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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 27 Oct 1982, p. 41

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tldtt In. Vanety Parking Lot 347 ERB ST. WEST Watqrtoo For More Information Call Ralph Bean FISHER Am-TIGHT Stoves FRANK'S FLOORING has moved their showroom to 5-D Paulander Drive. Kit- chener. Come in and see our display of ptank and other hardwood tioorirtg. all kinds of vinyl Moring, broadboom, ceramic tatall and ftoor me, Phone 744- 4671 or 884-4825. (43) CHILD'S CROSS-Country ski package: shoes size 3, skis {Heel long. asking $2500. Lady's downhill 'shi package with boots, 5W-foot skis. asking $60.00 Air Hockey 5-try- 2yc,-feet asking '50.00, Phone 884-1481 _ (43) " ARTICLEQ '0. “LE SNOW TIRES On rims: one pair 65043; one pair C 78-14; good condition $25.00 pair. Phone 576- 0755. (43) 39-INCH MATTRESS. Box spring and legs. in good condition $80.00 Phone 885-0416. (43) [1mm CROSS COUNTRY Ski package, Call 885-2963 after 6:00 pm. for de- tails (43) CHRISTMAS GIFTS - Child's rocking chair: small suitcases: card table with tour chairs: brief cases; typewriters: tooitr. plane; power drills; wrenches: small organ; many other items. 884- 4861, (43) BOAT - 14-teetatuminurit and trailer. 8700. or best otter. Sailboat 9-feet styroloam. Seasnark, $75.00, 88a-6224 eve- nings. (43) ALL SIZES Up To 40 Pounds ALL PRICES .350 up Discounts on Quantity on: 11 m PI Friday, thate 22 to Saturday, October 30 (except Sunday) at ott season prices. Call 886-5850, (43) 140W,Avo.£. wwmm. 885-1711 mud”! FREE Manhunt” ON SALE QUALITY CEDAR MATERIALS 1 x4 .39 ft. House TmlGroove PORTABLE TYPEWRIT- ERS CIeaned. oiled, ad- justed, repairs to all makes. reasonable rates, work guaranteed. Add- Type Business Equip- ment, 28 Bridgeport Road East. Waterloo (just down from Towers). 885-2570. mm " CARS FOR SALE 21 BUSINE$ OPPORTUNITIES 20 TYPEWRITER SALES & SERVICES CAREER m Trucking - Ttanspondrivetsnoeded Train now tor your Class A licence. Write: Mere Orr's Transport Driver Training School, P o, Box 3186. Cambridge mm 486 (42) " ARTICLES WANTED OLD DISHES, Odd cups and saucers. silver. sit- verplale and iewetlery Phone 885-2300. W) CAREER IN TRUCKING - Transport drivers needed. Twin now tor your Ctass A Licence. Write Merv Orr's Transport Driver Required to new in the management and develop- ment ot an expanding bud- neee. Business fuly capr- tatiEetd. No investment required. For an Interview. write to: Box WC-3f8 We. Iedoo Chronicle. " Erb Street EAtrt._thttttatr1tttr. (511) KNOWLEDGEABLE, Repo- table owner of small an- tique shop wines to buy household items: rugs, silver. furniture, etc 885- 2300. (it) 1968 FORD FALCON. As is tor parts, Phone 888- 7579. (43) OVAL PLASTIC BATHTUB PRIVATE COLLECTOR paying top cash price tor old siIver coins. Phone GARAGE SALE - SI John SNOWBLOWER WANTED, Phone 885-6579 aner 5:00 pm. (44) USED WATERLOO Chron- icle newspape' carrier bags. Paying $1.00 tor clean (not tom) news- bags, Waterloo Chronicle. 45 Erb Street East, Wa- tertoo. 886-2830. BEER TRAYS, CROOKS, furniture. china. violins, pianos. watches and clocks. estates and any- thing antique. Phone 669-2345 (tin) In GAME mu Training School. PO. Box 3135. Cambridge.' Him 436. (43) Saturday. October 30th. 8:3tF2:tt0. Everything in- cluding the kitchen sink. (43) wanted. three to rtgtt feet 699-5298. clothes. tore, drapes. ‘0va SALE - Every- thing must oo, something gets. puzzles. clothes. automotive accessotios. Debi items, etc. 180 Bridgeport Road East. Wetedoo. Friday 3:00- 9:00 am. Saturday 9:00 am. - 4:30 pm. (43) October Mth, 10:00- 2:00. 666 Canovood CW. WW. (63) who! 30th. 9:004:00. 94 ole WORKING PARTNER tart (43) (‘3) " PERSONALS BELLY-GREETING Let a bony dance! deliver your special message to your Sun." Dancing tor any occasion Call Naiwa 7444354 evening; (to HOUSEKEEPER - 16 Years experience. For last and enicienl work call Mary 884-7354. (43) 27 LOST a. FOUND ELEANOR'S ELECTROLY- SIS Studio - Permanent hair temovat using the "Blend" method. Special rates tor Seniors and sludeme 60 Ontario Street North, Suite 3. Kitchener. 743-3531 or 88A-3876, (46) WRISTWATCH FOUND on William Street, Waterloo. Phone 742-2143. (43) JANE'S HAIRSTYLING. 273 Margaret Avenue. Kitchener Shampoo. cut. dry $6.00. Shampoo. cut. so! $800. Chudten under 12. "oo. Perms from '22.00. By appointment, Cal 744-8330. 24 EMPLOYMENT WANTED LEARN To MAKE Iamous Yule Logs and nine other special occasion recipes. Send self-addressed, stamped envelope tor tree dots“: to: Mrs. K's Kttctt- en. Box 418. St. Thomas, Ontario NSP 3V2. (43) 25 CHILD CARE MATURE. Responsible. educated mother wouId like to live-in babysit white parents away. Ret.. erences avaitatge. 884- 2705. (43) King Day Care Centre Full and part-time opeqings tor preschoolers. Hours: 6:30 am, - 5:30 pm Phone 884-6701. tart 26A DRESSMAKING & ALTERATIONS QUALITY SEAMSTRESS - Custom made sports clothes. dresses, suits. Hemming. alterations, other requests. Phone ‘ Thimbtes" MB-7036, USE OUR Taikyr or dress- maker. comptete undies or men's alterations. In- quire at Raggs tor Men. Waterloo Square, 886- 1250. tttr THE WORLD'S Ingest beauty company is look- ing for goods who want to make good "may For more information call 743-0421. DRESSMAKING AND AI- leralions; no pattern re- quired; any kind ot Euro- pean styles. Waterloo North. 884-3084 after 5:00. (43) auuumrur 268 TAt LORING " AGENTS & SALES HELP STANHOME tNCOR- PORATED (Ionnerly Avon Doug Shut. "not"... Ontario. att3; 354-2155 9:00 am. - 12:30; 1:30 - 5:30 pm w. a... I“. a! ed, Phone 884-8345 Stanley Home Products) has openings tor career minded homemahers as salesperson. Flexible hours, full [mining proviov TELEVI- (44) (43) (43) PROFESSIONAL TEACH- ERS Tutoring, Protea- sional buildénq. all sub- jects, kindergarten to Grade 13. Study meth- ode, research skills. ample free parking. 88% 5420. (If) IN DEPTH Comprehensive assessment. Diagnostic and associative 9109mm- ino and suggestions pre- sented to parents and school Counselling. ptsy therapy. tutoring. Educa- tion! and Family Ser- vicss. 119 University East. Watevloo, 884- 2221, tm DONATIONS OF Clothlng. turmture. dishes to The Salvahon Army. 657 King Street East. Kitchener "Help us to help others _. For mck-up call 578- 3130 M) M TUTORING IF YOU Are distressed by a possible pregnancy Birth- right otters tree preg- nancy tests and practical help. Phone 579-3990 PIANO LESSONS - Experi- enced teacher has open- ings for adults and chil- dren Rate: $4.00 - half hour. 885-0130. (44) " MUSICAL INSTRUCTIONS Receive personalized re- sponse and Christmas keepsake button this year. Send your child's letter to: North Pole Productions. PO. Box 1571. Station C. Kitchener. Ontario. En- close return address and $5.00 for postage and handling. (50) QUIT SMOKING! tt you really want to. call D.R.S. Clinics 744-2141, Four- week Courses, protes- sionally supervised: (If) warm famous Yamaha teaching method tor begin- nets and hobby organists. New groups starting imme- diately. No registration tee. Phone now! Yamaha Key- board Centre. 13 King Street South, Waterloo. 886-0101. (47) " PERSONALS ANYONE INTERESTED in marching in a competitive winter co-ed color guard. Phone 74443893. (45) SUNRISE MICROWAVE Cooking School - Discov- er skills that Witt enable you to confidentially cook lull time In your trtt- crowave oven. Day and evening classes. Call 884-3008. (43) LETTERS TO SANTA NEWSPAPER CARRIERS ORGAN LESSONS “name canoyucu. 'tEtMtEt5DAY, moses " ma - PAGE qt ”NH-"1m autumn I unmet: Camus -ttrauasottt-ery "r wanna-I E manna: nun-am , - 't"qttett"ta.d8N$1-t NAME...... ADDRESS... PHONE..... " you live in one of these areas and would be interested in delivering newspapers on Wednesdays after 4:00 p.m. (Applicants should be at least lt years of age). please till in the application form and send it to our office. WATERLOO CHRONICLE Att: Carriers' Supervisor. 45 Erb Street East Waterloo. Ontario NN 1L7 (ll) Everything done by hand: Simortizirtg, shampooing. interior. exterior: cars. vans, trucks. realms. 312 Marsland Drive (rent build- ing). 886-1511. Open 8:00-5:00. Saturday till noon. ttfl ALL PLUMBING Repairs " Crumbling calla! walls, noon. rockfacing sealed and refinished with a tan- Iaslic Epoxy chemical um terrprootiog process Guaranteed work. PROFESSIONAL TYPING of Thesis and other docu- ments. Call Rebecca 886-1 168 tor efficiency. dependability; reasonable rates. Watertoo area. (44) 45 SERVICES ACCOUNTANT AVA!L- ABLE for Iutoting; ac- counting and related sub- Wcts. Phone 885-4121 . M TUTORING TUTORING _ MATH. Grades IO, ll. 12 and cr Phone 884-2641. 37 BUSINESS/OFFICE SERVICES 312 Marsland Drive. Com.. plete sharpening sewice: all types. carbides. circular and hand saws. scissors, clippets, knives. skates. lawn and garden tools. Shop hours: 8:00~5:00, Saturday till noon. 884- 5401, (N) A-1 CAR CLEANING LEAKING, DAMP. MUSTY BASEMENT? BYERSON HALL toners Buddha. Painting and decanting. Call Bob 576-2974. (m Private School (Watenoo) Tutorial School Students to Gr. 13 Year Round tryttroFittetattoaet- EVEMS AND SATURDAVS I on 2 HOUR SESSIONS mvuoulu. OR GROUP ALL SUBJECTS Sonny‘s Sharpening 745-7790 or 744-9996 tttM-fit, TO .AGE. (44) (45) ACCOUNTANT AVAIL- ABLE to assist in the I precaution of cash lore- casls and budgets tor loan app6ictttioets. Phone 885-4121. (44) FREE ESTWTES PHONE 884-7570 to all makes of Refrigerators, Ranges. Washers. Dryers, Air Conditions. WE BUY I SELL . McARTHUR APPLIANCE SERVICE Aiipliance Servie BASEMENT “SPARS most malor brands Evening Appointments Available - We Buy and Sell Used Appliances - Tidy Heidi Cleaning Services JERRY 88560624 WATERLOO WATERPROOFING Full Service - A thorough cleaning of your home - guaranteed to shine from ceiling to floor. Ask about our special Requests & Emergency services. t1tMha1 an Fuuy Guaranteed REPAIRS & SEIVIGIIG e Sodding and Pianting (large trees) e Lawn Maintenance . Retaining Walls - timber a Stone e lnteriocking Paveatones e Playgrounds e Structural Waterproofing e Snow Removal f "MIMI STONE _ . & GARDEN INC. >27: :2::.. LANDSCAPE DESIGN ' CONSTRUCTION 743-2946 ,ffilfe ouAuirg,CARE CUSTOM REByOVATIONS Hum-wot REFRIGERATORS & STOVE [FITR3 9 00-500 RESIDENTIAL a COMMERCIAL FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL - _7 TSM. ENTERPRISES CALL 885-1 562 specializing in (47) Tidy Heidi provides a vari- ety of services performed promptly. efficiently and courteously by fully in- sored and bonded person- nel. Ecooony Servlee - A gen- eral tidying. cleaning and disinfecting of your home. To Trial Balance Ae- counts Receivable, Pay- able and Payroll. Sever- al Years Experience Approximately 2-hours drying time Will pick up. clean and deliver smaller area was up lo 9-by-12 size. BOOKKEEPING CHIMNEY SPECIALISTS - Cleaning fireplaces $32.00, Cleaning chim- neys $30.00. Any type of chimney rebuilt, brick, block Retaining wane. 'irtrplaces. Ouaiity work- manship. Ask about our Ftve year warranty. Call 744-2452. M PHONE 699-4193 CALL 744-0138 PROFESSIONAL anytime 894-0571 KITCHENER (519) 763-2300 (43) "

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