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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 4 Aug 1982, p. 21

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BW-AMES Ptime uniden- tial. eight miles from Owen Sound; building f mopemv FOR BALE , CMING EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS VACATION BIBLE School, August 9-t3th. August 16-20ttt, 9:00-11:3o am. daily. Boys and girls ages 4-12. at Conrad Grebe! College (Westmount and University). Bibie stories, crafts. "tfrettttrmtetts and games. Rsgiater on the first day. For more infor- mation call 579-6635. "Corrie follow Jesus“. PM“ BBB-2830 able. 884-3715. 742. 3070. CM) (WORSHIP SERVICES T Hlnwood at Ellis ', Rev, John Griffiths ‘Minister 745-2993 Newcomers and Studenlsl Espemally Welcome For Transportation 835-1929 men ACRES . BAPTIST canned For all ages 11 :00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. J mus Sam. "Come unm Mo _ I will Ot'e you rm! _. Matth tr- at Comm! Grebel College BANQUET EARLY . catering available. It mam MiGUNCLUB CHURCH SCHOOL ST. Plus X TRADITIONAL Roman Catholic LATIN MASS Every Sunday Toronto Particulars 885-2431 9:00 a.m. - l2 Noon Saturday BANQUET HALLS FOR RENT For All Ages Nursery Provided Watch “FAITH 20" on Global TV at 9:30a.m. Phone 885-6105 for free booklet "TODAY" 0:16 am 10:30 In Gremlin" ee Westmomtt Rd North 'Me-ree-tmet Waterloo Christian Reformed Church SUNDAY WORSHIP lo mm. and 1:00 pm SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKYOUR 'tlt-tut uni-cw»... Worship at “View Sh45 am (31) Zif. Liquid Concemraie. B-ro Compound. Rug Shampoo. Nate: Dumas. Fast reliable setvicg. Phone 884-3225. (All!) IMMACULATE QUEEN “to chm-cue bod - top at he “In. 8840 value. - 2775 m 5 pm. (31) WOODSTOVE. Finlay Con- dot, ”can”! condition 0000.00, " Men radial am out. $400.00 Call 885-4076. tat) TIRES - Four ContimGW trs-SR-la. Phone 885- 4938 evenings. TABLE LAMP $5.00 Two tablecloths $1.00 each. Lady's shoes sizes 6-6 W. alt colors. S2.OO per pair. Man's brown shoes size 11trttt LinePtothtets VACUUM CLEANERS - One ot the worltrs finest; new and reconditioned, with or without oorer nozzle. tt you care about fast professional service at no service charge. phone Josef Gabon 884- 3652, ttf) SWIMMING Pools - tyear. ance prices from $1,395.00 on complete packages including 3/4 tm sand fitter. in watt skimmer. ladder. deluxe vacuum and maintenance kit etc, - Walkways. patio decks, lencing and expert installation also available. Call collecl 416-945- 4773. 18-CUBIC Foot Punco re- frigerator. coppenone. across the to!) freezer; 30-inch Mount deluxe coppenone rtmge,' in very good condition, Prefer to so“ as a pair, make an offer. 8864869 utter 5:00 pm. (31) 15-CUBIC Foot freezer; Admiral washer and dryer; all two years otd, Five-piece recreation room sune with end tables. Phone 884-0561, CM) HOUSE FOR RENT--. VACUUM CLEANER - Kirby Classic til. excellenl condition. complete with shampoo/polishing al- tachment (never used). best offer. 884-3652. tttr ll, $2.00. Short Monde wig with extra hairpiece S8.oo, Assortedjewetiery 'coo, Lady's pant suns sizes 2044. $5.00. Lady's yellow blazer. size medium. $5.00. Phone 576-2573 anytime, CM) DOWNTOWN WATERLOO - Furnished omce tor lone. Mm with soc- retlrind m. Call Es- van Development 885- " ARTICLES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR RENT " OFFICE SPACE AVAOLMLE country living in the clty Two acres at truit tmea, and hedges. Ik storey mick, three bedrooms. tame open iivfntrdirtittq room with patio walkout. broadloomed. Spacious kitchen with dinette. Two car insulated garage and workshop, Available Sept. 1, $550 Mus utili- ties, Highland Road, West 744-7953 (31) 6t6t (33) Nutritious. great tasting, easy and economical. You have nothing to lose and everything to save. M5- 0405 Super-Way. (32) LAWN TRACTOR. bony duty. 10 norm with overoizod rest "as. 20 INCH COLOR televi- Shop at Kitchener-Water- loo‘s Wanpaper Supermar- ket (or When and Bag- ings up to 75% and more. Do tour rooms tor the price ot one. 680 Highland Road West. Kitchener (between Weslmount and Fischer). Phone 743-3561 . Bring this ad in for gm with pur- chase. WI LARGE PUNCH bowl and " classes and ladle $35.00. Tabbcknhs 110 x 88 with 12 mimics. WATERLOO'S 125th Atttti- versary Souvenir Edition available for $1.00 at the Waterloo Chronicle. 92 King Street South. Water- too. 886-2830. ttty WALLPAPER Bought and sold. top prices paid, Encore Records. 297 King Street East'. Kitchen- er. 7444 370, ttty TIGHT DOWNS For truck campers, also chrome stabilizers for from of camper, $180 or best otter, 576-9674 week- days only. tttr LP. RECORDS Slightly naw'ed and odd items for $8.00 or less! Open Saturday 9: 30-5:00 Hem. "rctric 'tttrt, " inch m. " inch snowblndo. and the chairs. Very good tNNttti- thm. 676-7018. (31) and six cartridges. con- .oIe “one. one oak high back van seats now, Phone ass-0‘22 am" S. (32) lam pattern used twice. “00.00 Phone tMMV 3212. (31) uttfrpod _Ejturpriaes " ARTICLES FDR SALE F376;..m1' Knitting - SAVE MONEY DRINK WHEY tAMES' muses sums, T-SHIRTS A TOPS. etc. 93 King St. Ndrth Waterloo IMPORT OUTLET 888-6200 for ttty LAW SALE-Sammi, August 7. 9 mm. to 5 am, 211 Mary Street, Watetloo. Cloth... 283 CASTLEFtELD AVE ISA GARAGE SALES DESKS. BOOKSHELVES. chairs. bed. skates. no" aonal and househoId Rama Moving soon, 317 Concordia Crew. Lincoln vulage. Waterloo. Satur- day. Aug, r. 910 5. (31) For "Fresh from the Farm" produce come to the Far- market of New Hamburg We offal fresh vegetables and fruit at farmgate prices. This week's tea- tures: tretrtt unoraded egos. St dozen. your con- tainer. Open: Monday to Friday, 1:00 to 8:00 pm” Saturday 8:00 am. to 1 pm. Located two kilome- ters gas! of New yambmg on Bleams Road. (Road 'tdl, Phone 634-5503. YARD SALE Saturday and Sunday August 7 and B, 270 Harbor! Show. Wa- terloo. Weather pamit» ting, (31) FRESH PRODUCE TENT TRAILER. Belleoue Deluxe-tl, hardtop. stove. retrigerator. heat- er, 52.57500. Boat, alu- minum 13 toot 9.9 Mari- ner outboard, gas tank included. 8600,00. Canoe, cedar strip, canvas covered. Chestnut brand. $400.00. Coteman three burner stove and lantern. $40.00. Bug kitler. Rid o Ray 60 watt, powerful. $80.00. Lawn edger. electric. $40.00. Cash register. antique. brass. $500.00. All are in exceltent condition. Catt 8B4-07q2. (31) any, Aug. 7 DESKS, chairs. filing cabi- nets, miscellaneous More dismay cases. Shelving, tire extinguishers. ware- house shelving. pallet racking. wall brackets. etc. Phone 519-842- VINYL REMNANT Clear- Out, Variety ot no wax vinyl float covering; all first quality Call 886- 4080. (ll) CARPET REMNANT Clear- out, variety ot colors and sizes, all first quality, Call 886-4080. (if) " ARTICkES FOR SALE " mum. sr, WEST WIYERLOO In“: Geuenunons 0F (mum! CUSTOM MATTRESS MANUFACTURING 743-321 9 tat) (31) (31) (30) EWWMM. Avon. cu 743.0421 oO DICKIE DEE ICE cream reunites students tor Bummer employment. Must be 16 or ottter. Apply 145 Columbia Street. W.. Unit 10 be- twoen 11:30 am, and1 " HELP WANTED " AGENTS . SALES HELP WE ARE Looking tor warm, caring. enthusiastic ind6~ viduals who would be Interested in becbming involved in a home sup- port service for Senior Citizens in Waterloo, Ap- micalions from men and women welcome. Please call 579-6930 (29) PORTABLE TYPEWRIT- ERS Cleaned. oiled, ad- justed. repairs to au makes. reasonable rates. work guaranteed. Add- Type Business Eauip- ment, 28 Bridgeport Road East. Waterloo (just down trom Towers). 885-2570, (tin) 20 TYPEWRITER SALES lb SERVICES EXPERIENCED Full and Part-tinte help required for food preparation in sub shop, Waterloo loca- tion. Write Box WC-347 Waterloo Chronicle (31) " CARS FOR SALE 1974 MERCURY COLONV Park station wagon. ett- cellem condition. com- pleter equipped, low mileage. ten passenger. new paint and engine. $2600.884~3905. (31) Protessio7ug all bread dog grooming. 355 Erb Street West (Maple Hitt Plaza). Phone 886-0052 tor ap- pointment. (32) " PETS tr SUPPLIES GM. LOVESEAT. Strotter wanted. Phone 886- 6212, (32) Avon cycle people " ARTICLES WANTED " ARTICLES FOR SALE BEER TRAYS. CROCKS. Inmi'ure. china. violins. pianos. watches and clocks, estates and any- thing antique. Phone 669-2345. tttn) THREE LARGE chests of drawers without mirrors wanted in good condition. preferably " inches and higher. 576-6007 (31) URtNE<RASE guarantees 'omoval. dog. cat. human Cum mm. odors from carpets Regardless of stain 000. Free brochure. Home“ Chennai: Limit. USED WATERLOO Chvom cle newspape: camel bags Paymg SI oo tor clean (not torn) news bags Waterioo Chtomcle 92 ng Street South Waterloo 8trtr2830 (m ed. Son 7500. London, Ontario. (30) 909 _tirttt.ttrtitta DEADLINE. - TUICDAY, 11 In. WATERLN CHIONOCLE. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST A, "2 - PAGE 2t (31) PROFESSIONAL USE OUR Tailor or dress- maker. complete ladies' or men's alterations. in- quire at Raggs for Men, Waterloo Square. 886- 1250. (m 34 TUTOR ING BYERSON HALL 268 TAt LON ING " DBESSIAKING In ALTERATIONS EXPERIENCED SEAM- STRESS win do atter- ations at reasonable rates. Free pick up and delivery. 745-9282. CM) BABYSITTER REQUIRED two hours a week com- mencing September. Lin- LAKESHORE CO-OP Nur. sew School is accepting applications for their 1982 Fall Programs. This 5 CHILD CARE Mum) Tutorial School swam to Gr. " You Round in M WI - em MI) MVWAYS _ , on 2 noun 8e8ttttmrt - 'ttttMOU" on 0001' - an more. Natural & organic line ot products lodeuai training Promotional assistance. trs your own business setting a high quality and well accepted. mum-line of products Phone - Group Director, Penny , oung BBa-7181 tor an inte View Con-Stan Canada Nutri- Metics). EARN extra money. Show our quatity tine ot cards and gifts to friends, neighbours. relatives. No experience necessary. Write or phone today for irttormatior, and tree, tull colour Christmas cata- logue " easy and prot- itable. Monarch Greet- ings, Box 516. Hamitton, L8N 3K3 (416) 527- 3891. (31) 'ROFESSIONAL TEACH- ERS Tutoring. Protea- sional building, all sub- jects, kindergarten to Grade 13, Study melh~ ods. research skills. ample free parking. 886- 6420. (If) " AGENTS & SALES HELP CANADIAN Appliance ttrm baking tor two tun-time and pan-“m ales and mice personnel Must be tgett-atartera., For con- fidarntmt inierwew can 884-6030 (31) 12 children. creativity an asset. Catt Friday on. 885-3355. (31) is a parent oarticipatirtg school and is offered to childten 2h to Sweats of age. For more information and application can Helga Werner at 884-1090. (34) Watt your own hours Earn can bonuses. cars. 884-21 " area. 1 to IN DEPTH Comprehensive assessment Diagnostic and mambmm pr09rttm- ming and tbumtetrtior" accented to parents and school Cancelling. play therapy. “Acting. Educa- tional and Student Ser- vices, 119 University East. wuerloo 884- 2221. tto LAWN mm. and o... " “IVIcES JANE'S HAIRSTYLING. 273 Margaret Avenue. Kitchener. Shampoo; cut, dry $6.00. Shampoo. cut. set $8.00. ChiIdren under 12, $4.00. Perms from $22.00. By appointment, Call 744-8330. (AIL) Let a belly dancer deuvet NAIL TIPS done for you in the rehxatbn and com- torf ot your own home or in the comfortable atmo- sphere of my home. With Nail Tips " easy to have long, beamiiui fingernails with little anon. Nail Tips any occasion. Call Naiwa 744-1354 evenings. ttfl BELLY-GREETING 36 EDUCATION SERVICES au" SMOKING! If BIRTHRIGHT IS Caring. non-judgemental and wilt. mg to help tree of charge. " you have an unwanted pregnancy phone 579- 3990. (H) DONATIONS O F Clothmg. EXPECTANT PARENT Ed- ucation Classes. physical preparation based on La- maze. Next class begins September 13-14th. Wa- terloo Regional Health may. and nuke-not 604-20”. (In and m. M” erttt loader Work. backhoe. topmtlt,ttmeeamtaertd, a " MALS DUANE WIU. Be handles:- mg in our Beauty Satoo Wednesday atterrtttorts also Thoma” and Friday momma: trom Juty 27th - August rm. white Grace and I Mg on from”: Please colt Dine at 744- 9326 shot 6:00 p m tor natural nails. After all. youve worth it. Catt BBS- 0405. (32) tumnure. drshes to The Salvation Army. 657 Klng Street East, Knchener "Heip us to heip others PV For ptck-up call 578- 3130 (ff) really want to. call D as Clinics 7‘4-2141 _ Faun week coutses, protes- Kitchener. Register try Phone 744-7357. (36) sionatty supervised, ttO need this break Thanks tor new patient, Diane is a really nice as! and an excellent hairdresser, so don'I be afraid to give her a can! Hens 'tt Chicks Beauty Seton. 59 Menno Street, WaterIoo. 886- 2733 _ (31) your appointment Game and I win be back working August 10th. Weve been wodung our ‘sealets" oft

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