Promising future are among 38 Oatamo imnpovators in the group of 10 Canadians being considered for the $75.000 i1983 Eruest C Mannung Award Two professors from University of Waterioo Zip Zip Four fills the dance uf_!qpr UW profs nominated for Manning awards Coral Andrews Chrorucie Special Zip Zip Four is aptiy named This Jocal quartet is full of zip from their originals to current covers. each song exudes a ‘strobeâ€"light highâ€"tech energy & The four thrive on fastâ€"paced ingenuity . which is one reason they work so well as a unit The\ recentiy played the Waterioo Inn. to a sardine packed house. and the response was deafening . I en ivesd Pomesicanien nunninntnnionnie ts T Lip Zip bhas oniy been logether a year. and have recentiy had a personnel change David Cubitt 21. hailing from London, England. has replaced Trent Annetts on percussion and with his blond tufty attractiveness bavid is holding his own drumstuicks versy nicely Martin Wardâ€"Doran 2. csings a bit". which is his intelligible, but modest was of admitting he s Jead vocalist * Gary Hiltier. 20. operates all keyboards, and Mike Wareing. 22. eriginally from "luviey Liverpool . takes simultaneous liberties with guitars. both lead and rhythm Zip. Zip, like nouveauâ€" wave predecessurs Room of Foois, have an uncanny knack of filling an\ dance floor on contact. as hoards of impression able young dance enthusiasts pick up their feet and the modern pulse Zip Zip Four are partial to Blue Peter, The Spoons, Flock of Seagulls, and the ‘trendy‘ like, but their own material is the innovative plus. They have just released a single called Much Too Young/Dance the Night Away. through Waxworks, a local recording facility . The band feels the final effort is not quite up to perfectionist scratch; hence a slight consterna We feel the master copy could do with a bit of reâ€"mixing."‘ said Wareing Yet Zip Zip Four has reâ€"mixed their stage act, admirably Martin. who always had a certain naive ACADIAN UPHOLSTERY and INTERIOR e Reupholstering e Draperies e Furniture stripping and refinishing VISIT QUR NEW LOCATION We offer you guaranteed workmanship 18 years experience Very Reasonable Prices free estimates » pickup and delivery 4 eave 10 WYMAN ROAD, WATERLOO Alan Hale of the De partment of Mechanm cal Engineering hbhas been nominated for his author â€"concept of a self patenting manual while Murray Muo Young of the Depart R \o G e «y 8 «* i. s o?‘\ .s‘&-‘ ment of Chemical En gineering received ms»s nomination for his con vept of protein produc t‘an The Ontario res! dents being considered for â€"the. award were chamnsma. has improved tenfold in stage pres ence ~ He sways, smiles sweetly. and ‘steps it up‘, in good company with noted contemporaries, as rest of Zip Zip follows in "zoot" suit The most amazing fact about Zip Zip is their quality material. For such a young band, musik potential looms infinite Zip Zip has already amassed a grand local following and the number will increase as more lucrative venues appear They are a regular act at Wateriov‘s Manda rin Duck. but are going to open up for Toronto‘s TBA on Aug 70 TBA is an extremely,. stark. talented avantâ€"garde conglomerate. and likely these Cambridge ‘blokes" will give them an eclectuic run for their money But al} Zip Zip Four are learning the Canadian music game and they are making calculated moves carefully True, they may have burned in past endeavours. but this is to be expected when businessmen wish to make resounding profit from a sparkling new talent such as this Alt four have the right attitude. a modernâ€"music must. but there is one musical mustâ€"not. ‘Synthesizers can be done with talent. It all boils â€" downâ€" toâ€" not jetting | the synthesizer influence you. You cam‘t let it dominate you. If you rely too heavily on it, it‘l! get monoto nous .‘ "Like Thomas Dolby , or the Thompson Twins, the ‘synths‘ basically become computers," claimed Wareing Local talent seems to be flowing like an ostentatious river, from Room of Fools to Stones clones Sticky Fingers, and Zip Zip Four fit skillfully into the main stream of things. A police constable may take into custody, any motor vehicle used in an offence against the Highway Traffic Act or the criminal code, where an arrest is made without a warrant. He may also seize any motor vehicle without proper plates or any motor vehicle apparently abandoned on or near a highway . Did you know that SEIZURE QF MOTOR VEHICLES 475 King St. N.â€"Wateriqo innâ€"Luncheon Mon.Fri. 11:30 a. m.2 p.mi. Licensed under LLB.O nominated for their in novative concepts, proâ€" vesses or products in a wide variety of dis ciplines The innova tions submitted for consideration range from a remuteâ€"con Soup, Selad & Sandwich Bar gets you all you can eat _ for as long as you can walk 25 at lunch trulled blimp to preâ€" vention of strokes, a geostationary com munications satellite, an inflatable artificial leg. and a membrane filter for counting food bacteria The Ernest C. Man ning Award is present ed annually by the Er nest C. Manning Awards Foundation, which was established in 1980 to promote the recognition and en couragement of inno vative people in Canâ€" ada Nominations for the 1983 Award closed on March 31, following a nationwide advertising and publicity cam paign by the Founda tion to solicit entries While there are no specific categories for nominations, innova tors nominated | must have shown outstand ingy talent in conceiving and developing new concepts, processes or products of potential widespread benefit to Canada. Such innovaâ€" tion may be in but not restricted to the bioiogâ€" ical (life) sciences, the physical sciences and engineering, the social sciences, economics, business, labour, law, and government â€" and public policy. Innovaâ€" tors nominted for the award must be Canaâ€" dian citizens resident in Canada and must be nominated by two or more people. WA TERLOO CHRORNNCLE . wEDNESDA Y 1E Dl#4 7 & 9 30 p.m. Mat. Sat. & Sun. at 2 p.m FRIGHTENING SCENES M'so'“bgflqiflhn’!aflo'm?fl.. 2 Shows Nightly at eJt 2 Shows Nightly at 71 & 9 p.m MA T. SYUN. AT 2 P.M STARTS FRIDAY AT aomï¬mema’efs MAT. SUN. AT 2 P.M 2 Shows Nightly at 7 & 9 p.m. Children Box Office Opens at 8 p.m Show Starts at 9 p.m. . NOW PLAYING AT BOTH THEATRES HELD OVER AT BOTH THEATRES 13 & Under Free ( AsSS AVGUST 3. 1983 â€"â€" PAGE 16 HELD OVER 2 Shows Nightly at 7 & 9 p.m. MA T. SUN. AT 2 P.M HELD OVER 2 Shows Nightly at I 7 &9 pm. M:.\D.iiy at 1 30 p.m 2 Shows Nightly at 7 & 9 30 p.m Mat. Sat. & Sun. at 2 p.m SORRY NO PASSES 2nd Hit Twilight Zone Box Office Qpens at 8 p.m Show Starts at 9 p.m. Children 13 & Under Fiee YHMMAODON + Yifigsee~ W‘mm' g : Course (Oeramur |