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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 12 May 1982, p. 36

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, COMING EVENTS a. ANNOUNCEMENTS Phone 883-2830 ONTARIO Poued Momma Club. Sprung Showcase Sale Saturday. May 29th, 1982, Markham Fmrgrounds Show 1030 trm, Sale 1 pm For catalogues. Box 35. Car- vynng Place. Ontario (19) VACATION at Frontier Ranch founded 1958 Chlldren s Bummer camp Compete "dung. wafer front and sports mogtam Accredited membev‘ On- ttgrtey Camping and (2th than Comma lrtteyrrtattort- CAMPERS”"' c PAGE 36 -- WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY MAY 12, 1982 CHURCH SCHOOL For all ages ll 00 t m and'? 009m WORSHIP SERVICES Newcomers and Students Espemallv Welcome For Transportation 885-1929 Hanwood at Ellis Rev John Griffiths Minister 745-2993 comfort Hus season Spotless modern wagttroomts, ttot showers. hayndea. activities, pro- pane Resevvahons ac- canted Magma Falls 416-354~6472. Window South 519-726-5200 Happy Kunming " 6t3423-35rr GLEN ACRES BAPTIST CHURCH M) an .I m and 7 00 p m 9 Is a m - Sunday School ID ao a m - WorsNp Saw-cu Jest" Sam ‘('rmn- ott/sn, I will run- wnu rest Matth " BA EIMitthhrWNitT MOHiiJliita,tJB- Pusan BANQUET ’ HALLS FOR RENT l BOOK YOUR BOWLING i BANQUET EARLY I catering available. r at erUM 511mm For All Ages Nursery Providvd Watch “FAITH 21)" on Global TV at 9: 30 a.m. Phone 885-6105 fur free (‘onrnd Grrtrel Cot%tr Great Hall 'tst1ryi" [hi mm: booklet "TODAY" Sunday. May "th Waterloo Christian Reformed Church SI 'NHAY WORM!” (‘oner cl Glen For": & Spunk!" Latest." _ Bun Gary ll Jaeehte Church Services-, 'veryone Welcome 559-2166 Worship ul 945am amp m (19) I ROOM FOR Student. May, June, July and August. _ $25 00 as: week Locum ) so next to University 1 74315361 (21) i ATTENTION _ BUSY EXECUTIVES I Elegant custom bum three bedroom with very large feathedral ceding iamily {room Certtralair lnground heated pool Marty. many extras anate Sale Must tre' seen Sacrifice ”5122.900 B84-7281 Wa- l tenoo m) " ARTICLES FOR SALE CATTLE MANURE - S2soo tor helm WON 10A ROOMS FOR RENT Bought and said. top pneos card Encove Records. 297 Km; Shoo! East Kitchen- er 74d-137O tttl 9 APTS. FOR RENT AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELV _ Two bedroom. remnan- tor, stove. heat Included Adult building. ,no pets Near Lancaster Plaza and bus stop 745-8656 ttttttr 6 30 D m (19) ONE BEDROOM Apart- mom. June lat. outs! modern Muse at Unlon/K'mg, Tp mew call kim 744-8308 (19) STORE,, OFFICE Space available downtown Kit- chener 500-5000 square feet In department store suitable tor dentist. tax ottice, "oust or other non-competitive specratty shops Goudles Depart- ment Store 743-3631 LP. RECORDS FOUR ROOM - Mam "oor, broadtoomed throughout. newly decorated. a" utilw ties, adulis, no pets. cen- tral, $350 monthly ' 1686 (19) f PROPERTY FOR SALE WATERLOO BUNGALOW - One year old. Mung-dun mg room. eat-m knehen, glass sliders. garage. good assumable mort- gaae $68,900 Phone 8844232 (19) 7 iiTirTiE7o7FnEF. SPACE AVAILABLE FIREWORKS DISPLAY - Lincoln Village Communi- ty Aasociattort invites you to attend their Annual Fireworks display, Mom day, May 24th at dusk Dunvegan Park, Dunve- gun Drive. Waterloo A donation ot $5.00 pet tamily would be appre- mated (20) LAKESHORE - Three or tour bedroom bungalow. large recreation room with fireplace. beautilul landscaped lot with ma- ture trees, $67,900 Phone 886-4727 No agents please (19) DOWNTOWN WATERLOO - Mam ttoor, broadloom. an conditioned, dwuded unto omces with large wanting room nr showroom Ample park- mg B93-1686 ttt) 1 COMING EVENTS In ANNOUNCEMENTS up IrucHul dam-end. 8400 our whooIborrow. minémum three minu- vows Witt when! full loads in ovdinary backyavds toe on". 31500 67840992 (19) BARGAtN HUNTERS - Ovev 195 Chttorro Factory Outlels to save 'Famous brands Cattfttttg. Cougar Dansk, Borg. Decks Arrow. Westciox. etc Send $450 pkss 5Oe handhng to Bookie! W-5, Box 2173. Cumtrrstme. N3C 2V8 (20) VINYL REMNANT Clea:- Out Vaner of no wan vmyl "oor covering. all first quaMy Call 886- ‘080 (N) CATTLE MANURE - Si? 00 per bag dammed. mm- nmum ordev three bags Budge-port lions Club. Phone 576, 2168 (21) Zit, Luau-d Concentrate. B-ro Compound. Rug Shampoo Fast reliable ”mice Phone BM-3225 USED Metal Shelving. Racking and Showcases Excellent tor More, ham IndUSUIBL warehouse. garage. home. farm Dit- Ierent sues available Phone (519) 842-9091 SWIMMING pools Manu- fnclurevs charance on above ground pools Completely fenced mm CARPET REWANT Clout. '00'h, hard Map- 886 5850 {18) PERFORMANCE tesled Sunmenlal Bulls 42 Purebred-Percentage Bulls. avge yearlong weights 1200 lbs. Irv dexes 109436 $1600» $2500 Guaranteed Free delivery 100 miles J L Farms. Ra"Shettsurne 519-925-2158 (18) " ARTICLES FOR SALE Best Line Products Apartment building, one of' the finest in Waterloo, Beechwood Park Area - Beechwood Towers. Quiet living; quiet neighbourhood, close to univer- sities & shopping centre. Very large one & two bedroom apartments with extra large enclosed balcony over- looking parkland on southside of building Some apartments have dishwashers & fireplace, air conditioning. comp and skimmer 81.59500 Catt collect tor further mlormahon (416) 9454778 (17) out. vatioty of colon and sues. all f'tret quality Catt 8864080 ttf) FIREWOOD After 5 pm ADULTS ONLY - NO PETS Call 884-1381 - Daily 9-3 9 APARTMENTS FOR RENT BRAND NEW LUXURY For more information "Her (18) m) or WATERBED Do it yourself Out $175 Includes mat- tress. been". line! Sirr ole, gum or lung Save money by Mekong frame yourae" Comp|ele In. “momma. tree dohvefy Call coiled talt)) 637- 8904 (17) 10095 canon heavy vacant Colors - beige and navy Sizes - XS to XL Good value for ovoups. teams. etc Price $200 each Special rates tor large orders Lee Wood Enter pines 8864525 (21)- Used, excellent condmon Rounded " 50. Square S10 50 Quantity duscount A-A Landscaping 884- 3622 (24) GIRL ‘5 204mm bicycle. DR|NK TO Your tutatth mm pure distilled water SI 00 canon Mus dams" Call 745-6792 at 742- 3946 (19) SHOP FOR Quality antique furnishings in the comfort ot your own home. by vuewmo the 'Treasures of The Past" photo cam» logue For no obtiqatioo appointment, can Ron Charton Ma-t 528 ttft " ARTICLES FOR SALE RAILWAY TIES oF%r-yqter old in ttood con- dmon Phone 884-9703 tun a mum. ST WEST WAYEILOD T-SHIRTS THREE GENERATIONS or QUALITY CUSTOM MATTRESS MANUFACTURING 743-321 9 . 885-4305 885-3351 CULUGAN WATER So" tenet. £0000 gram. live- cycle valve. curt/twp.“ valve. sa00 Witt inst-ll $50.00 Dion pipe B8tV 7699 Moetday-tuturdsr (19) LAWNMOWERS - Etectnc and gas. tour tables. all an”. two dents. Chan'- new. chow. beds. Mog- pona labia, complete 885-3689 (19) UNCLAIMED LAY-AWAY Two-piece Invmg mom sune $392 Mo money down. "he on was” par men's Marion 5 Furrw tore. 2979 Kung Street . East. Kitchener Phone 893-2979 (19) Alt mas ot Penman» Royal Doulton 40% on In! pncas. current tipurirtets and character was Colloccor plates also availlbte 744-8059 (19) DINNERWARE SET Com- plete. eight-place Bet- tiogs, Beige Borg stole Filled 20-pound momma tank 884-3102 anytime, (19) THREE-SPEED Mans br- cyc|e $6000 Window panes, many sues and (”ICES Sprmo and mat- |ress tor cottage $5.00, Phone 885-5461 (19) DESK AND Chan. coffee and end tables. dehumidi- hat. vacuum cleaner. two odd chairs Phone 578- 8338 (19) REDWOOD' PATIO Form ture. tete-a-tete. AB-mch table and umbrella Phone BtM-35A , (19) DUNCAN PHYFE Mahoga- ny table and tour chaors in good condmon. 5200 Phone 886-8585 (19) BICYCLE - British made lady _ s ttwee-speed . 20 Inch frame, good Conde uon. $50 00 Phone 885 0851 (19) CHESTERFIELD And chau suitable for recreation room or cottage $50.00 Pool table 6-by-3-teet $60 oo Phone 743- 0698 (19) POOL TABLE - Complete with accessones, good conditton. $100 Phone 621-7333 after 5 00 pm (19) Shop at K'ttcheoer-Water- Ioo's Wallpapel Supermar- ket for selection and sav- mgs up to 75% and more. Do tour rooms fot the price of one 680 Highland Road West. Kitchener (between WestmOum and Fischer) Phone 743-3561 Bung thus ad In tor gift with pm- chase, (tf) GRANDFATHER CLOCK " ARTICLES FOR SALE WALLPAPER PLANTS Ivery mason- able) Sat Mares, 9 am 1318 Thorman Dove. bust on ante St North). Cambndoe. Ont movements. dials and kits or send stamped settt-ad- dressed envelope to Ca- nadian Standing Clocks. 272 Woolwich Street North. Kitchener (Budge- porn. 743-3291, ttO Builders ViSII our showroom tor tree bro- chute on imported dock DEADLINEB - TUESDAY, 11 - tTAB-E-tTE-tit- SALE, _ Sump YARD SALE - Saturday. May 15m. 9 oo-a oo, 34-8 Karon Walk, Water loo Searching to: may one (‘9) taa GARAGE SALES GARAGE SALE ._ Saturday. May tSth. 9:00-4:00. 683 Pineridoe Road (Lake~ GARAGE SALE - Saturday. May 15m. WOO-li? 00 noon. 319 Martindale Crescent (Lakeshom). Waterloo' Boys 20-inch Chopper btcycle (19) TWO UNIROYAL Tiger Paw tires. L 60-15. .rmsett white letters. excellent condition Phone 686- 5158 (19) GENDRON BABY Car- HANDMADE SHOES And Rrding boots. genume leather: all sues made to fit Phone Ta3-0984 eve- nings only (21) BEDROOM CHAIR, Tnple dresser. small tabies. vacuum cleaner. pictures and some odd dishes Phone 886-20qA (19) MR CONDITIONER - Just new. A-t condition, 8.000 BTU. 6275 Phone 885- 5024 (19) WEDDING DRESS - Sheer tram, simple veil with lace. size ll, reasonabIe Phone 886-5392 (19) FRESH ONTARIO Lamb - Half or whole lamb ':roo per pound. cut and wrapped Phone 743- 1372, 900 trm,- 900 pm (20) DINNG room suite. French ptouincial crattsmanship brtfoochtel Soho wunul. pecan finish. Six pieces mimics tone. 4 chairs and sideboard This suite is worthy ot placing in your dining room "ttttmeat- ately tt's in excelleni condition and needs a home as quickly as posse- ble Serious inquiries only 8650, Phone eve- nings before 10 pm. 884-2525 (19) " ARTICLES FOR SALE 1'00 58 Queen Street South. 00th House- hok) "qcttt and otttce equipment (19) day. May 15m. 1roo- cle. 15Aetctt tires. bgtae- board heater. Tonia toys. nee standing Medics. clothec. miccollaneous boom armies 09) ahote) Convertible tticy- "age. ttoor polishet, also gm s clothing sues B-IO Phone 885-6178 (19) FOUR FMIES GARAGE SALE - Ron or shine Guam-c. If yo... can'l tiod it here, you won’t trod it at ll Baby GARAGE SALE - Saturday. May tSth. 9:00-5:00. 175 Waamngton Avenue. thm- GARAGE SALE - 284 Un- com Road. Watedoo. May Iain-14th. 300-7200 p m EuohI-Inck tape NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGESaIe-Saturday. GARAGE SALE - Saturday May 15th. 9:00 am. - 300;: m .547Twin03ks Crescent. Watertoo. An- trtwes, cums. puking; toys. domes. bird cage; ham fixtures. something tor everyone (19) GIGANTIC DRIVEWAY Sate - Saturday, May 15th. 8 30 mo 5:00. 241 Huntingdon Crescent, Waterloo (Lakeshore) Many records. books, drshes. tour white spoken runs and lures (7 tt 15); clothes. preservmg gars, campmg items: furniture and many numerous items. (19) GARAGE SALE - Drive a lmle Waterloo. tive- families, May 14th 5:00- 9 00. Saturday $r:00- soo, 1424 Conservation Dnve (near Ertysvitre Go- Kart Track) 12tW-pouod Explorer boat trailer; 16- foot Rambler house trail- er, beer fridge: winger washer. spin-dry washer, arttmue wardrobe; large Quantity ot restaurant dishes, bedding; pIus much more (19) when. an MOI. w and sick-up "not; Mqmtr. women“. May mm and "tth. 8:0tF400 RM oe WIM/MW Mann to .etutte, m. GARAGE SALE - Saturday. May 1 5th. SOD-£00. 350 Analolm Place loft Amos near Keats Way) Boat motor, table and chats, clothing - aduits and misses sues B, 10. 12. and much more. (19) , 3A GARAGE SALES BARGAINS - 0mm room suite, rugs; my ttott clubs: brass fireplace screen; wnnger washer. antique box cannon and many other “an; '25 Mondale South. Water- loo, Saturday. May 15th. 9 00 - 1 oo (19) p m 540 Fullmobrook Drive. Wdedoo (19) outdoor supplies and much meta Sunday, May dishes and numovous other things. Vow to.- aonable (19) television; two lable lamps. blecmc broom; sewing machine. chil- dren's clothes. boon. 2:00 pm. 553 Breakin- ven Creme!" (Meghan Village) Baby furniture: 24-mch 1tove. umbrella clothesline. dress“ tMttt mtrror. skit. dupes. (19) ttttt

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