PAGE 30 - WATERLOO Ct4RONtCLE. WEDNESoAY. MAY 11, "N 45 Scuba: " Sonic“ - as Sonny: Get your car donned tor 3.01th now' Interiors cleaned. exlenor cleaned and washed, done by hand, lame cars $25 oo. medium $19.95 Una" $14.95 By appomlmem only tMMV 1511 3I? “amend Dave (veal) Open 8 00-5 oo, Saturday In" t 00 ttf) PIANO TUNING Joe Carlo Mum Landed. 42 Km Street North, Wa. A Residential Cleaning Service Broomhilda will dust your knick-krtacks and furniture. sanitize your kitchen and bathroom areas and vacuum your home lhoroughl) from top to bottom Broomhilda is bonded and insured against breakage and theft APPLIANCE REPAIR - PLUMBING AND Heatrng- Errue Snow .5 Apphanu: Lucetwed gas-ell iumace Rena" at a once you can ', Louvelsoon, 'PI-years ex» afford Evemng appotnt- [ penance. custom shoe! ments available, no oyer- metal. chomneylmers. gas lune charged Discounts pupmg, plumbing atter- tor semors Refrigerators. anons. bath, kulchen. washers, dryers. stoves, showers. tatater heaters etc Gait anytune 745; 142-0006 (20) 9240 (N) PAINTING AND Wattpaper THE BUCKET BRIGADE Tidy llcidi Clcuning ficrviccs " e'tt Make I (Iran '"reee of an. 742M1 A-1 CAR CLEANING unduco-ud tor mu ovo- mg. small vepaus to walls Reasonable rates, teler ences. tree eslomales Dennis Kuby 742-9357 Book now for coming season Free estimates Schnarr’s Landscaping 893-7464 WW 893-4339 FOR ECONOIICAI. NONE CLEANING Ask about our slit-Hal mhuvsas & tirbtut"t 8&5. "przriii,,_ © iEf ) 1rj, 5d, " _ Cfl5/ SPRING " LANDSCAPING LAWN CARE PROGRAM Weed Control, Fertilizing Insect Inspection, Government Licenced, Fully Insured BROOMHILDAS Call For Your Free Estimate Introducing K-W's Own 743-7371 Ittl Tidy Heidi provid d) of wrurcs p pmmplly. "mrs courteouUy by sun-d and bond" Eco-on) senior oral tidying clcir dsstnferttrtp, of yor Pull Scnin- - A rimming of your teuaranteed to sh rolling to floor ttt) o Courteous Expenenced _ Stan . Petsonallzed Sennce o Very Competmve Rates to Dgscounts tor Senior Citizens . Fully Bonded and Insured tu. "nu-who‘d lbwru" can be purchaeod at the tol|owing atoms em St." wâ€: -- Wutmoum Pharmacy WW! Plaza “Blane Tobacco a Variety ‘King St. s. Carry On Book: Kletg St. N. _'sts , senior . A 11:, ch-amnu w,ofyottr hes out“. Plan - RUIN. Harlot Lexington Plaza Waterloo chroma. XIIâ€. Market King St. North Powell’s Varhty Klettt 81.. Waterloo Purim Pharmacy 31 30 Quick Tritfrrktttr idesavari performed "entiy and I fully In shim Short Stop Store Holman-Em St. Plaza " home. thorough home A Kr y In vrsun from " Ettt tbt.r. ROOFING AND Std-no, as- phalt stttrtgltog, general repa"s, metal roots. chimney (spans and hrtees, Slam and general cootracttog 742-0006 Ray’s Painting References. Nealntss and cteaniimrss assured, To Trial Balance Ac counts Receivable, Pay, able and Payroll. Sever al Yea rs Experience BOOKKEEPING 312 Marsland Drive. Com- plele sharpemng setvoce all types. carbides, circular and hand saws. scussovs. clappers. kmves. skates. lawn and oalden lools Shop hours BOO-5'00. Saturday lull noon 884- 5401 (It) Eight years sewing K-W area Spraying done by owner/operator Located on gravel road Open dauly 800-6 oo. except Sunday Can 886-5850 (21) 6iL SPRAYING PHONE 699-41 93 CERAMIC REPAIRS C a S JANIIORIAL Ser- vuces - Complete pan-[onal serwce for your home or busmess Prompt and courteous set vice guaranteed 885-1454 o 'w" FENCING Summer s commg' Call us now tor a tree estimate q was 0 PATIOS o MAN‘S Gaivamzed atumtoum also sotht and lascsa Cleaning and [evens Free est» mates We also clean mn- dows Gerry Chapman 745-4018 (22) Eavestroughing Unusally low interior decorating rates Call now for free estimates Bathrooms and kitchens our soecnalw Call 886- Ken: PEh8,'g WTERIOR a EXTERI Siiiiiimliiiiiiiiiiiiii Call†In Pammg - efttctttrtt. insured Special Rates tor 894-3366 after boo p m 579-8711 (20) (N) ttt) 45 Services Repaired & Rebuilt Be sate, not sorry. Free estimates and tulIy insured. Wrtttehthgotatiootg I and Guaranteed _ 742-2834 ONLY Regular Prices 2 Piece Suit $5.20. . 3 Piece Suit $6.20. . Pair of Slacks $2.60 10:m$5.20..... uuuoamv OPEN muons M. an. Ba, Sun. a W " no AM St. PM Plu- ialuotoc SporuCoatt2.6o...... \f/ CLEANERS Beat The infiation 15% off on all dry cleaning, every Tuesday Summer Memberships . (_"',')))) "riiiiiiiity Same Day Cleaning Service From Monday to Saturday Alterations a Repair: Done By Our Professional Tailor 3‘65 as am a. w. - all Plus (we. My PM m) “4-1340 ___----... 55 ERB ST E - WATERLOO (3 months) 4680mm zo-Yea rs experience Govt. (insumer licence WATERPROOFNG SPECIALISTS LOW PRICES Work Guaranteed Tuesday Prices 745-7790. $4.42 $5.27 $2.21 $4.42 $2.21 "tt.tettt to New Location Heintzman Piano, "trtrt'tsttett - Sherlock mane - Manning piano retittiatted - Willis "ttiniatterd, Each delivered 995. - Students piano 295. Motzan, Good tone and action SSS. delivered Household rubbcsh, bulky articles such as stoves. mattresses and bicycles not normally picked up during weekly reluse collection, must he placed at the curb by 8:00 am, on the day of your regular collection and Within the above mentioned dates If collection IS desired by City of Waterloo Works Department Commercial and mdustnat wastes, trees. stumps and building construction debris will not be accepted. Call 886-2310 tor further trtformattort, Others to choc†trom Pho- 669-2280 or “9-21.. 2m-ioetttetmir-aatttt-ete- Prior to this on the same day at 3:00 pm. there wilt also be a plaque unveiling cemmony to mark the designation of the Nixon m. a board Lang batten To the unveiling of the plaque marking designate of - the _ Spydor-So-gnm iiaa/u City of Waterldo Landmark. A brief ceremony will tah? glgce on Feet, in} Tiiiil,"tiraa at am 9.01. at stt Albert Street. “Banger Laddmark at St Norman MAY 16th to MAY 20th, 1983 ON YOUR REGULAR GARBAGE DAY INVITES Mi, INTERESTED ClTlZENS ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD RUBBISH COLLECTION HERITAGE LANDMARK Village Piano Shop - not“ LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY PIANOS OI SALE! --CCAyr WATE - AN {“94 15R of The City of Waterloo JD WILLIS, P, ENG. COMMISSIONER OF WORKS