PAGE 34 - WATERLOO canomcu WEDNESDAY “All?! 1902 SSS Weber St. N. 7777778864 040 Waterloo TI ',hlartN., , tt a " gm?» -1? tyt" lal I ‘ 1';ft,i,ip, l! I I b a Willow gent/ice" worthy of your confidence. Come and visit 4-t?Sttgtstt9unqsBtret mmum 520mm mm MIMI“ mum 44‘me from?†SpretgtPyratnqto" MIA!!!“ ctgmtttt_eiBttaesoruce not!!!“ AheOAtpttteatrmrtt "an.†66ltbqxtrttrnerxaatrget cu . _ m .llllrlrd)lle_lllli)4 Note: Tennis is included in a Y membership (no court tees) Lessons - daytime a. evening - 1st outdoor 5 wh. session starts wk of May 17th. Adult club members 315. others 25. tennis everNS?'one SWAIN Youth club members III - m In .hw Colorado is no; i V v. W‘PV'W MIMI?“ ilt2'3ttditgg?c',Jt'ti2lt "tttttmet-Bt-spruce frmn "att Boxwood. GGGG', You. boat: ‘MW M“ F1tm.8ttrtttts,He6tyrtgtAtptrtsCur. xtgttmartaal Fen cu . . m not. Coco thens, Berk, Me. , and visit our outstanding assortment of healthy, colourful trees. Buy dine! trom the are“: with urge money: Retail a Win, an: Fully Guaranteed [I U 1. Wm Phtt Iattttin Waterloo Family Y them: Club Sonic! Citizen JOHN'S NURSERY Memberships (6 months) Over 10,000 Treq. tram 2'-20' Acn- of 8m Tn... It» Spruce Shrubs and mm Tm. Register Now at 145 Lincoln Rd. or call 885-3500 KEITH ( ‘rmrvmmt Parking. maermg Wellington or kmg Street Available with our 12 point cooling system check-up. Cail Phil to make your appomtmem We now have brand new reds at the cost ot a reacted rad Revolution! a tradition since 1925. funeral home and chapel 621 KING WEST - 745.9495 DatZ~BCChtd aw iflllt " .5 M IBI Fd "_", . , 1Kilt MBt allllligi8 P, " ' ", ", l - " c8tF" C) - __ ro "0.00 . AMMm'o-n limited time offer F/tfree, 'tttttttni? IA, uiirititsu, Eng" Tttr, Mlushurtau mom. announces a 16. tennis only WMWme-vs Cawmwm 15.00 37.50 37.50 Boys teams are en- tered in five divisions from atom (under 10) to Junior (under 18). Girls have four divi, sions _ mosquito (under IN to Junior. Most of The tourney will be held June 19 and 20 to contribute to the City of Waterloo's 125th ceier brations. Saturday games will be played 8: 45 a.m. to 7 p.m. on 17 fields. Tournament headquarters will be at Conestoga Mall. Cham- pionship games will be played Sunday, June 20 at Bechtel Park ll a.m. to 7 p.m. "From the initial as teams in a one-day tournament in 1974 we grew steadily to so teams over twodays in recent years," Mo. hamed said, "With the tournament upgraded to international level, we now have 100 teams confirmed for l982." Waterloo International Tournament, accord- lng to committee chair- man Syed Mohamed. For tutttter tMormtgtion, corttttct the uw MMehc Beaumont BBS-v21! Ext 330? or Palm Hopkins 8864?“ Ext 3532 Full Campus Rocvealoon Summer Program brochures me tgtettlttthte on room! and trom the thsocal Acnvmoa Buihdiog vnncod for this city's biggest soccer tourna- ldUit Umvovsc‘ty ot Wtrtqrhoo Needles Han. CASHIER'S OFFDCE first tktor. dunng normal omce how's NOMONAL COST: Recreational memberships are avalabie to any Kttctteoer-Waterkro citizen. 18 years ot age or om. to use the exam!“ recreational fttcbtitiets ttt the (humanity of Wtttttrfoo. "om Monday. May 3 to Friday, August t3, t982 TO PURCHASE YOUR CMUNITY “new “III HEREIN swam IE “DEED I“ SUPERIOR MEMORIALS BENEFITS Hashim International status broadens soccer eve 528 Victor“ SI. 04.. Kitchen" (m Wau- Isiah) 1641:: Al." has and!» rum his! “max UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO CAMPUS-COMMUNITY RECREATION PROGRAM Adam (18 years and over). $40 + Sto with locker Mamet! couple, sro ' sto each wtttt lockev 'netrucrronat and club Diagrams are ave-labia to Community who's at an addihonal nomanat charge Pamctpahon an a trt'rtoty of commrtitive and vocronh‘onal leagues Participation on over 20 mturucttonal and IO club mourning Free me ot the weight mom Free use ot IO munch and 2 teams courts Tpry-oo‘oht hows of use recreational/lioness Now, the sponsors of the club were ready to accept the loss of their 3125 entry fee into the league. but then they heard that their $300 bond was revoked, that didn't sit too well with them. But like they say. if you want to dance you got to pay the fiddler. Last season Guelph lngrams folded as a result of a lack of players, bu! in their To prolong the agony. the team was granted an extra 48 senseless hours to form a team to open on Toosdax night. Roadhouse of the Inter-City Fastball League, plagued with the shortage of players, were denied a leave of absence from the league last Friday night at the league meeting. by Pete Cudhoa Ernie's Roadhouse can kiss the 1982 season goodbye. the teams will be from Ontario. from cltles in the “on Windsor to Oshawa to Niagara. There will be five teams from Quebec and four from the us. (Florida and Ohio). Since teams from tar away will have to spend two or three nights here, communi- ty help with billeting is urgently required. Anyone able to assist in this matter can contact Mohamed (648-3074) or committee members Linda Rater (8854994) Roadhouse must pay the piper Adult club members pay $1500; partici- The first session of outdoor tennis lessons at the Waterloo Family Y start the week of May 17 on the three fully lit rubberized sur- face courts. This was the first time in the league's history that a leave of absence was denied. The decision was made place came the Guelph Scott Glass juniors. lm grams were granted their leave and their $300 and all was said and done. According to Glenn Moeser, presi- dent of the IFL, In- grams notified the league much earlier than Roadhouse did and their exit from the league didn't effect the schedule. The money is now the property of the league. For Peter and Ernie Nesbit, sponsors of the club. this season was Just a bad invest- ment. A tournament of this scope puts great strain on local resources. and one particular concern at the moment is for referees. of whom at least so are required for the first day. Neighboring cities such .as Cambridge, Guelph and Kitchener have agreed to help and some visiting teams will be accompanied by a referee. But any re- tired referee in the Canada's M001 Comprohomive Dritratr Training Count Your course fee :3 income tax deduct- ibIe and you may save up to 40% in msurance premiums by pregeming our course certificate tut tt 9-12 W In In [in or Jane Myth (834- 2357). For Ittformatioet on next court. phone Tennis lessons A begin YOUNG DRIVERS OF CANADA <1 I mu g In: Ms "ici, I -\ "can Kitchmt Cantu 5794†Cambridge Centre 623-6730 1hmtqrioo Cantu 579-4000 at 885 details pants 825.00 for the tive week session. Youth costs are 88.00 for club members and $16.00 for participants. So. it looks like the seaon will go on with- out the Roadhouse team. ICs not sure whether they'll try to get back in the league in the future or if they'll go back to the Inter-County Fastball League next season. Roadhouse coach Rick Cowsill could see that that team was going to be trouble when his preseason club had only 13 players out for practice and of those. he felt there were really only nine players who he felt were capable of playing in the league. by the league operators and executive. be an opportunity to see the youth game at its best and Join with Mayor Carroll and other community lead- ers in the presentation of awards to winning teams Sunday, June As the "newest" sport in town, mnny people have only I vagueldcn olthegame of soccer. This would community villus w volunteer would be most welcome, Just call the tourney chair man. Call the Waterloo Y 885351!) for further (W VIC-ow -e fl “Mull bit u