Ilka“: Jams-h; - 13AM“ @WYwmm FOUR FAMILIES Garage Sate - Saturday, May um. 9:00 am. ram or shine. 39 Roslm South toft En: West). Waledoo Refreshments, 75 Dat- sun B-210. ttres, mags. demo. electromc equip- ment, records, car and motorcycle BCCesSooes, black beattterette bar. ski racks and totes. Iabnc. household Items. sheet music. sale IO halter wedding dress and Wat, books and office sate. YARD SALE May 14. 1983. at 68 and 70 Amos Ave, Walertoo. 9 wm to 4 pm. “ems Include la- dies small bicycle. dishes. snow tires, skis, large tent, and many othel MOVING SALE - 247 Bet- tehaven Drive, Waterloo. Saturday. May 14th. 8:30 tt.tttA.00 pm, Includes: refrigerator, chesteefieM, LAWN SALE - Saturday- First “dun truck all “summation“ Motiunsuommbut trtNtrthatamourttirtctwr DRIVEWAY SALE - 193 Dougias Street, Waterloo. Saturday, May 14th, 9:00 imtttoods, has ot Books 6928 are: 5:00 am. (18) BARGAINS GALORE - IODE , 176 Rippiewood GARAGE SALE - Saturday. May Iatn.tr00irmr-1 30 p m Ram or shine, Sever- al Iammes Crvbs. tugh- chars playpen, strollers Trecycles, bicycles Baby car seats, miscellaneous baby equnpmem Toys. games, books, koddie pool cumbets. sand box, swmg Children s and adult clothing. shoes Hu- moduher aquanum. televi- s:on shdrng doors and frame Area rugs Fishing reels and tackle Hou- sewares Phone for de- lauls pluses 8B6-16t3, 88532716 348 Analolin Place Waterloo (19) GARAGE SALE - Thurs- day-Freday evenmgs. May 1243M. 500.900 234 Amen Street. Waterloo Books, fabrics, "tisceoa- neous Items (19) GARAGE SALE - Saturday. May mm. 900-600 D m . 337 Lakewew Drove. Waterloo Many house- hold and cottage Items. also tumnure (19) GARAGE SALE - Saturday. May Nth. 9r0O-W00. 57 Pmemeadow Crescent. Waterloo (Westvale Meadows) Baby adscles. toys, domino. turmture. ttttshes and other house» hold Items Bargain (macs (‘9) GARAGE SALE - May plus many good misceita- nevus items. (19) Sunday. May 14-!5th. 9:00-8:00 Corner of Mackie and Hamel tott Bridgeport/Lancaster Streets) Anymmg and everythmg (I 9) Crescent (Forest HI"), Kitchener. May 14th. 900-200 Proceeds to cttarety (19) DRNEWAY SALE - Friday 5 30-830. Saturday ttroo-a00. voz-A mm Dnve (Bluevule area) Rain date May 2tF2tst a.m Two families All items excellent quality um, 9'00-2'00 Good mixture. toys 100 Blue- vale Norm. Umt 28, Wa. tattoo (19) (19) (19) It91 NEIGHBORHOOD Garage Sale, Saturday. May mm, 9_00 am West- court Ptace, Walelloo (near Westmount Place Plaza) (19) GARAGE SALE - Articles large and small. netgh- borhood sale. about eight tammes Keatsway and Mailman Road area, Wa- terloo Saturday. May 14th, 900 a m -4 oo o m f 19) WE WILL Start a garage sale on Saturday, May um. every Saturday and Sunday, the rest ot the week by appomlmenl only Good used furniture. electrical Wances and antiques I saw an ad In the paper it lead some come by car. some by lruck.some walk .ldon‘l care how you come but bong a little money, make me an otter ll tts too much I WI lell you. if ts too little l will surely tell you. Art Snyder, Regmal Road 23, Route l. West Monlvose Phone 669- 2460 it9) GARAGE SALE - Hand- made qums, bedspreads. atmost new hand made baby mobstes and more Slat blinds one-inch. one- year old. 28-by-62 Inches Brass wall mount- ed. 20 doutAsgiotre light fixtures Man's 3 “4 length leather coat. - Sale - 188 and 190 Em Street East, Saturday. GIANT YARD Sale - Some- ttung tor everyone. Satur- day. May latte. WOO am -5:00 0 m 12 Hicko- ry Street West. Waterloo Weather permuttmg (19) 400 pm Clothes. troot role! skews, hobby kits and lots more tttN NEIGHBORHOOD Garage Sale - Lynnbvook Cres- cent and Place Furmtere, Children s clolmng. lamps. skates. toys. star- well raiuogs and other househotd Items Satur- dar, May 14th, 900 a m -†(19) GARAGE AND Bake Sale - Saturday. May Nth. woo trrrr-d:00 pm 19 Dew" Avenue South. Waterloo (19) BEECHLAWN DRIVE - 323 and 325, Saturday. May Nth. 800-400 Double mattress and metal frame, carpet and underpad. Ielewswn converter. floor Polisher. toys, baby equipment and more (19) GARAGE SALE - Chest of drawers, chandehev. la- dtes domes. old books. games and many other household ttems Satur- day. May um. WOO- 2 00. 179 Vermont Street, Waterloo (19) GARAGE - FLOWER sale. att hands of beautiful pe- venmal plants Very cea- sonane Filthy and Sat- 42 Small appliances Avon colleclibles. Double box spring, Bedding. dishes. Tupperware and miscellaneous household items. Mo tune, Cash only Siaturday, May IAth, 9:00-5:00 Rain date Sunday. May 15th 111 Blythwood Road. Water- loo (between Hazel and Weber). (19) " Ania“ Wanud GAS LAWNMOWERS Wanted. not nec-arity m working condition. Phone 884-1484 ove- ndngs or weekends (28) urday, 1318 Thmman Drive. Cambridge Phone 653- FIRST SYOPGuaoeSde~ We his your tirst Mop OLD DISHES. Odd cups CASH PAID for old silver and gold. beer trays, guns. swords. old toys and toy soidiers. old tur- niture. 578-7656. ttf) " Articles Wanted BEER TRAYS. CROOKS. tumiture. china. violins. pianos, watches and docks. estates and any- thing antique, Phone 669-2345 (If) CASH FOR GOOD quality PIANO WANTED - Regard- less at condition. Call anytime 669-2198 or 669-2280, ttt) 16 Cars for Saks USED WATERLOO Chron- icle newspaper carrier bags. Paying $1.00 tor dean tnot tom) news- trags, Waterloo Chtomcte, 45 Erb Street East. Wa- tertoo 886-2t930 KNOWLEDGEABLE. Repu- table owner ot small an- lnque shop wishes to buy household uterus rugs. silver. furniture etc 885- 2300 (m awe). Coke restaurant Eymp WI. golf bag, oames:somegoodcinssy writ. nickel baskets. m" croacopeitworoom rugs. green and hot pink. household anthems. 1000-4200. 555 Elm Ridge Place. Watertoo (Glen Forrest to Glennene Crescent. totiow bal- loons) (19) Queen spin-wast»: (port Nth. min or same Three Truck camper tor rent Propane stove. fudge 8 furnace Sleeps 4 WI" m meelyon 1/2ton $7500 weekly and speoal rates momhw 578-0992 PORTABLE TYPEWRHA ERS Cleaned, Oiled. ad- posted. moans to an makes. reasonable rates. work guaranteed Add- Type Bus-mass Equnp- ment. 28 Bridgeport Road East. Waterloo (Just down from Towers) 885- 2570 (m 20 Typewriter Sales 18 Camper tor Rent 1972 LINCOLN Conhnen- tal. good condmon, must sell. St .100 or best otter Phone 886-2684 (19) antiques and collect- atges. One piece to whole household. Compete es- tates mated. At Jones. 664-2830. St. Jacohs.tttl WmTER-Couatyorator Non-fiction. no salary share royalties Send re- some and ten page samp- le of wrmng, which writ not be veiwned to Wine: Box 8053. Kllchener N2K 236. (20) Log mum yard supero- tandem. enoeuenced on scribed “Ned method Mutt Be mghly audited Salary commensurate with -ieoce Also a» petioncod tog buudets Cattd03-458-a855 (19) 22 Help Wanted Get you! nu In gen lulu A wall: It Services I." 1 Oh. Ind: tttl NEWSPAPER CARRIERS Mallow-5 c5" “an“ . Indus Ui 23 Agents tk 22mm 22me 25 Child Care 268 Tailonng USE OUR Tailor or dress- maker, complete lad-ea or men s alteratioos In- quure at Raggs tor Men, Waterloo Square. 886- 1250 (m EARN A Healthy part-time income. Be a career per- son and a homemaker ShakIee offers the best ot both worlds. Work at your own convenience. For ap- monument Call 885- 4733, (V9) D MICHAEL TREMKO does all kinds of tailoring and alterations. even leather. Jacket Iapels nar- rowed Reasonable 886- 6437 (19) Avon 0421 BABYSITTER Required for weekends. close to Em and Regina Streets area Call 885-0567 (‘9) ENJOY MEETING new peopIe. use your personali- ty to make same SSS If you live in one of these areas and would be interested in delivering newspapers on Wednesdays after 4:00 pm. (Applicants should be at least .11 years of age). please fill in the application form and send it to our office. WATERLOO CHRONICLE Att: Carriers' Supervisor. 45 Ert, Street East Waterloo. Ontario N2J 1L7 FIND OUT how to have healthy hatrt Perms $22 00 complete Sham- poo. cut. styled $600 Shampoo. set $500. Hennas $1400 Tints $16 oo complete By an- poontmenl Jane s Han- stylmg, 273 Margaret Av- enue. Kitchener. 744-8330 taltt AN UNWELCOME Preg- NAME . . " . . . ADDRESS . . . . POSTAL CODE PHONE . . . . . . DONAT'ONS OF Clottuog 28 Personals Make that special occasion most memorable mm a middle ttaqterrt dance pre- senution. and a message trom News 744-1354 eve- SINGLES MINGLE And meal whistling "and; Wednesday and Thun- day evenings at The Ltiirttt Room Phone 8854861 tor iotormatioo BELLY GREETING nancy can be the biggest personal C'ISIS ot your Me Blnhnghl can We Phone 579-3990 fttl turmture. dishes to The Satvatlon Army. 657 King Street East, Kitchener Help us to help olhers For peck-up can 578- 3130 (If) â€tapioca-now Sales Help Required tor: Avon Call 743- (N) HENS N' CHICKS Beauty Salon. 59 Menno Street, Watedoo. Call today tor your appointment. 886- 2r33, (N) det Tutoring EXPERIENCED Teacher of piano and theory for all grades: children and Mu" beginners, Phone 7424976 (23) 32 Musical Instructions BYERSON HALL One month specual tor spring clean-up Inside windows. walls, kitchen Hoots washed. floors va- cuumed. also other ser- vices available Special rates tor semecs 742- 2093 (22) 45 Satvioes Become a proiessronal Transport DING! Call us now Merv Orrs Tramp. port Drwer Trarmng School, Cambridge. 519- 648-2519 (19) Elemental shmol‘mg Call today tor tree eslwnale and unspeclcon Compare 00' rates and guarantee 743- 4495 (N) PAINTING And watWaper my. mionov and exterior. oval 25-years upen- ence PhoneHA Winn: 745-6738 (N) 36 Education Trade Schools TOPS ROOFING CARPENTRY AND Re- paus, reasonable rates. small gobs preferred Phone 749-15!0 tttt Sparkle Maid Service Professional Hairstylinm for men and women.‘ 104 King South, Wa- terloo tacross "out“ Watedoo Senate). No appointment neces-; sary, Open Monday tol Friday. 9-6, Saturday. All Subjects by protessaonal teachers Students to Gr. 13 Eight yous m K-w'nm, Protaudoml work a! slu- danl price: Call Paul Mom-y 685-4092 (22) (Waterloo) Tutorial School IMI Student Paint." LEONA'S HAIRSTYLING PHONE tetraAi541 88441 TO AGE WAYM ME. MY. MAY tt. "e-- LAWN CUTTING - Very reasonabie rates Water- loo area only. Phone 886- 5953. (20) FURNITURE Rehmshlng and restmahon. hand stripped. qualny work- manship. tree estimates Phone 576-2898 Itt) OUAUTY ROOFING and insulahon We spec-aim? in probtem solvmg. no tob too small Call 576- 1029 ll 9) McIAVISH S CLOCK Pe- pau Shop - Specializing m vegan and compiete over- haul of antique clocks. protosstonat "ammo Free estimates One-year guarantee 884 » 7031. 9100-500 (It) DRWEWAY REPAIR Sen woe - Asphalt sealing to Diesewe and protect your atone", also hot asphalt repairs M2-205t (H) Comolele chip repairs. te- fbrt'tatt'trtg or cotot changing done in your home Five- you guarantee Free as- ALL PLUMBWG Repairs _ 125 Union E., Watuioo (otter elpues June 30 /t53) 'éhnamoce HWY. 24 Scum of am Coricrete restoration, recaulking. pointing, brick replacement. waterproofing. ao years continuous service in the _ k-W area since 1952. CAULKING & RESTORATION tETTtEAt0rEtSt0tWS DOITFMYWLALL BATHTUB REFINISHING m hollow and so!- - hushed Punting and doom-lino Catt Bob 576-2974 Itf) Servicing and Repair l, PHONE 885-51 " For Mat Care -- All Work Under Warranty; LAWN ROLLING One-Ton Roller Telephone 884-8289 $135 iiiiin H.B. GLAZING 623-7670 885-5830 with M coupon Call Installation Speeitttists IN CAR AUDIO All) ACCESSORIES on all your 0ltlf ALL REPAIRS GUARANTEED KEN ERTEL LTD. ELIJROI Tich? Can supply A1 references. " Roger St., Waterloo 576-7342 ltr) (21) Green 742-6624 Garden rotottaioo, sonng clean-up and seasonal maintenance "We do it best. tor less". Call Zowe lmevior and exterior paint- ing. wallpapering. Residen~ tial and commercial. 18- years experience. For free estimates. call 742-8065. Spring Garden Special HLAVCA PAINTING Book your appointment now! Average home garden under $15.00 Phone 885- 1893. Praisaiooat repairs) to " makes and modem, 25- years experience Phone 742-9024 ttt) HAVE YOUR Dehumidifiers and electronic tttr cleaners serviced now' Pick-up and delivery available Phone 886- 4420, 7 (21) RENOVATIONS - Reliable work. reasonable rates New additions. roofing, chimneys. fences. porches. palms. Carports. cement work. cottage re- paws. recreartoo rooms. fireplaces or what have you? For tree ttttttmates, phone Tom 745-3253 RUBBISH REMOVAL - Wall washmg. Ilgm movmg. cleaning tbasements, garages. antes). odd tobs Jett Hatdmg 884-283! Appliance Repairs HOME Rertovattorts, "NI- sonably paced Plaster. drywall. painting. sprayed cenlings. etc, “No lob too small“ John 885-2378. iqupJLS-OlO? l?!) ROTOTILLING TREE TOP - Tree Care All aspects ot tree mainte- nance. tully quatttied, quy insured Free estimates plus 10% discount tor some: caucus Call Grog 742-2026 utter 6:00 tttr A-I YEAR Round Tree Servtce - Maintenance and removal lnsuced M H Kesselnno a Son, Ktt- ctterter Phone 576- 8531 (ID 00L SPRAYING - New and CHIMNEY SPECIALIST _ Cleanano immune and chimney $35 oo. chan- intt chnmnay $3000, used on. dulled and plugged Rick tr Rust Pro- leclnon 6564644 itt) among fumace $25.00 Any type ot chimney "" Built, buck. mock. "yttgttt- mo anus, fireplaces Qualaty workmanship Ask noon! our guarantee Call 744-2‘52 after 3 00 (19) (21) (211 t21)