Classical guitarist Paut Binkliey will perform in the Music Room 37 Young St W in Waterioo Wednesdas . August 3 at : 30 p.m Binkley. a native of London. Ontario. current Iy resiges in San Francisco where he has vtudied music at San Franscisco SNtate University and theâ€" Conservatory of Music â€" in addition to several) sojo appearapces in the San Francisco area. he has performed a wideâ€"ranging reper toire from medieval to contempory music in a Members of the Just for Fun musical group including {left to right) Peter Schmidt, Rita Muelies. Miltt Satchel, and Shirley Coxon entertained visitors to the Wagonshed at Doon Pioneer Village on Sunday. The group, from the Strattord area. performs several times yearly in area nursing homes. Pat Arbuckie photo Binkley at Music Room THE WMRF "FOR A HARVEST OF THE SEA FEATURING: «. 11 Yanetes of Fish & Chips (including Hakbut) & Clam Chowder » Back Bacon on a Bun HAVING FUN, TOO RESTAURANT vamety of chamber ensembles His most recent appearance was with the S.F. Contemporars Music Players at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Wednesday‘s program will include selections by â€" Frederico| Torroba, â€" Villaâ€" Lobos. Lennosx Berkele\ and Fernando Sor Admission is $10. Tickets may be obtained at Kadwell‘s. Sam‘s record shops or by calling 886 1673 19 days, ths summers most poputar . tour‘ Marâ€" uwmes sightseing 5 days in Newtoundiand Aug. 3. only $1058 twin Aug. 1. 6 days $359 twin Montreal and Quebec 21 gays. Bantt, Caigary. Vancouver, Victoria. Yet towstone Park. Many in cluded | stems _ Fabulous signtseemg! Aug. 15. only $1258 twin . Lake Superior Circle shows. . scemc . beauly mountain cratts A repeat of our June sellâ€"out 10 Gays Aug. 12, only $499 $650 twin CALL TODAY tor your FREE copy of our summer catalogue (mtariw‘s Larges! Travel Specialist for the over 30 $345 twin Kelley‘s Country $259 twin Aug. 26. 4 days Aug. 6. 10 days Sept. 5. 6 days WATERLOO O © Fantastic romvor m AMP J E D u J A, 2 Shows Nightly at 2 Shows Nightly at 7 & 9 30 p.m 7 & 9 30 p.m Mat. Sat & Sun. at 2 pm. Mat. Sat. & Sun, at 2 pm FRIGHTENING SCENES SORRY NO PASSES NOW SHOWING 2 Shows Nightiy at 1 &9 pn MA T SUN AT 2 P HELD OVER 2 Shows Nightly at ? &9 pim» MA T SUN AJ 2 P.M 0 ( LASS .. ENTERTAINMEN T PHONE 6790740 STARTS FHIDAY AT HOTH IHFATHES m UeNANTIWIL â€" Mat. Sat. & Sun at 2 pn HtLOD OVER ' 2 Shows Nightfy at 7 & 9 p.m ‘ Mat. Daily at 1 30 p.m Jnd but Lone Wolh McQuade Box Office Qpens at 8 pm Show Starts at 9 pum Chnidren 13 & Under foes STARTS FRIDAY ud bit Twilight Zane Box Office Opens at 8 pan Show Starts at 9 pum Cluidren 13 & Unider free STARTS FRIDAY a #AR a V t rasuey