Over to of "Ontarios “not dealers featuring country furniture, china and glassware. military collectables. New members sought for Ventures clocks. tools. Jewellery and nostalgia will be lectured at the Flesh- erlon Fall Antique Show and Sale Oct. 9-11. The show will be held a; Grey Highlands Girls, aged 2r and under who are interest- ed in the performing arts, are invited to join the Ventures Drum and Bugle Corps. Profes- sional instruction is provided for music, dance, singing and choreography in prep- aration for the group's 1983 summer tours. No experience. is needed. secondary kchobl with weekend admission 81.50 for adults and thy,' “yr children free. The show will be open 10 a.m. to 10 [a.m. Saturday, noon to 6 p.m. Sunday and Monday. 10 a.m. to 6 Saturday's dancing and entertainment runsfrorn6pan.mttii1 am. and tickets are $4.50 per person with proceeds going to F9" Antics!» The Children's Inter- national Summer Vil- lage Waterloo County Chapter will be holding Seagramhaus Festhall during Okotberfest Sat- urday Oct. 9 and Men day, Oct. u at Sea.. gram Stodium gym. lily. Oct. u from to All. to t “a. They tum hmmdon of In only settler Thanksgiving dinner, erlrmtrtaettm ot tmteas, sin may the shoe- litter in the as: Boot and 'um-s Shop from Waterloo and wood- working dxrmonstra, ttgets My. F'lesherton is 38 miles northwest of Or- angeville at the junc- tion of Hwys lo and 4. - ReiGiia71 u VIII-3&9. Inâ€. f'i :WI any a will _h .. “humon- For further informa- tion, call 7453802. CISV holding C ..toberfest ARE YOU A SENIOR CITIZEN? tht. iiGit LGil, o GARDEN WORK, etc. Call PROJECT S.H.I.N.E. - STB0930 o CLEANING o COOKING If You Would Like Some Assistance In the Home with: ', hom ADULT RECREATION CENTRE The Alfred Kunz Singers of Kitchener- Waterloo under the di- rection of Rum, is now accepting applications in all voice sections. This prize-winning choir of 20-30 voices sings a wide range of music including com- positions written by the director. Anyone who is 18 or older is wel- Frank Ruszer, a ca- reer counsellor with University of Water- loo's coordination and placement department will give a talk on "How to identify your skills and sell them to an employer," Thurs- day, Oct. 7 at 2 pm. His talk will take place in room 313, Humanities building on the ww campus. for the children. date- ing and ouch-ms: load. Malls are " 12-18 you: $8, and under " 81. Tickets for both events my be unbound at the door or at K-W â€that omee. Joining Gilder on the slate of offiéers were Bob Bryson past presi- dent, Ray Beaudry president elect. Chuck Identify itttt skins At the regular meet- ing of the Twin Cities Kiwanis International Club recently Bruce Glider was installed as president. per-90 m Looking for "SW 31099"? Sch Cadet Corps War. spite Invites all inter- ested boys and girls aged 12 to 19 years to attend a parade night any Tuesday evening from T until 9:30 pan. at 330 East Ave. in Kitchener (beside the Kitchener Auditori- um). For more Informa- tion, call 885-1711. fortmtrqitthtqgmtthtet ciiithTfriioua- ira. 576-81 431‘ The, Royal Catttr.rtowartet-t._troaar-trxmttts, mama-mum. EAVESTROUGH CLEANING Gilder prez of Kiwanis o SHOPPING o LAUNDRY nt P.8tt p.1n.'nnd all meetings tenure sump Mu, In auc- tion. and an! speak- The Board of Direc- tors includes Wait Boehmer, Dave Wil, son. Armen Alexanian. Ed Janzen, Steve James, Don Hagen and Don Carnahan. p.m. with a special tree-planting ceremo- ny at 2 pan. featuring Mr. Hamid W. Wagner and Mr. Jack Bean, the first principal of the school. A re-union so- cial will be held from 8-10 p.m. Richmond treasurer and Gard Wilson seere- Smitty. a .'","gin','ll m. is hold 1u'lttl',1UtrSt ' .Mnt . M’s Church-lull. Wagner wolild like to invite former pupils. staff and friends to join them in the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the opening of their school Thursday Oct. The Iiheumatoid Ar- thritis Patients' Sup- port Group will meet Tuesday, Oct. 12 at 7: 30 pan. at the Adult Rec- reation Centre, 185 King St. South. Guest Speaker will be Mari- lyn Marven, Physiottr erapist for the Arthritis Society. For further in, formation call mm or 893m. reunion The students and staff of Harold W. Watpepublie school Open house will be from 11:05 a.m. to 3:45 Arthritic Support Gloqp Saturday. Oct. 9th - 8 a.m.-Noon Pick Up Areas: A. St. Agnes Area - Area enclosed by Bridgeport Rd., Weber St., Lincoln Rd.. and Expressway. B.St, Thomas Area - Area North of University Avenue. C. Lincoln Village - Area enclosed by University Avenue, Conestoga Expressway, Lexington Rd. and. Bridge Street. Further information. contact 885-5255. â€we“ AUTHORITY Laurel Creek Nature Centre and Adult Recreation Centre “emanation for Seniors" "Changing Seasons" - Nature Walk - our area of Canada is famous for its autumn forest colours. The fascinating forest community will be highlighted and a trail guide for our new. tree-identification. Wear good walking . I [MAY Ar'NRNetet-t PM. tttttttttq. s, "" can... m an“ " its.) sum Mutter D. In . My“! balls with your own mm was. or (“emu any u m. For more Information call 510-1“. l. POCONO - Kelley‘s November 7-10 All Inclusive Cost: Twin 8259.00 2. PORTUGAL - January 2. was February a. was February 20. â€an 30 days - Twin 81,299.00 NOTE: Jerry Van Dyke will present a movie & slide show on the PORTUGAL trip at the Adult Recreation Centre on October Mth at 1:30 - he will have first hand knowledge of all “pacts of this trip. Refreshments & a trip to Kathy‘s an a door prize. 8. "mule - Hawaii Special December M), I“ to January 2, no Coat: Twin - Monday October 18. 1982 1:15 p.m. Meet at the Centre and car pooling will be arranged. Other courses are: Christmas Tree Oran-ant Course " win.) Starts October M, 1&2 Get back to an old fashion Christmas with Handmade Tree Ornaments. Grist-u out Course ttt wks.) Starts October 15, 1082 Start your Christmas shopping early! For more information call ammo. Oct. 22 - J.M. Schneider Nov. 2 - Mohawk Raceway Nov. 12 - Royal Winter Fair Nov. ts - Front Page Challenge Taping Toronto Nov. 24 - Yorkdale Shopping Mall Dec. 0 - Eaton's Centre " 4:00 9.31. I. Items from Grandmas Pantry 2. Gifts from Grandmas Sewing Box 3. Draws, Prizes 4. Bake Table - start your Christmas Shopping early. ( Moses Springer Arena) Tuesday October 1251â€: t p.m. - no p.m. Tickets: t2.00/person Sponsored by: Optimist Club of Twin Cities Tickets available at the Adult Recreation Centre. featuring: www.muyaapm _ Cttterati-ttyatMtDemC0eNE; "ENGLAHDm'mEtmtmG" GRAND RIVER CONSERVATION 2ND ANNUAL AUTUMN HARVEST BAZAAR Saturday October 30, 1982 SENIORS OKTOBERFEST "NEtDELBERG "ADS" PM - 13th Wttterioo Boy Scouts All}. TRAVEL Phone 579-1642 VACATION TRIPS " a.m.-2 p.m. DAY TRIPS ( " SKATING cl“ ) MINNIE WWW!“ The club has a few openings at Albert McCormick Arena for Boys & Girls 540 yrs. tor beam lo,Skate. Also a few openings remain in the Novice Power Skating Lessons. REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Call or viait the club Mtiee at Rink in the Park during the following Mrs. MONDAY: 5:00-10:00 pm. WHY: b.0tFt..0itP.m. FRIDAY: nib-5:00 pm. - Our Telephme Number Is: m _ NOTE: Details for the above schodute are listed in Ctr. Gommtsrtlty>rvicerts Fan & Winter Program. Pick up your true copy today at your nines! arena or phone 886-1550 Ext, 214. PROCEEDS To STH WATEBLOO BOY sc0tns PRICE: $3.50 Adult $1.75 Children (under 12) Sunday Oct. lath - 39:30 am. & various late evenings during the week. Cost: $45.00/hr. Waterloo Ringette still has a few openings in all divisions for the upcoming season including spaces in the Bunny Developmental Skills Program for Girls Ages 6 & T yrs. old. Registrations are being accepted in person only at Waterloo Community Services, 5ttt Floor Marsland Centre, Waterloo. Cost: $28.00 for season Information: Call 8864550 Ext. 2t4. Hockey registrations are now completed for all divisions except Young Mens League (Born 1961, 62.63,64,65.) Boys already registered in any division will be called sometime before Oct. 11th to inform them of their first practise. All major novice players (boys born 1974) are invited to a pre-season skating session, Saturday, October 9th at Waterloo Arena. Players should be at the arena and registered at least one-half hour prior to ice times. Players with surnames A-L on ice l2-l p.m.. M-Z on ice 1-2 p.m. Note: Full Hockey Equipment Required. Monday. October nth - 7:30 a.m.-12:3o p.m. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cnr. Erb & Caroline ImIMEY “mm “WIFE“ PM DAY 'tttttttttt Siskins vs Owen Sound Call 888-1550 Ext. 210. l Waterloo Arena Oct. 10th - 7:30 p.m Marshall Centre: “Iâ€. ko, _ an» S:StF6att a,- an - lat 21304309... Ii tlr" an Vanni-nut“ It? was TN - Tun 4:00.500 9 m AM _ Tut-J" Louie “VIEW!!! lITElrrm - Tun-Jul HID-1 ‘20 on - 1005.!" 01:33-21!) 9.!- U too-um» on IND!“ TT 209w: