Paar 4 --"""""'""--au---, WWW‘M)w&limtnM Mameachth-ywa 'oetootos" Mattt -eteoet by the WOW Mal Sneaky Sondhamrocum-uconapnzotormuuo uramtmmmnmtontoumahntptmbv "-tteorrGiiGiiiii". -- wusmuo emu-cu, "£va HWN 'JAZZ . BALLET . TAP NOW ENROLLING DANCE CLASSES l LEVELS IN piREcroii' IE;{i tle-tal I k-f, Ca) L 1 'i) 6) NWDANCE a ru Gor6x. Dupl- and Mural 1“wi Manna“ 500mm! poor growing conditions of the meant disaster for area game But. as entries m last week's M tural Noriety Flower Shou at clearly demonstrated. itls ham grvrn thumb down Some ai adults and l? children 3.50 untries in the "u-day shuw in Waterloo smw 189.? Follow“ award wmm-rs manual! 309mm! "aterior, Nu (My: M sore ‘hampmu Hos: m the. mun Mr, Juwph Andre, “41-min I V I HorticunurariiriG' overcome poor spring conditions homu- my»: Pl“...- REGISTRATION DATE; 884-5730 or isrsiuiass -"""""""'""""-----i IKULLING STUDENTS, AGES 3 TO ADULT, FOR ClklASSES FROM BEGINNER TO '9qOg:zrzCciri"2', At The Studio BOJANGLES DANCE STUDIO “warn: YOUNG omens DEVELOP" li-----,-,".--"":..:)""-",] JTCr'"rr"'r"r"rr- * We welqome you Lapin! the : to mew classes m Session. horn-I9 'erttftote. lot i, , MARGO tf,AeLr1-rrr'-shhrfii (C """"""""-------i-CauuiiU21'1'1 For More information, Call Us At flu. Immer - youd think the rm of the year would have ei, gardvning enthusiasts week's Waterloo Mortirul Shou at (Jun-stokes Mall itls hard lo keeu a good Wednesday, Sept Thursday Sept. trt tor mum [punk m children Hm l shuw an a Following ts STUDIO n 'ontributed the , 33 BMW ite E annual "vent H a list of all thr “1:04.1th "It " am! opt. 7th 3-9 pm . 8th 5-9 pm. palms In [hr flora; haul “no.†U haw-doc M ram-em Anal! Jamar Arne-am ___ - " Lnampmn Sons-- Gladiolus andg haudlum Maurluu “AW 'ueuearttarat hot-Id) Champion DAM-a m the show Mr, Paul Prott, lulrhvm‘r Waterloo Monk-lung! Ann-hm I' Sean um Aunt for an: AIM: Mallow) Kttchener “Merle. Mn! h Champum Spun-- Gladiolus Meal poi-tail- the and! 00-:th Mr, Paul Prott hurhrurl Mull . E., w.t0floo the "undying; u†Arne-nun. “an, studio TO 'skdrEiii%'N7d W ah-rlm; iearturrat mum and“, Bent Arraruteme, hocless “Wu-rs Ttetable l Luv“ 'rortrt, PlolrsMo-al horiru LIMA.) Tris, [or Ilte brand tor ttrr "In." Ar tor mum! “rand