beheHtorhomeoww Cornersltoof crs with are: fume) . dehyde foam insulation birthday party (RUFF!) nt Kitchener Residents of Water- Public Library on June loo, Perth and Oxford up: 2. - nuance cmouucu. Wigwam“, we 23, m2 BULLETIN BOAR ' SNEAKERS 'li tMllltlitit DAY CAMP A "one new mix Ptmtarydoodht's 0 Burgers - Hot Dogs. etc. 0 Stool: on a Bun ~Back Bacon on Bun O " Difhtrerrt Sandwiches An adventure packed day camp based at the Waterioo 'Y' for boys and glrts 6-12 years of age. " Children will be well supervi - by our highly trained staff. , "‘ Camp hours are: 9 a.m. to . 4:30 pm. and supervision is - availabie from 8 a.m. - 5 pm. _ .424 - ' Ann-A ALBERT ST. "P" PARKDALE PLAZA - Ill! '1 WATERLOO ass-0530 COST IS: $45 FOR 5 FULL DAYS PER WEEK Family rates available 145 Lincoln Road me WMRF Inâ€! Our program includes crans,"iiTht fspdrtsf swimming, creative movement, nature lore and special events. Weekly trips and tourssuch as Ontario Place. Pyramid Place and many omega; Mil "' - ALLNATURAL FISH anew AiEmilES0RPflESEROTNES * 12 KINDS OF FISH thJ"Afif,"fNmE VEGETABLE on * 2 KINDS OF FISH SANDWIOHS * 6 KINDS OF POTATOES Waterloo Family a: 2 DELICIOUS cum cuowmans A PLUS SECONDCOFFEE FREE F Cost: 5 full days 5 half days ADVENTURE DAY CAMP For a brochure call the MAUBUT COD RAINBOW TROUT SOLE LAKE SMELT OVSTERS LAKE PERCH SHRIMP SCALLOPS CLAMS WHITE FISH CRINKLE FRENCH FRIES DOLLAR CHIPS HASH BROWN PATTIES TATERGEMS POM POMS COUNTRY WEDGES Special mayme for " yrs. old 'orBoyitrts3Aiarsohd AIY "I! OF [MY a at 2 Pan. RESTAURANT" FOR A HARVEST OF THE SEA WE’RE WERE!" t llfrtllllilllltll,f THEWiH41Rft 'r' counties are lurked“: eomematnndcehrheate Canada's Mr6ttnyam Saturday, June as at Punkeydoodle's The day's festivities. which begin at 1:45 OPEN non-5A1. / a m m d, , 26.50 'lr: PLUS * we now may son sum or TAKE OUT and sketching displays and. demonstrations. Windsurfer championships held at Guelph Lake Conservation Area on Junezs and 27. 'taeorttttthe-vdtirtg oftheeaig-teoqtttt, tae'tittj.m.ictmlea baby show, square dancing, and live per- formances by The Mods andTheNunchw In, two Stratford-based rock groups, Dorian. contempory folk singers from New Hamburg, and The Bonds of Love, a gospel - 'nk children‘s pro- gram features a frog- jumping contest, egg The 1982 Southern Ontario Windsurfer Chnmpionships will be held at Guelph Lake and bquoon races, a mg-oi-war and Scottish country dancing. rug hooking, quilting As deli, there' will be “mauncheon Specials Lasagna a Salad 2.75 Pastra$i Sandwich a Soup 2.95 "at, a. Chips 2.50 o,ictte'l,rtsurger a. Fries 2.1. , A, Big Shun plan Sung!†Skate-A-Thon summer is I hood way heat. Big Sisters of K-W and Area offers local skaters that opportuni- ty with its newest fund- raising event. Summer Skate-n- than '82 will be held Sunday, June 27. 1-3230 “on. can Way-e it an mc,' at Waterloo's Rink in the Park. awarded throughout the afternoon and par- ticipants will have the chance to meet M'ss Fran, Do Bee and Pad- dington Bear, Brad Schnun' and Joel Le vesque of the Kitchen- er Rangers. and local disc jockeys. ACADIAN UPHOLSTERY and INTERIOR 1itefititlt Manet: Harboc iTii';Ti6ijTCiTETiiit"R7tTt'5Tq Phone 886-1090 for more information. Y plans trip to Ontario Place On Friday. July 2, the Waterloo Family YMCA will be taking a group of children aged ' to 12 to Ontario Place. {and to conga boo-‘1 ice skating. There is the admis- sion for m in advance the Y at 9 a.m. and return " 4:30 pan. Supervision for the trip will be provided by the start of Soothers 'n Samiches Day Camp. awarded to the three skaters bringing in the most pledge money. Pledge sheets are available at Big John's Submarine. the Pop Shoppe. the Rink in the Park, and Big Sister House, ll Willow St., Waterloo. btye Recreatibn Centre HWY. a KITCI'E’ER " WYMAN ROAD IATERLOO PHONE 885m 810 will leave Reupholstering Repairs Draperies Furniture stripping and refinishing We offer you guaranteed woNmanstttp 18 years expenenoe VOW Reasonable Price. free estimates . pickup and delivery of International news coverage “can Dove lotu- at the 'Nteehoo Y at Dr. John Chamber lain will analyse news coverage of recent Central American events Thursday. July 8 at 7:30 pm. in Room 135 of the Campus Cew tre, University of “la Theevent, sponsored by the Waterloo Public Interest Research how accurately news coverage "yflects in- ternational events and the tools needed to be- come a critical reader. For further informa- tion, contact Alison Stirling at 885-1211. Take 0 walk, pig