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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 11 May 1983, p. 28

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Phone BBB-2330 r--Church --| 6 Property for Sale BEAVERS. CUBS - Em- manuel United Church, 22 Bridgeport Road West is organ-2mg a Beaver- Cub group tor boys ages 5-10 tor September 1983 An mlovmahon meellng for parents Is planned For further amok matron call the church. Dave Pritchard 886-1471 mommgs (19) 1 Coming Events & Announcements WATERLOO PARK "e Four bedrooms. ongmal oak Mm. deep lot, four rooms m basement could be Income apartment 3105.000 884-834? SERVICED LOT tip-hy 121. corner Weslndgn and Thorndale Phone 884-3715 or 742-3070 Fri May IS. 7-9 pm Sat May 14. 9 30-113 m FIRST UNITED CHURCH King A Walluam. Waterloo (19) Onlano polled Hereford Club show and sale, Markham Fatrgrourtds, Saturday. May 28. 1983 Show 1030 am Wel- come to dmner and dance at barn. Foday evenmg at 6 00 p m Catalogues, Box 35. Canymg Place. Onlano. KOK no It9) RUMMAGE SALE Ontano Simmeotal Clasmc Sales. Friday, May 27. 1983 Bull Sale 2 pm Class-c Sale? pm Barre Fairgrounds. Same. Orr lane For Catalogues conlact Ken Levy, Box I559. St Marys. Onlano MOM 2V0. 1-519-284 2063 (19) Mule! polled Hereford com- mete daspelsal I? noon Monday. May 23, t983 Large cows with calves. open honors. buns Cam- bcoes allude Lloyd 1001 am Waterloo Christian Reformed Church SUNDAY SCHOOL all Mes 9.30 a.m. and " am WORSHIP SERVICES "t38 am. and 7 pm nanny is prmided I: in“ you to our ”on“ no We at the Great Hall Conrad Grebe! College Weslmounl Rd North In. w Valle! Berg youIMMMola "nttgatirihtrrmitte mum. Rev. Ma rd Pollex 915am » £3un “I. Chatsworth. NON tao, 519-794-2173 C-MG-F-st (IN! Services MESSIAII lIlTIIEIIMl Att Welcome In! Athdt Bible 1191 (20) 4 Property for Sale CONESTOGA LAKE - Fur- nished two bedroom cot- tage for sale Phone 885- 3695 (19) TWO SMALL Omces for rent In Waterloo at 99 King North $190 month- Dy. one year lease Phone 8t36-6441 (22) 9 Apts. for Rent ATTRACTIVE Cape Cod style home, separate apartment upstairs. close _to universities. carport. private drive, 368.900 Phone 884-4 545 (19) 7A Office Space Avaiiable Close to Conestoga Mall 2 bedrooms lk, bathrooms En suite Luxuriously broad NORTHFIELD GARDEN or for appointment call rental office 8856602 or residence 884-6860. loomed throughout Must be seen to be ap oreciated OPEN HOUSE Monday 2-4 p.m. Thursday b.1644 pm. Saturday ll a.m.-3 p.m Sunday 1-3 p.m, 168 Wissler Road One and Two Bedroom Apartments Now Renting Rental Office and Model Suites OPEN Mon . Wed , Ffl. 11-3, 7-9 Sat and Sun, l-4:309m 55 Cavoline Street, North. Waterloo MALE ROOMMATE Want- ed tor three-bedroom house an Westvale Mead- ows Pleasanl ttorroortd- mgs. very reasonable veal. close Io shopping. trtansportation Own room Share amines Nor-tOtter panned Phone 868-8928 me: 5:00 pm (18) off North“: Id Dr, East SB Shared Accommodations CAROLINE MANOR or 8884302 Weekdays, 8 arm-4 30 D m During Rental Office hours itow asmmc Country style setting in town Call 885-4011 " ts “m "$.96 Quiet. Adult Accommodation Waterloo Water loo " " Amide: for Sate CANADA'S Lowest price Satellite television sys- tems Complete pack- ages, Western Satellite Supply, Saskatoon Phone 14506-9344 701 _ Dealer inquiries wel- come (15) WATERLOOS 125th Anni- versary Souvenir Edition available tor $1.00 at the Watetloo Chronicle. 45 Erb Street East, Waterloo 886-2830 W) Used. excellent condition, soft wood. longer lasting. easner cutting and spiking. A-A Landscaping 884- 3622 (24) Bought and sold. top prices paid. Encore Records, 297 King Street East. Kitchen- er 744-1370. Ito VINYL REMNANT Clearoul V Variety of no wax vinyl tloor covering: all first quality Call 8B6- CARPET REMNANT Clearoul. variety of colors and sues, all first quality Call 886-4080 Itt) 1974 MOTORCYCLE - Ya- maha '500‘ with lacing. Twin overhead, Electric start Good condition 669-8685 VACUUM CLEANERS - One with powerhead. one without powerhead. both like new Phone 743- 9055 Itt) L.P. RECORDS RAILWAY TIES WATERBEDS Complete. fully guaranteed. any sue $175 Call Tom 886- 3606 after 400 p m (It) WEDDING INVITATIONS _ 10% on Irst once mclod- mg announcements. ser- toettes. matches. etc Jam s Ouuck Pnnl Shop. 330 Gage Avenue, toch- enel itt) POOL SALE - Manutactur- ers clearance on above and mground pools. many models at tantasttc saw mgr. Shop (Sued 1-A16- 522-1414 . (16) FINE WOOD and cork floors tor restotattorn or renovahon hom Lotth- ouse Woods Inc 'Sales and Sevvuce. 1-853- 50 ROLLS 01 his! quality carpets trom $7 12 squave metre or $5 95 sauave yard Marten s Floating Mart, 2900 King Street East, Knchener B93-2900 Daily Woo- 900 (19) Why buy used or pay retail prices when you can buy mu quality Ortttoposture mattresses at factory direct prices' Also custom sues made to order IN STOCK Carpet and no- wax vmyt "trooms clear- ance Phone 893-2900 MATTRESSES WATERLOO BEDDING 4080 21 All." Bt. W001. low to In 1-5 M ., tt91 (19) " Artie) for Solo CATTLE MANURE for sate $25.00 per heaping pick- up tructotut, $4.00 for wheelbarrowful. mm 3 wheelbarrows Will wheelbarrow toads In backyards tor extra $15.00 Topsoil. sand and gravel $25.00 per load 578-0992 INSURANCE - Auto, home. apartment trom a mayor insurance company Dis- counts tor sate drivers. tow mileage, mull:- vehicle. retired adulIs. newer homes We make house calls 57B-7656 RENEW YOUR Old clock CHILDRENS And ladies clothing trt new condition. some as low as 50t Call B85-3064 t21) SUNRISE MICROWAVE Cooking School f DISCOV- er skulls that mil enable you to confMentiy cook tull-ttme In your ma- crowave oven Day and evening classes Call 884-3008 (ll) with new quartz move- ment Do-it-yourself pnees as low as $15.00. Installed as tow as $1800 Canadaan Stand- mg Clocks. 272 Woolwoch Street North. Kitchenet (Brudgeport) 743-3291 Dress Prints . Gifts . Antiques . Collectablcs o Consignments Broa0clottt Poly/Cotton . Come an and browse or bung in your amcles for sale THREE GENERATIONS or ovum! CUSTOM MATTRESS MANUFACTURING TREASURE HUNT u mum» SI VHS! WQIEIIOO 743-3219 576-61 TO " Union St. E yd. (19) ttt) " Anidu for Sale PROTECT YOUR Chimney from gas fumes deteriora- tion. Guaranteed chimney liners. Free estimates. Phone 579-3905 Itt) cTAssmzo DEADLINE " TUESDAY, 1 1 ”a. CATTLE MANURE - $2.50 per bag. tour bag min- imum. 576-7169 Pro- ceeds to Bridgeport Lions Club (20) NEW 1983 Bargain Hunt- ers Guide Over 199 On- tario factory outlets to save Famous brands Catalina, Cougar. Dansk. Borg and Brampton Mall Send $535 (Includes tax/ttandkog) to Odwer Enterprises. Dept W-5, Box 2173. Cambridge NSC 2V8 (22) Engine He-Build Parts, Gaskets, Starters, Genet- ators. Water Pumps, Clutch/Pressure Plates, Manuals, Mufflers, etc Canadian Farm Centre. 301 Princess Street. Wm- ntpeg, Mammba R38 IM4 Phone (204) 942- 5I95 U9) co-tgt-ttHt-mt' ht With Iona-up or put- chat: at a new Toro or Cam lawnmowev at onrdeo mwtpmernt 20% on who: on mac-ups. tor month ot May. STEEL FROM OUR FAC- TORY. Manufacturer has all steel buildings at lac. tory durecl savmgs lo you Gtterent sues are avail- able from 8 wnde to 80 wade Example 32 A 50 Regular pnce. $6528. cost to you, $3956. " A 60 Regular once $9744, cost to you. $5846, 46 x 90 Regular pnce 515.030. cost to you. 39518. 50 x 140 Regular once 525.900. cost to you. 316.540 All budd- mgs complete with heavy gauge root and stdewalls Custom door and walls and accessones available al special discount onces Muacle Span. lust m steel buildings. call l- 800-268-i2 (19) OVER 150 Carpet rem- nants in stock trom as low as $12.88 each Manon‘s Homing Mart. 2900 King Street East, Kitchener 893-2B0o Daily 9.00- 9200 (19) 579-4400 Hows Mon -Wed Bai. Sat 9-4. tor customer convenience Open 9-9 Thurs. & Fri, WALK-IN Indoor-outdoor trmuttt For sale or mm Call ”@9447 am" 6:00 pm tun MANS COM Teo-speed bicycle, lame size Phone tttMr-tras tun can we trtt0FESstthihLS an LEW FIRST! 623-7610 145 Carolina St. Watetrtoo BUYING A TRAILER? 'EAMBRIDGE HWY 24 South of 401 " Artidcs for Sale FOUR SOFA Chaim; coffee table; sofa bed; kitchen table and tour chatrs. industrial air conditioner Phone 886-5795. (19) TAN LA-Z-BOY Chair with vibramr. heat element. Two black vinyl and chrome bar stools Total $7000 tm6-2618 (19) MAN'S SUITS - 46-Tall. tan and tight blue. recent styling, exceuent condi- tion Phone 886-1223. KITCHEN TABLE and tour chairs, Two living room lamps Baby's pram. " good condition 885- 0351 _(19) LONG COUCH And Chair. green/brown plaid, res- sonable condition, $5000. Hercules moped and helmet $850. 885- 4938 evenings. (19) BRAND NEW Honda Pass- port C-70. never used, asking $800, or beat otter. Phone 57641097 LESS THAN Half-price. Traditional Sklar cop- pet/gotd brocade ches- tertield and chair, like new. $500 885-4486. BEDDING PLANTS - Hobby-grown award win- ning annuats, perennials. herbs. tomatoes Starting Sunday. May 15th. eve- nings 7:00-9:00, week- ends 10:00 am - 1:00 p m Bong carrymg boxes 59 George Street. Waterloo (19) DUKES OF Hazzard pawei cycle Child s DICI'HC table Bag ot grrl s clothes. size 6 886- 1998 (19) CONTENTS OF House - Furniture, appitances, In~ tants "ems. dishware. etc Must sell Phone 8844508 (19) sot SLIDING Windows, all with alummum storm win- cows. one 36-by-61. tour ati-by-M. one 36-try-29 anches Phone 885- 3651 (19) CLEARANCE SALE - Used REFRIGERATOR- FREEZER Side-by-side door, trostless. 32-by-66- Inches Phone 743- 2242 (19) lune card racks $15.00. sound screens $9000. sude chants and steno chairs $1000 up. used mural tilmo cabinets 57900399 oo, small storage cabinet $79.00. double pedestal 30-by-60 Inch desks 5110, smote pedestal desks $85.00. shelving $89700. large chalkboalds $50.00 up New Ming cabinets $59000 up. slam chairs $69.00 up, snngle pedes- tal desks 375,00 up. dou- ble pedestal desks 't9fN00 up, electtomc portable typewriters Smith Corona Olympia 6695 Arm "New $89.00 up; bookcases $49.00 Lockhart Office Supply Ltd. at Weber Slice! North. Walonoo 885- C (19) (19) (19) (‘9) " Articles for Sale ANTIQUE Love seat, Victo- rian, newly recovered, Antique oak church pew Phone M5-402d (19) COLORADO SPRUCE Trees - 2-4 feet, '10.00- 32000 each. also smaller sizes and evergreen seedling. 1-369-5382 or 1 -986-20 74 (20) Avauabie year round, Cut and wrapped to your speci- ticatiotttt and delivered to your home, $2.75-pound Call 1454-8251 (22) VACUUM CLEANERS - In- vesl your Income tax money wisely Make lite easier tor yourself. buy one of our beautiful, mod- em vacuum cleaners, new or reconditioned Also floor and rug Conde lioner for all your servuce needs at no service charge. Call Joe ' 3652 (ll) CHESTERFIELD AND Chair. like new, Ping- pong table, like new Win.. dow air conditioner Lawn umbrella table and cover Scandinavian three-seat sofa; also two-seat sofa. suitable tor recreational room. 885-4024 (19) MOFFAT STOVE, 30- inches. $75.00 Chrome oval dinette set with tour chairs $7500 Phone 884-2174 (19) BUNK BEDS, good condu- hon kitchen cupboards Avocado rug 8-by-12- feet Air hockey game 884-3377 (19) FABULOUS Ptatt push- button sewing machine specual$599 Demonstrar tors from $299 Hurry ms! a law tett Call Kay 885- 1365 (19) Fresh Ontario Lamb FIVE-PIECE Bedvoorr suue. walnut. best otter Boys three-mecca beugr 50" Sue 14 Boy s "We? piece suit 3019 IP, blur 884~74 " FIVE-PIECE Beoge mnem- suute with round table, excellent condmon $175 Two-piece velvet cheslemeld, newly uphol- stored. $300 576-2507 (19) YARD SALE _ Sunday, May 15m. ttll day Comer A m o s A v e n u P, a n d Churchill Street. Water C too (19) SATURDAY and Sunday May 14-15th, 8 30-3 oo 64 Elam Closcenl, Water loo Two 14-inch cttronw wheel discs. tires. horse collar. was. camping and fishing equipment elec tric ironev. bi-Ioid doors games table. portable sauna. "one: Men and sway-bars. electric type- writer, clothing, pcwellew. tur mote. curlains and much mow 13A Garage Sales Used steel adluslablo shelvmg, pallet rackmg hand panel trucks, safety ladders, lave exlm gunshots. storage cam nels Love's New and Used. 254 Adelaide St s, London 681-??54 Mom-Fri 9-5. Sat 9-IY (19)

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