Chronicle commended LETTERS On behalf of the local planning column tee for the Ttit'n1 Provincial Meals nu Wheels Confssreoce, u " my plvuxun- io thank the “an-rim: Chromcle for thc publicity guru lo mysclf as the first president of this, orkaruratton and thc excellent and concise mmrnutiun an our local program and prminu- unh- Meals un Wheels services (Chronicle story June 23, 1982) We an- tryly gnu-fut for this tun-r ago, _ Article praised for integrity, excellence I “(mid ' to 1'yipr1's'_ my most ~invrrv thank for your tsitvlltsrtt article Wedrtvs day, June 9, 1982. “Sperm! Rvpnrt Fulun- For Working Wmm-n Brighter Through INT“ Program." You un- no doubt zmurc- that wu-rul I Wish to cotumend your “rm-r Pat Arbuckle un hrr communicative skills “hr tune spent mm her for the mu-nu-v. wax most enjoyable) and her “mum: ubilitics which I has " noted unn- Int-Hing hrr SSI. “ixh Pat \uu‘q'xs lit the un- of her film talents [hrs-ugh the prmh-d media Hur thauks for this from“ orurtcsy and uur congratulations lo )uu an (hr quality of tho Chronicle m omcral, Jud \pm I.†comtttvndutitms HI! 1ttc rvrvnl t:CrthWittcr hm wuxvnir whim!) topical articles (tlt wmu'n in lht' “ark force have bvcn publixhvd by \urium journalists mvr the past couplt' of Jtbdr"t As one “hm i, dcvply Imulu-(l in tIn-w programs. I hau- In-l-n u-r) plum-d In wu- the growing rwugnmnn of tho impurmnu- of such prugramx. Huwvu-r. nu arm an better portrayed [he INTO pruurulmn your Juno 9th article by Pal Arbuvklv. Thu artirhs prurvidvs an (mu-Hr"! 0V0" view of the INTO program. and m cvrtain it will vtuurttriij,'t' more partiripu tion in the future, Having mywlf treert (mutt-d sou-ml places in lhv artit'lr. I ran posi1ivtlv 'wily that the material With handled in a mm! professional manner, taken in contvx1. and with appropriate emphasis, Ijust can't lull you how pleased I am with the article and its integrity. On behalf of Corwstoiys Corltsp,c and our INTO program. plvaw arm-pt our sincvrv appreciation. _ Tho Acrtbss to Information Act A6 _ dt-wru-x praise ax an vpovirmakinrr, su'p tuwards npq-n p,ovvrnmvnt in Canada. Yul. its long and vugm-ly wordvd list of exemptions could easily enable ministers and public servants to continue In hidv whatever stu'rt'ts they “ant.†Prof I' K Kuruvilla. Chairman of Political yicictwrx at Wilfrid Laurivr 1'niversity. has made that initial assessrrtertt of Bilf C H "lbvnmvralir progress requirvs rvady availability of [mo and complet" informa Hun. In thix way, pvuplq- van uqu-vlin-l) "valuate lite 1,rtrverttrttertt's policies To at! ulhvrvsist' is to givv war In tlcspotir wrn-ry mW Thow \M-n- the words of l'rinu' Minister Trudeau spcaking in 197tott what tw thvn rullvd freedom of information 0n Jum- 28. befor" Mr. MacHachvn row to [mm-m his mmt run-n! huduvl. Parlia mI-nl paw-d Hill I' H. II is mm kmmn h) the tonvd dawn title of thc Across to Information Art, The rmnrldvnu- of the twer lt-gislalnv actions um nu! lost on thv national Im-dia The budul-I wax tahlcd In the Nattit' Allan MarHarhvn who has pruduu-d d urn-n paper on the rvform of thc budgn-t preparation Drum-v. 4M " rospnnw to his disastrous Novvmtwr budm-l Latvr that night, he shocked the country with (ho closely guarded were! that our pruivcted WALTER McLEAN Dorothy N-hnarr Conierentw Chairman Meals on Wheets Proxinrial Association Judith Ii. Samar! Conestoga College INTO Program l would ' to thank you for the ts_uvlltsttt urlu'h- wrnn’n by Pat Arbuer nu Eldivrhmlul xshich appeared In the Jul} 7th issue of the Waterloo Chromrits As you know, F.lderhostel lh a nun prom upvrulmn “how suru-ss Irs cntirely drpondvnl upon rmnmunn) support and mun-nu» As a “mun. (unwary such ax lou pmudrd h "weriaily uppreriutcd q Thr, Chronicle arlu'lc dud u HT) gum! wt) of con-rung the highlights of the Him-mm tel prugram both gem-rail) and Wcciftrr ally ax " relates to Wilfrid Launvr [mu-nil) In addition I think your “rm-r (mph-mud quuv sscll the wnw of rum- nn-nl that m- t’m-I ghoul tht. Hldcrhosucl program l \rrnn-d rupu-x of (he arlu‘lr fur all (In Hhivrltostclitsrs, “huh [hm .npprrrmlt-d budgetary deficit this your had nearly doubled sinu- Novvmbvr to $19.6 billion Coverage appreciated, says official What was disappointing about the Access in lnfurmatinn h-uixlaliun was that it started nut as a u-ry much hulk-r bill I mu plvnwd lo inform 1trll that thts 15m: Rare Against MS hcld ou Jutte T al Hmlm Baum» raiwd approhimtttt'ly $1.171: for the Wulvrlno Chapter "f the Mulliph- y'wlcros,is, Such-t} of Canada. Thanks in the "Horts of Gtr, Mama Ram. Auatnst MN chairman, Rad Svilinu. track manager. thc Int-u! horuurum, the rare \pulhhfx and Bvltv'x ('ulvrim: Suntan thc c-n-m was an outstanding \m'u-xx The fundx will provide badly muulvd wrvivm for thaw who have MN and I-nablv the rhaplvr In omtrihutc to thc national rowurvh program lt was first introduced ax BilLC l.", by Hon. Waltvr Baker un twhalf of the Clark gnu-rnnu-nl in 1979 This Ivgislation Bits then introduced, with \mm- modification, by thc prewnt mn'vrnmvm But at lhv last minute. the cabinvt chunun-d its sorod intentions by introducing thc nulurium Claus" 69 This wrllun owe-mph all cahinct documents. ax Prof Kuruvilla ~11) N. from l'nvorum‘ under the am. What this mvunx p, that lhv small cot3ctmtraltott of docisiott-makinp, "owt'r which reside, in the rurn-m Prime Minister's office. will rumunu- to “motion bohind closed doors Thvr" arr mum. in all political partivs. who 'stiqi,rcsl that those closcd doors produce' polit'ivs rluxvd to lhv run-(h of thc aim-mgr Canadian The 33,o0oCunadiaris who have MS nH-d the anxworx that rmvarvh um bring and tho svrvices that (â€an mukv today bvttt-r The funds raised by tho horwnu-n will help us continue our research and wrvin- pro grams. Your support was instrumental in on ahlinu us to inform the pub'lic about the rut-v. the efforts of the horsemen on our behalf. and the dvbilitating vHects of multiple sch-rush Please arm-pt our wholehearted thanks for your community- minded spirit. _ For twamplv. in W73. the i,'oit'rttttu'ttt iautwhvd a multi million dollar invcstiuit Hun Into thc price scttine pmcliuw of the major oil rmnpanu-x Thr n-sullx wq-rr suppressed until the gnu-rump"! wax rvady to annuunm- its National H.nergy Program in Octoher. man The guvvrn ttwttt hoped to drum up \uppurl for the Race against MS raised $1,473 Access to Information Act Don Shoemaker RR. Committee Chairman Waterloo District Chapter Multiple Sclerosis Society Marion I run F.1derhostel Coordinator _ Assistant "irertor Continuing Education Wilfrid Laurier l nixersily As reprvsotatlves of the erhrurr “J terloo INFAL'T ['mmmllm- we [PP] vu- muxt respond to the h-llrr of " H Pun-nun, director of publu affairs, NHâ€:- _r'mth.iprvst Mud: appeared m the Water tooChromcle July 7.1%: II 1x mipurmnl til Marni) a number of 'riruoruvpturrp, xshirh may haw anwn tax the rmull of thts let ter ' Whllr v.0 applaud erlh‘\ mllmumux to rump!) with the World Ill-Ami “mam/a Hun (WINH‘ cody an Inn-as! Hulk \ubsn (mum unl‘nrtunah-l} "t' lune m [dunu- thut m prunm- the, P, not happening Award mg In the Irttvruatuural Bab) Fund Arttou Netuork (UH-AN) rn-pnrl -Nestl" Boycott l pdulr." meh- has bow" m \mlunun of thrs (1er 32ti Itrttt's unw May. "I WM Hur nmn-rn " than thrs umlmuq-x lo rvwlt Ill human s,uftVrrrtp, For rmnnplr Boycott must continue, local group says Sumupnrq- (February Hm]; Nvstl mitndW'r “new that 1hr “mummy mu- IMKMI kilos of formula " Yt'ttt' (equal I 3251qu I3"): titts) In howrtals lll Singupun from which ssarnpltss are gnu-n l tnothcrs niothcrs Thailand tFcbruary In, 19:42) pvdmm cian at Bangkok hospital rt'purh â€NONI lo’x nurw just shoucd up mm.) 8hr annex numlhly to gel mt- lo ugh formula Slu- usually Iran-x 1.3110ng to unl- m) pa liq-nu,“ At about ttw sumv limo. that samu- Trudeau gm’vrnmt-nl wan actively por muting a ('landvstinv intvrnutiunal urani um ca rtel -- designed for the sole purpu-v of international pricvfixing, This mu prN'N-ly the \znnw roman it was invcs ligating the oil comparticl As hjis of information h-ukvd out about what thc cartel “an up tuxuur sartu'ihet'dottt luv inn†primv minister made it a fvdvral "mstwc In prudut'v any information about what his gnu-mmvnl had dunt' tV; India ittrtotwr, HIM] nut-um vmplnu‘d hy Nullv in Bomiruy mmmm- In Inn-l directly with mmhvn m hospitals. Costa Run iNoicutlwr. 1981) dm-tur observes Nestle \ulm pvrwnm-l an tttttttu' nity ward talkinrs, dirvcily with mutht-rx. llt- ru-pnrts that (It-\pilt- rt-pvutt-d cjtwtions by hospital officials. Nt'NIlt' perhtrnncl umtinuv In rt‘turn to tht. “an! - mation NFA' at thc (-xpvnw of Trvvdom of infur Attempts hnxv been made In rvla) this, information In letlo hut thcy have n-fuwd In nun-l with the lnlvrnnlimml villv Boycott Comtttittiu. (“Inch rvpn- sum thy major rtlw,ious. voluntary. union and medical "ruimirutions vndorsing the huyrult) The INBC has asked Ncs,tle m nun-v In nvumiau- an indt-pvndq-nl mum luring hotly whose mvmbvrship would be jointly appumu-d and whose funding would be. at least partially indi’pvndvnl. The m'w at! can he of help In many different orp,aivittiorv, Small husim-xs persons, social wrvin- and voluntary groupx should mm he hum-r able lo find um what pruummx lhu- uuu‘rnnwm "iicrs, or plans In oifFr, to awn! lhvm, Irisarma mot and delnpnu-nt cduvation asr,cru'F, can no“ ask for harkground pupvrx “hivh influence Canada's policics m the inlvrnu tional mmmuml)‘ Howvver. leh- has established, ap- pointed and funded the Nestle lnfunl Formula Audit Commission. While wv do not question the inn-wily of the individual momborx of the Audit Commission, vu- cannot help but challenge the impartiality of this body. ‘ In his letter Pvtvrson stated that the wishes of local ministry of health officials bc "strivtly,,rvspvcttsd by Nvstle manag- tis." But. this does nut nvressarily result in adht'rl-nu- to'the WIN) Code. In Carl, in several cam-s Nestle has used this ur While the Arm-xx to Information Art IN not "xportcrl In tw proclaimed for alumni six mnnlhs. hcrc .m- mmv “mm-slum“ nu haw to um information undvr thc m-u In“ public libraruw will he supplied u ith an index of prunramx. listcd try fvdorul Hovernrtwnt dvpartment, describing the rr, HIKE) Nvsth. lhu- “mummy gnu-x a a Yt'ttt' (equal In AArEHCOOCHFtONtCLe WGUNESDAY JULY 2) Wtr2 PALA I gumrnl to explicitly xtolate the code In Malaysia, fur exarnpi Nestle slalrx that ll ('nlltlnurx to uw Inulhrrrrufl nurwx be-rauw 1hr Mttxt'rtiitit'rtt n-qumu-d ttttus, But arrordme totheheadotthe Malay nan ",vserumettt's forurulu markvung "odts tuutttttttttw, In March 19tcr no aurh rvqurxt has mvr bee-n tnude of erlh- or all} other rampant} (81er 1NHA1"r Canada; in Thailand. leh- justifies, thc umrku-l mu technique of pumng Infant pluurvx nn baby fund lttts (prnhlbm-d by the WIN) Code; by rimming that the Thai gown) mull required it Ministry of health suurtcx stated "cMarrh, I982 that. on thes (unlrur), n max the infant mdmlr) and Ne‘slh' III pgrurulur MIMI argued Mr N‘ll‘nllull of the baby pn-Iun- (Snuru- INPK"! t'arrada) ’l‘hl- mvan-rx (If lNri"l' m†m-lrunu' tiw h-rlmnulmn of the M-xllc hunull Hum-um balm-s ml! umunuv lo stiffer and (In- ith long ax motrtvrs are be"): umunu-d by murkvlum phll'lu'rw In tlst' mm": formula mum-r unwnilur} rum]: lit-m. pnllulvd “uh-r, lack of rirrir',vrtttion, diluted formula, loss momma and In“ level, or lilt'l‘al') llur boycott musl t‘nlllm m-' Who can forget Miss Bull's linglixh classes at Elmira High Srhnul from 1928to Hun? Who can forget their training in Hnglisit literature and rumpmiliun when "och day we uw this important kmml vdgv? A unique expvrivnrv awaits all those who can arrange to be at Elmira "istrict Svrundury Schnul on Friday, Supt. IO. 1982, Registration is called for 5: 30 p.m., dinner at 6:30. Spread the news! "classes of rt-rurds" mailahlv and uddrvnws will hr included: Reminisce with the nonasr,enarian tvach, 0r whose mommy is as sharp as over and n-m-w friendships oi old HHS. days, cxchange experiences. view pictures and mvmorabilia. vitm' Sept. 1 send $9 per ticket fur your reservation to the “manning committee's svctitary-trcasurer: draft a ll-tlor rt-quvsling -... arm-xx tc. all information concvrminp, _." and ' reach into your wallvt __ it is rumored that the initial search [(-0 will he alum! tlo: sit back and wait, but only for tht maximum of Mt days - by then th, drpartmvm inxolvvd is rvquirrd In write hack tolling hum In an the n-qm-xlm information or, that it is not availablt hvmuw those rvvords fall under nm- of (In many ('Nl'l"plll)ll\ in thts art. if you fvvl that the materials do nu witrrattt vxt'trtptiort. (up) the mum! rr quest In the ax yr! In hvmatttcd lnfurm.n Cum Commissioner fur appeal -- this ruulv lw a lvnglhy prm-vxx hut limo will loll if th delays will he vxrvssiu‘. Many in our arrâ€, (rum pulix'ing aunt vim to las students. have, uni} iust new“ study on tho m'w ltsuislittiott If um an intures_icd in rvcvivinp, ttur Aross I: Information Act, plrusl- contact "o Con diluent-y OHire on tho Low-r Mall " Witicrloo Squaw (XXI: ISM!!!) Elmira _ High School holds reunion ls Prof Kuruvilla has told nu- “(h huh-nu: notwithstanding nix many loop hull-s. thes act could go a long way to mak, Canada v- at least at the national Ivvel um- of the most open of the worltrs demo ct-aries .. KN "FACT Committee 10 Arnold st. Kitchener Margaret Ruppel M Centre St. Elmira Phone 669-5596 Vicki Roth nu me