as. V. M. St My. A-ti', 1.3 ‘Ambassadors’ help Waterloo’s economic growth At the heart of “a -rioo's development strategy tv Gerry o'Neil a local man who um selected to be the tat.t "y but des Mop men! director Just a mm more than a year agov Will) a staff of one and a m! operating budget of 8107.000. it h (rNeil's job In mmu late both muslnal and commercial develop meat in Waterloo The word is magic Say “growth" around the city's politicians and they get a wild. aggressive gleam in their eyes. After all. these days economic growth is the golden apple of virtually all municipalities and Waterloo is as determined as any to see that it grabs its share of the pickings. According to O‘Neil more than one dozen new businesses “large and small - industrial. professional. retali" haw been itttracta<i in Waterloo in the 13 Chromcle Staff Motorists mum wmrnwd by the closing of University Avenue from Westmoum Road toErbStreet should be glad when that my According to officials of the region's engineering department the roadway, which has been closed tbr reconstruction since mid-June. should be “open any day new." It is aiso admitted that work on the {had my be open tor" tram: again this "DOV†on new â€30.000 University Avenue extensgqo from Erb street to Fischer-Hallman Road staould be completed within the next two weeks, The extension became a mwntwus issue in the city last summer when it cnmv up (or final prone! approval and residents groups from west-side Waterloo appeared before retwaaicmaeilareuiPebqtt!'ut.sueto' and against the roadway. Regional wan cinema voted 16 to six in favor of the pro) Extension open soon The regiuefs engineering department pre dicts that opening of the University Avenue eanskm will result in a sharp reduction in the number of cars using Fischer-Hallmap and Eat, Street. ---tHiEPAi, mumhf sun-e be orrstw At, ttell be p, W trauma huh another ugh! vacuum» Uh of when are based an! side Canada, w brute them WWCH) "Tho all “an be locating: m t_atterloo, but rm an napalm: that two or three win and WW] ly we will hare an announcement by year's end PT THIS WEEK INSIDE _ H all hath sen tsell iur ttse future of Water loo The philosophy o'Neil has brought w the business develop men! direcwr's posi than ls that a Make), per-wail appmu‘h to businesses is more ef [vane than tam ex pensue and nashy pro manom m trade pub“ cations Because of this, warden spend: a km 811M per new on des eUNteoeot activities, much less than most (mes of comparable me an the province O‘Neil h the first to admit that he sstt't solely responsible tor all the threst that has been generated amongst the interna Donal business com munity in Waterloo In fact, he emphasise' that the main ream tor ttw cit.v's were» is that development has become a "taut! com munity mun ,. "I don't think the Job of business develop man can be done in 'solatioo." said 1t'Neil "I need the co-opera lion and assistance» of new} businessman. every protetsional in the community. "My method of operation is not as a loner going for glory in in work quietly, with a lot of people No one has a monopoly on brains and ideas so the more people we have involved. the more ef fective we will be BN With this in mind the cit) launched its mm was is Growth cam paittn, asking Waterloo businessmen to be an official -ambassa dun†promoting the city in their dealings with outside business contacts. And, to encourage greater communion tion between local busi ness and government. in May o'Neil under --.gtEEraaC' (Conunued o" P59†3) Bicyclu, bicycles and mom New»... 0009“. a poke. auction Md in June, the property mom at the WW 809mm Police Hoodoo-non on Froduick Street in 00th i: jam-pm with ion! bicycles ot way an. shape and color. Human mm (M1), a months: qt Tum on Patio! and Ron Pulls 1righthyTiteit, lemurhml 'aTiiTGirri"aGGra iisd GuiV'iruradftiuiG tiruhit "imrirroiigttt to pone. headquarters - day. The panama, orhtlnaliy hind to protect can park. horn and-Mom, no now working to tuck down tho ownou of thou 100M butâ€. Terry "EPME " ON TRACK Pal mum