A-l CAR . CLEANING Everything done try hand: Simonizing. shampooing. interior. exterior; cars, vans. lrucks. rentals. 312 Marsland Drive (rear build. ing). BB6-ttH1, Open 8:00-5:00. Saturday till noon. tttl CARPENTRY AND Re- pairs. roasonable rates. small jobs preferred. Phone 749-1510. (32) DRIVEWAY REPAIR Ser- vice - Aachen sealing to presetve and protect your asphalt; also hot asphalt tannin. 742-2051. (43) WAGE 22 _ WATERLOO CNROOuCLE W! a am "i0rgitifiit OIL SPRAYWG - Cars oil TREE TOP - Fully expat!- mtcettlnetttttt-oftrmr Clean quality wore, now in seventh year of spraying. Located on gravel road. Call 8835850 (23) ALL PLUMBONG Repairs - Water heaters and sot- Ieners installed. Painting ind accounting. Call Bob tmr-t?$rrq. tat) BEAU'S TREE Service - Topping, pinning. remo- val and hedges. Spe- cializing in ornamental and fruit trees; eieven vents experience. Special tow rates for senior citi- zens. Free estimates. B96-3029 or 576-7 , " mom SERVICE $25.00 hour, men and _ truck; experienced, in- sured, extremely efficient Local Ot dictum. Mti- 3036, (30) OIL SPRAYING 45 SERVICES TREE SERVICE q LANDSCAPING o sesame o PLANTING o REMOVAL 894-2774 34 TUTORING undercoated tor rust pro- tection. T. Weber. 65 Main Street, Blooming- dale, 742-2051. (43) m. Fm hound. in. W. Cd! Grog 742- UP, UP I. AWAY WITH BALLOON aououers G. KELLY 742-5284 All Ages. " grades Conservatory it Festival Work It Desired Special Emphasis on Reading. Rhythm, Ear Training m My Home or Your Home Throughout K-tht Area 21 Yeats Teaching Experience PIANO LESSONS AND RELATED STUDIES PHONE JODY 886-1239 or 884-31 10 886-3036 tttr CERAMIC TILE And plaster repairs. Free estimates. Phone 885-1044. tam HANDYMAN - RETIRED, Will do home mainle~ nance. tool tepair. gar- dening. furniture refiniah- ing. Free estimates. 884-4208. (33) RUBBISH REMOVAL - Wall washing. light moving, cleaning (basements. garages. attics). odd jobs. Jeff Harding 884-2831, 45 SE BVICES McTAVtSH'S CLOCK Ra- pair Shop - Specializing in repair and complete ohh- haut of antique docks; professional training. Free estimates. One-your guarantee. 864~7031, 9:00-5:00. tttl 34 11:10an (34) McARTI-IUR APPLIANCE SERVICE " iiilil a , ill? ii Tidy Heidi Cleaning Services o Comm tee $150.00 For Information and Registration CALL 885-2436 ans CENTRE - ss ans ST. E., WATERLOO Tidy Heidi provides a vari- ety of services performed " promptly, efficiently and tce, courteously by fully in- 3." sored and bonded person- d] EU K, net. may". Economy Service - A gen- . ‘ eral tidying, cleaning and tEli I disinfecting of your home. CX _ l I Full Service - A thorough H. cleaning of your home - ea guaranteed to shine from ceiling to floor. Ask about our special Requests lk Emergency services. 885.31 M -, Gunman bound on com-oo ot MI Goons DRIWNG Lessons Iron ALL AGES New on conditioned cleaved" SoveugttoM8boettet-nmtuportprmsarrttntion of; our comm. Dune control cars Classroom irtetrtgcttort could be completed m one DRIVER EDUCATION specializing in _ RSI-IMAM: & cm: [PM Evening Appointments Available We Buy and Sell Used Appliances - Beef-â€w trt' CALL 885-1 562 most major brands RENOVATIONS - Retiatge work, reasoname rates. New additions. rooting, chimneys. fences. porches. patios. carpods. cement work. cottage re- pairs. recmation rooms, timpttrces or what have you? For tree estimates. phone Tom 7453253. A-t YEAR ROUND Tree Service - Maintenance and removal. Insured. M.H. Kemlting a. Son. Kitchen“. Phone 576- 8531. Ito SUNDECKS. PATIOS and wood fencing. Lots of sunny days htft to enjoy min and Servicing to all makes oi singer-tors, Ranges, Washers, Dryers, Air Conditioners. For a tree qtatimate on all call Yesteryear Ftertotm- tions at 579-6711 after 5:00 pm. NO JOB TOO SMALL JULY-AUGUST SOLAR COVER SPECIAL Frmtt61Suhetetodtrtg3orar--tterewtttt cutting and Winn. other to†on with: W. rolus. cm. etc. (A J ENTERPRISES nus-5m '%tuMror-.mairt-tartesetaea-euteo onion} WM: FREE new» or mama mums. 743-2946 GENERAL HOME REPAIR AND UPKEEP H'pplionce SeMEe 97 Joseph Street Kitchener, Ontario. N26 1J2 (31) CERAMIC REPAIRS - Bathrooms and kitchens our specialty. Call 886- AMO. (if) $1nt dmud' at'tru .cJITatd' THE NO HASTLE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 888-7730 CLEANS HMS ' APARTMENTS Light Housekeeping Services On A Regular Basis SAVE TRANSPORT“!!! COST SAVE MEAL EXPENSE SAVE SUPPLY COST NO PERSOMEL PROBE" _ Somy'sShIm j 312 Mankind on I plate sharbem‘ng 1 all types. carbides COLLEGE PRO Painters - Two year written gumm- tee; trainisd experienced students: your interi- or/exterior residenlial em. ptrrts. Free estimates. 744-1502. T tttl FURNTURE REFINISHING - Specializing in custom and antique finishes. Free estimates. pick-up and delivery. excellent rates. 0.K. Furniture Refinishing 745-1422. tttl -FnrtcvNlttetgn - -Pustsrtmtattt-oerooms -Ahocomun|wwm THE SHARP SHOP. 100 Park Street tat Victoria). Kitchener. Camide and regular saws sharpened also scissors and pinking shears. 743-8161. ttfl $25.00 hour. men and truck; experienced. in- sured. extremely qttticiettt. Local or distant. 886- 3036. (33) 312 Mankind Drive, Com- plete sharbening mice. all types. carbides. circuuu and hand saws. scissors. clippers, knives. slums. lawn and garden tools, Shop hours: B:0O-5:00. Saturday till noon. 884- 5401, (m MOVING SERVICE A I I WWI“ AND REPAIR tree tttdh-op In“ -- was." a oWdonosoovu oWWsoDryon oth-hers.-: Samples Available Free Estimates Pick Up & Delivery 00m hon-Fr: 5-5 30 SI! 0-1130 w.» may ml In lit ul‘lluu nth-m 10% DISCOUNT WITH THIS AD Call 745-3191 KITCHENER 815 Wow E. 742-0041 WATERLOO 300 - K. 885-2760 MAME tttt