 FROEBELTIME Sales Help, (37) (37) WAYERLOO CMONCLE. WEMSOAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1983 - PAGE 33 _"_rei"fe1_e"2"'dP"-".'u-- W e.te_e"2trMe.'L,-.a32-eastnstruesioo |45$onicu - 263 Tailoring D MICHAEL TREMKO _ Men s and ladies (allot. all kinds of tailoring and alteration. work done pro- tessionally, very reason- able rates, even Iapels narrowed 8236-6437(37) USE OUR Tailor or dress- maker. complete ladies" or meris alterations In- quue at Raggs for Men, Waterloo square. 886- 1250, ttO 28-Porsonals JANE'S HAIRSTYLING - Get your hair back into shape for tall Perms $23.00 complete. Sham- poo / set $5 oo. Sham- poo / cut / styled $6.00. Hennas $14.00. Tints $16.00. By appointment 744-8330. 273 Margaret Avenue, Kitchener, (Alt l CAKE DECORATING Les- LOSE WEIGHT NOW. Her- bame can help you reach your desired weight. For information phone 886- 3108. Starts again an September; Limit eight students. Call Bill Weinstein 886-2733. LADiES - Have your make- up protessionatly done in the privacy of your own home, by a aualitied, certified makeup artist. Call Linda at 884-8023 OUR PRICE List will inter- est you! Shampoo and set $5.50, shampoo and cut $5 50, perms $22.00 complete, (long hair extra), Introductory Otter" any adult who hasn't been in below. have a shampoo and set or shampoo and cut to: $3.50 (long hair extra?, Hens n' 'Chvcks Beauty Salon. 59 Menno Street, Waterloo 886-2733. (37) REQUIRED FOR: "All“! and m also WESTVALE and PINEMEABW Stained Glass Course ALCOHOL PROBLEM? For a helpful cassette tape send " 95 to Fireplace Publishing 100 Ctayttaif Crescent Downsvuew, Orr. iario M3J IW6, (37) Starting In September. small groups. morning or afternoon classes. three levels, 12-week sessuons Call Edith Beer 576-4095 (37) 104 ng Street "soutt-n. Uptown Watenoo Umsex Phone 884-6541 (H) Leona's Hairstyling FRENCH CLASSES sons - Learn roses, dai- sies. clowns, writing, botders. Eight weeks $45.00. September 26th or 27th. Peg Becker 678- 6752. (38) after 6:00 pm NEWSPAPER '" CARRIER .1. " you live in one or [new areas and would be interested in delivering newspapers on Wednesdays after I: 00 p.m. (applicants should be at least ll years of age), please fill in the application form and send it to our office. WATERLOO CHRONICLE, Att.: Carriers" Supervisor. 45 Erh Street East, Waterloo, Ontario NN 1L7 NAME...,,.., .rtt.r_"T' F'rr_ ADDRF2'sS.._.r,.,,,_e..r__,, __. POSTALCUDE -r_-.._e._rr_ __rFtw» TELEPHONE _ "N V _ . t T _ _ AGE . T _ _ _ (37) (38) Make that special occasion most memorable with a middle eastern dance pre- sentation. and a message trom Naiwa 744-1354 eve- nings. Itt) presents The Nicklaus Technique A non-aerobic trtness class for all women (prenatal, postnatal Included) Thurs- day evemngs 8O0-9O0 pm. First Unrted Church (bsnde Waterloo Square), Class starts Thursday. September 22nd thru Thursday. November 24th Instructor Kathy Ham- mend 885-4175 Small class so call ahead (37) 28 Personals IF YOU Are pregnant and need help. Birthright can be the link to the right people lust when you need it the most For tree and confidential help. phone 579-3990. (ttl 32 ICusircl Ins-J: ction DONATIONS OF Clothing. furniture. dishes to The Salvation Army, 657 King Street East, Kitchener. “Help us to help others PP For pick-up call 578- 3130. (If) BELLY GREETING For 3. 4 and 5 year old boys and girls - the elements of music are taught through movement, speech, singing. listemng and the playing of in- struments 579-5308 or 7422772. (37) Classes and private ses- sions available. Also in- slrumenl repairs to all makes. including piano tuning 886-0500 Joe Carto Music, 42 Klnq Street North, Waterloo Private piano and organ lessons offered, Theory courses also available. Call now to register tor tall classes 745-5165 or 886- 4305 (37) BASIC FITNESS VIOLIN TEACHER an cet tral Waterlw area taking beginners to Conservator ry Grade 8 For more tntormation please can 578-5212 (37) Piano, moan. guitar and gumov musac courses ttor chuldcen 4-?) Fatal now at Thwmaha Musuc School, 13 n9 South tat Erb). Waterloo 886-0101 ttO TREBLE CLEFF MUSIC STUDIOS MUSIC LESSONS MUSIC FOR YOUNG CHILDREN GUITAR LESSONS (37) EXPERIENCED auailtiod teacher at piano and theory tor all grades. chudren and attutt betpo- ners 742-1976 (39) PtANO LESSONS - Accu- rate teaching ot classacal and popular piano, over ten years experience WI"! The Royal Conservatory of MUSIC method. spe- cnallzmg m chudven and beginners 886-8835 ACCOMPLISHED Piamat and guano teacher taluug on new students In Sep- tember Call M6-2703 FREE 120 page Career Guide shows how to tran at home for 205 top paying full and part Mme jobs Granton Institute 265A Adelaide Street West. Toronto Catt (416) 977-3929 today (37) 36Educ-tion / Trade Schools 45 Services Everything done by hand: washing, waxing. interior shampoo, Cars, vans, iftce- ups. rentals. 312 Marsland Drive (rear building). 886- 1511 Open 8 00-500. Saturday till 4:00 The parking lot is paved tor your convenience (N) 47 Auction Sales A-1 CAR CLEANING Of Property, Household Effects. Antiques and Misc., at 177 Rodney St., (between Dover and Weber St.) in Waterloo for MRS. MARY B. KEESWErrER on Saturday, Sept. Mth at " a.m. PROPERTY: 3 bedroom red brick bungalow: built-in cupboard; full basement: oil heating: attached garage: on a nice size lot. on quiet street; in good condition. Property will be sold subject to reserve bid on day of sale, can be seen by appointment. phone 578-352t. Will be sold at I p.m. TERMS ON PROPERTY: 10% of the purchase price on day of sale. balance in 30 days or when possession is given. CONTENTS: Kelvinator across top freezer refrig- erator; Westinghouse 24 in. H.D. stove; chester- field and chair; swivel chair: 2 platform rockers: lazy boy chair and foot stool; Electrohome colour 25 inch T.V. set in good condition; table lamps: magazine rack; 2 end tables: Seamstress electric sewing machine; 6 wooden chairs; carpet strips: bedding and linens; 3 piece bedroom suite in good condition; 7 cu. ft. deep freeze; quilting frame and stand; Electrolux vacuum cleaner; tub stand and tub; Dominion deluxe washer: ironing board: aluminum roast pan; cabbage cutter: dinner set; odd dishes; glassware: pots and pans: aluminum cookware; small electric appliances; mirrors: lawn chairs. ANTIQUES: t round extension table: 2 captain arm chairs; smoker chair; Pequegnat clock: writing desk; painted colour glass picture; smoker (marble based) stand; marble based lamp: floor lamps: hall tree; foot stool; bonnet bureau; chime clock; dressing mirror: 5 piece bedroom suite with light in head board; vanity dresser; dresser; wardrobe in good condition - a real show piece: 2 matching stained glass dresser cabinets: religious pictures; small chest of drawers; old ash trays: extension table; cabinet radio; buffet: rocker: small table and drawer; fern stand; old chest; oak natural kitchen cabinet; iron bed: oak wine barrel; coal oil lamp; cellar table; rod iron baby crib; blanket chest; cast iron smoke stand; white toilet (iron stone) set; shaft bills; serving tray: wooden cheese box; cups and saucers; cheese dishes; plus other fancy dishes; copper tea kettle. MISC.: Garden tools; 3 in. vise; hand tools; extension ladder; step ladder; cement lawn roller; garbage can; plus many other articles not listed. PLEASE NOTE: This is a good clean offering -- not picked over, everything must be soid. TERMS ON CONTENTS: Cash, no reserve, owner is giving up housekeeping. Lunch booth on grounds. Auctioneers and Prop. will not be responsible for any accidents on day of sale. Auctioneers' decision wIiI be final PROP: Mrs, Mary B. Kicswouor AUC'I‘IONEERS: Orville Martin & Jim Martin A- Ilawkosvillo 699-5950 6996529 The service of two tor the price of our! Clearing Auction Sale (38) (37) RuSSttt" REMOVAL - Wad autumn. light moving. cleaning (buoomenln. can“. mm), odd .000. Jett Harding 884-2831 CARPENTRY AND Rat- ws. (mania ratttF, small 100: pretence. Phone 749-1510 Ito TREE STUMP REMOVAL Call G Schaefer 742- 4675 I tttt PAMTING And wallpaper- mg. Inlenor and extenor. over 25-years expen- ence Phone HA. Walkins 745-6738 ttf) TREE TOP - Tree Care Ali aspects ot tree maiote- l nance, fully auarrtied, fully Insured Free estimates plus 10% discount tor sensor cmzens. Call Greg 742-2026 after 6 00 (it) 312 Marsland Dove. Com- plete sharpening service all types. caatudes. circular and hand saws, scissors. clippers. knives. skates, lawn and garden tools Shop hours: 8 tyo-s oo. Saturday hll noon. B84- 5401. (N) " Auction Sam 20-Years experience Govt, Consumer licence WATERPROOFING SPECIALISTS Sonny's Sharpening LOW PRICES Work Guaranteed 745-7790.

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