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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Sep 1982, p. 6

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Are you stuck in Ulster, as a Catholic. without a hope of getting a job from the Protestants, your children dirty. hungry. growing as vicious as small animals who are starving? Are you black, with a good chance of who. your head pulverized by a white ”Inigo-an if you say "Mill but. "Yes, Do you live on a sampan in Singapore or Hong Kong, existing on a handful of rice a day? Those people don't have high mort- gage rates, high interest rates. They have nothing. except what native cunning and hard work feed their bellies. Does a nice lady in Somaliland or Eritrea bring you into the office and chat about which welfare program you should apply for? Your children are eating mud. because there's, nothing else. Aren't you sick to death of the gloom and doom the media is imposing on us? l am. Let's have a little light and cheer in the country for a change. Sure. our economic situation is a mess. Of course, we have high unemployment. Naturally, inflation is not wrestled to the ground. but has us pinned two rounds out of three. But this is happening all over the world, and we're about 500 per cent better off than most of the rest of the people in said world. But there will be no lasting effect to this blatant appeal for political patronage. Odious as it may appear, it is a tried and true aspect of the game, and believe it, mighty rare is the individual in any walk of life, be it politics, the media, or the shipping dock of the warehouse around the corner, who at some time or another has not taken up on advantages of his/her position. of significant note was the general lack of indignation on the part of local politicians, lest their casting of stones go on record and return in the future to haunt them. _ The best entertainment though came from the various reactions to Morley's actions. Naturally, Opposition MPPs at Queen's Park seized the issue with the vigor of a puppy tugging at a pant leg. demanding a full inquiry into the affair. Across the floor Davis reacted with his typical "Doet't shoot me, I'm only the piano player" posture. and as it turned out. Morley was left essentially on his own to douse the names. Not an easy task, considering the untimely leak of the letter days after Rosenberg had been awarded a $60,000 a year job with the Ontario Municipal Board. There's no question Morley was morally wrong in his actions, but the discovery of, and subsequent humiliation caused by his impropriety will serve as sufficient punishment. Far from downplaying the seriousness of Rosenberg's actions. nevertheless it must have provided great comic relief for Morley’s antagonists to watch him squirm through a retraction late last week. Actually, it bordered on pathos watching the admittedly-brilliant man with the achilles heel tendency to cast himself in the role of village idiot trying to extricate himself as well as the Progressive Conservatives from the self-spun web. Now go to the OMB as you rightfully should, Morley, but tor gosh sakes from now on remember the old adage: "say it with flowers, say it with mink, but whatever you do. don't say it in ink." What's the difference between Richard Nixon and Morley Rosenberg? Yuk, yuk. ty That's right. About to years ... The now~famous letter incident involving the Kitchener mayor last week and the Ontario govemment's supposed "promise" to dump a provincial judgeship in his lap was Just further proof that a crime rests not in the doing, but thet in getting caught lies the undoing. The entire loofaraw, once the initial beans were spilled by the leaking of Rosenberg's letter to a Toronto newspaper, maintained all the drama and intrigue of trying to gauge which major intersection will be the next to be tied up by local road crews at lunch hour. Sec-d Class mu .eqbatmet- “a an qeattthttqd 1854 am every View» by "tmay Pro... a dwiaion of Kitchenet-Watouoo Recon! Ltd., owner 63.. 225 Fairway na.s.. Kitchener. Ortt. was s - 'eATEMLoo C"ttMttl."._ltertM9fr, Lookfon bright side Morally wrong "the-re-ee-tow-Omer. " ErbSk K, Intent-,OM. NU “1mm” -ttro>tramts.o.ceiotet$iotrtf-r,"-rt"ltttt'. Lm.o'rts.ehg-tgtr-rteu.-rttttetryNrF'thoro" anew thtoetuoettHvtoFr_:0tt-tob00pm Are you suffering from "nerves" and taking all kinds of pills from your very well fed doctor. while millions of people in the world have rickets and ringworm and elephantiasis and bleeding bowels because they dmft even know what a vitamin pill looks like? . Are your little boys running around barefoot in the rain. selling their sisters for a cigarette or a chocolate bar? Nope. they are probably riding around on bicycles, and whining because their aiiow. ance doesn‘t run to more than a carton of french fries and a Dairy Queen every day. ‘Are you worried about whether you should spend 850 or a little ore on a wedding present when in IU' countries most mothers are wondering whether a cow or a bushel of maize is a suitable dowry? And they haven't a cow or any maize. Tut and tut and tut. We are in an economic depression, many people are unemployed. our government seems to be living in Alice in Wonderland. with its rldlculws six and ttve desperate attempt to appear credible. But when have you last missed I meal? When have you been cold. cold. cold? When ls the last time some cop stopped you ort_ttte street and asked for identity Manager: Bill Karges Editor: Rick Campbell ". Paul Winkler Come on. Canadians, iet's stop whining. My father and mother didn't whine during the " Depression. They did the best they could. and desperately tried to avoid going 9" Relief. new mqttemistieattr called Wei- But now the tears are flowing, we need I Walling Wall, located about Winniiteg, and thousands of paper towels to wipe up the tears. Help from the government means help from you Incline. _ - 7 . We read about farmers and small busingssmen and big companies going broke. Well, that's the capitalist system, and that's the system we embrace. We don't hear much when the farmers have a bumper crop and spend the winter driving south in their Buicks. We seldom hear about the small businessman who's making a quiet fortune, unless he's suddenly become an entrepreneur and is a BIG businessman. We scarcely hear a word when a huge company makes a huge profit. When is the last time somebody pounded on your door at 4 a.m. and you shivered with fear. knowing what was coming? When have you last been hit on the head with a club for saying "Trudeau is a fink? There's lots wrong with this country, but there is a hell of a lot more right with it, when we take a look around. You Know, Tms Awab assume»: oossi A amen MSitit46ouKuoot9,roo . f I BILL SMILEY And if you're out of work, take your Ut, but get looking for something else. This country still has limitless opportunities, if you want to Work. Ask the immigrants. If {on don't, you'll become like those mil- ions in Britain. during the first depres- sion, who just gave up and sat around on. theI dole, steadily eroding their very sou s. End of sermon. But cheer up and forget the headlines. There's a place for you. it you have any guts. We can lick inflation, but not by living the way we do. We can lick unemployment, with some guts. But not government guts. There aren't any. Eat spuds and porridge. They're good for you. Dig a root cellar under your patio deck and fill it with carrots and turnips. Get a couple of chickens, and if they don't lay, eat them. Cut out those long-distance calls about nothing, and write a letter. Wear a sweater and keep your thermostat down. bet rid of your boat. Sell your second car. There is such a thing as walking. Cut your kid's allowance to zileh, and let them earn it by working. So you like steak? Eat hamburg. Stop buying that crap from California and Florida in the winter: lettuce for $1.50, mostly water; grapes. oranges. celery. those little hard bitter to- matoes. "iiiiijjjtil

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