Chemo“: Staff Mother to [nether stu+ and wagon on the goal of the yuan mothers who not together All 1956 w form the La Lethe League Nuts, 27 years tater. the orgimuuon u. still continuing to provide the MM strut? to new: In walnuts throughout the world Hanan [Joyner leader of the Waterloo La bet-he chapter was one of tive haul delegates to attend the math anuuni La Leone League lmrrnnuonal Conlewmw held July 24 Mi m Kansas City The conference attracted more than 4.000 people from 3) voumrwx. 1ncludsntt ttw leatyse's founders and literally tbousands of who Those who participated had an want) no amend a wide xttrtety of annulus. listen Us weaken or simply than: ideas on breasueedmg. child care and part-ohm: Breastfeeding fulfils many needs say supporters of La Leche League "It was wry north»: to meet people from all over the worm who share the same hawk and ideas abom lumbering r" and Poyuer, who tame but) from the nomenuon inspired u, vonunue w Nip other mothers and, at the same umamrmw her own pare-mun: skills "Seeing the founding mothers was an Inspiration and gives us encouragement to persevere .. The league was organiwd m 1956 by a group uf women who were alarmed by the number of young mothers who wanted to breastfeed their babies but were unable to because of the lack of Monnauon available to them, "Bouldeedmg was In vogue," explained Puyner, “and women who were trying to nurse the†babies were having trouble because they had no role models They didn't know how to do n ., The group began holding meetings to share Informal tron. support and encouragement with mothers who were interested in breastfeeding their babies The name La Leche League Ha) whay from the Spanish word meaning milk) was adopted and won league chapters began springing up throughout Canada and the United States, 'rili,"re"ai.e currently two chapters operating in Kitchener and one in Waterloo, and a new chapter is in the prone» of being formed in Kitchener While the league now provides information on childbirth, nutrition, child care and parenting. in addition to breastfeeding, its motto remains “Good mothering through breastfeeding" and its locus is on helping women achieve this goal, said Poyner, Members of the La Leche League consider mother‘s milk to be a nutritionally perfect food for human babies, one that has yet to be duplicated in man-made formulas Not only does it provide the child with a completely balanced diet, said Poyner. but it is also a source of valuable antibodies that help to protect the child against illness or disease, She added that breastfed babies also tend to suffer fewer respiratory illnesses. allergies. intestinal problems or skin disorders But while breastfeeding satisfies all of the baby's nutritional needs. it also fulfills his emotional needs as well, encouraging bonding between mother and child, said Poyner. "Buoding with the mother is very important," she explained, “it is a feeling back and forth between the baby and its mother - almost as if they are still one. still physically attached." . The Citnc Improvement awards are presented annually tor tmpr0ve- ments made to Residential. Commercial and Industrial Propem s m Uptown Waterloo, Improvements must be made pnov to August gOlh. 1983. Nominate yours Or any other property in Uptown Waterloo tK.thr Boundary Line to Universtty Ave Westmount Road lo-Weber St.) " A A A NOMINATION FORMS an available at: , Burt‘s Cum!“ ' “some Stamps (moan. WW Squaw) , Fauna mus! be satttotlttqd By $.91. tSth, '83 to be anon)“. A 't-trs'associartoN or warmoo 2tarrowN Now it’s time for your reward '"" pe" worked hard to Improve your property. lower-child bonding Im.oritatnt “I started to go to the meetings looking for information and support. I kept going to help other new mothers." Marian Poyner .6rTltNbt9t, m. WV. mm s. "" - maddedmnhnuucdbahieomdwhehrkru cry ie.a,steuratgyttecnusetttyartt?e9tte that. the mother, Keeling her warmth and kearha In hun- beat. On the more prune-l side. mothers who m their babies moot the convenience at breastfeeding. said PM" - .. _-. " _ " I 717M no preparation, it't, may. at the rittttt temperature. There is no worry about ceqtarninatioa, no sterilizing bottles and it's ver.tetree" Poyner became interested in the La been League when the Wats pregnant with her tirut child. "I started to so Ito the" meetings) looking tor information and support. I kept going to help other new mothers.“ ghe said, adding that working with roe mothers has provided her with I deep sense of an slu- "on seven years ago, Poyner sttuuified to become a leader within the league. first in Burlington and, for the past tour years, in the “(New Lt Lethe chapter. she was also recently appointed Assistant Area Professional Liaison for Western Ontario. As professional l'ullson, Poyner will be speaking to groups of doctors and nurses to acquaint medical personnel with the aims of the league, But it will also be her responsibility to help league leaders and mothers communicate with members of the medical profession in matters that concern breastfeeding. She will be backed by the league’s Professional Advisory Board, a group of doctors and health care professionals who serve the league in an advisory capacity and keep it up-todate on the latest research, Poyner stressed that members of the league do not give medical advice. Instead, she said, they provide information, usually a number of possible alternatives, that the mother can share with her doctor or members at her family. - "5-"w'éé'iin tell the mother what she should do We give her the information and let," my me. â€Mg-o gaidthat members ut the league do not want to (out their views on other people. -. . . "We help people who come to us We don't what people to come to our meetings," she said, “Some people have heard about the La Leche League in a negative way - that we're fanatics, really weird. We are trying to let people know that we're okay. We may nurse our babies longer but we don't say that everybody has to do it. We have found that it works for us and if you choose to do it fine - it not, that is okay." The local chapters of the La Leche tieague meet on a monthly basis. Meetings include a one-hour discussion, followed by free time tor those attending the session to look through the many books and pamphlets that are available on childbirth, parenting and, of course, breast feeding. -.- . . . I J A ...u, lmllla. Telephone counselling is also provided to mothers who need additional information. Annual memberships in the league cost $15 and help the organization to maintain its library of information on breastfeeding, The Waterloo chapter of the La Leche League meets on the second Wednesday of every month at a p.m, For more information, contact Marian Poyner at 11.860571 or Ronda Lrtrsinger at tttitiAr298. Touay's way to decorate at wholesale prices! INTRODUCING OUR CUSTOM DRAPERY AND RUSSIAN, BALLOONS. ROMAN, I AUSTRIAN SHADES FREE q WEIGHTS In CHAINS o CLIPS I BRACKETS o PARKING O DELIVERY , . CENTRE SPLITS COMMERCIAL CONTRACTS INVITED BRING THIS AD IN WITH YOUR OWN MEASUREMENTS AND SAVE 10% MORE. o 1tEttETiAtts . ROLL SHADES o VlSA I MASTERCARD o SHOP AT HOME SERWCE . H0 SALES TAX ,‘_ VlFrL 0230-0 mama: 470W Rd. W. 575-4370 (Ca. mu)