This designation will be in place for one year. with the possibility of two six-month extension periods. The program's objec- tive is to provide more his in the KW are. through 1 variety of labor assis- tance/industry assistance schemes. Industrial projects in " are now eligible for financial assistance. This can help manufacturing and processing firms On March 2 I asked the House of commons to “ the Govemment's ILAP committee to bring forward quickly some practical and creative responses to present unacceptably high levels of un- employment, so that communities like Kitchener-Waterloo can, once again, con- fidently attract industrial growth." in response to the many calls for help, the federal government announced on April 7 that both Kitchener and Waterloo have been designated for assistance under the $350 million Industry and Labour Adjustment Program (lLAP), From all of our communities there have been calls for special, emergency assis- tance. As MP representing Waterloo. part of Kitchener. and Woolwich, Wellesley and Wilmot, l have been pressing for action. Unemployment has become a serious fact of Canadian life. And -for the first time, the K-W area has been above the national average, The problems of the Canadian automotive industry have hit our region. Readers who believe that this proposed project is a misuse of their hard-earned dollars should attend an "open house" on Tuesday, May 11 from 5 t0 9 p.m. at the Marsland Centre, 8th noor. 6. Why is University Avenue to be extended before enough time has passed to observe the extent to which the new Fischer-Hallman corridor will relieve other heavily used arteries such as Westmount Road? 7. And above all, why is it that in private conversations. members of the planning and engineering staffs of both the city of Waterloo and the region will admit that this project is not necessary? 5. Why did the city of Waterloo quietly approve this project without prior notice to its taxpayers? 4. Why should any but the most urgently needed projects be considered in these extremely difficult economic times, par- ticularly when taxpayers in the city of Waterloo are facing a 15 per cent tax in- crease? 3. Why was this project moved forward to a 1982 priority position from the originally scheduled date of the late 2. How can this project be considered essential when the Lakeshore Village section of Waterloo lacks a proper access route for fire and ambulance service? 1. How can you justify spending one million dollars on a second connection between Erb Street and Fischer-Hellman Road? These two streets already intersect and are not heavily used. Before giving any further consideration to this project. regional councillors, par- ticularly those representing the city of Waterloo. have an obligation to provide local taxpayers with answers to some critical questions: LllltrrglmFi--rrm Reader objects to University Avenue extension Funds for this project are provided for in the 1982 budget of the Regional Municipal- ity of Waterloo. Apparently. final approval to proceed has not been given by regional council. In _ addition to its share of the regional budget, the city of Waterloo will have to bear the full cost of storm sewers along this road. Congratulations to Mary Jane Mewhin- ney who was the only member of Waterloo council to show concern for the taxpayer's pocketbook by voting against a wasteful million dollar project to extend University Avenue from Erb Street to Fischer-Hall- man Road. WALTER MCLEAN WP. Copland 373 Warrington Dr. Waterloo The committee membership includes: screened by Archie Gillies. executive director. kitch. There is ener Economic Development Group; Jack . unemployed Duffy, president. Waterloo Chamber of jobs in KW. The chairman is Jim Beingessner, president of B a W Heal Treating, chairman of Waterloo Regional Social Resources Council and a member ot the Trade Association ot the Auto Parts Martutactttrhttt Amiuion. . undertaking capital projects. These proj- ects must establish, expand or restructure operations within the municipal bounda- ries of KW. Assistance is available in the form of grant contributions of up to " per cent of eligible consulting costs. Interest-free loans will also be available at up to 50 per cent of total eligible capital cost and pro-production expenses. A Community Adjustment Committee for K-W is now in place. It has been my responsibility, along with Kitchener MP Peter Lang, to nominate its members. The committee consists of a chairman and " persons from business. labor. education. municipal and regional governments. sup- ported by federal government staff. The focus is on all medium-sized firms which are prepared to undertake projects which they otherwise could not, due to today's high interest rates and uncertain markets. How does this traditional rationalization affect the Catholic flock in practical terms? Their record reveals that they gave their full support to Hitler. Mussolini and Franco. Father Holmes. the Catholic historian, says: Pius XI was willing to treat with any government or regime or ideology in the interests of the church. This success is only possible because of the concern and support we receive from people like those at the Chronicle, who have been most generous and helpful in drawing support from the community for Bowl for Millions. The cardinal then informs is: "May no nation start a war." it is indeed a pleasure to advise you that Bowl for Millions this year has been a tremendous success. From a preliminary tally of the pledge sheets received to date, it appears we will meet and possibly exceed our objective. In his annual letter to Catholic chap lains. New York's Cardinal Terence Cooke wrote concerning the morality of nuclear weapons buildup. As published in the National Catholic Reporter, the cardinal declared: "A strategy of nuclear deter- rence can be morally tolerable if a nation is sincerely trying to come up with a rational alternative." Name one! Then, the cardinal says: "The church has traditionally taught and continues to teach that argovernment has both the right and duty to protect its people against unjust aggression. This means that it is legitimate to develop and maintain weap- ons systems to try to prevent war by deterring another nation from attack, ing." Having read the history of past empires the eardinai's words have a hollow sound. Each empire of the past relied on its military power, and all went out of exis- tence. If anyone thinks we are different I would suggest they read Daniel chapter 11. Big Brothers express their appreciation piling legitimate. Keeiung up with world events I came across this Item of news: Atomic Stock- Atomic l stockpiling On behalf of Kitchener-Waterloo Big " Westmounl Rd., N. Apt. 403 Waterloo [LAP helps businesses war. Pope Commerce; Wayne Samuelson. president. Kitchener-Waterloo and District Labour Council; Bruce Davidson international representative. United Auto Workers Union; Jim Gray. chairman, Waterloo Regional Council; Stu McLean. president. Apex Metals; William Moser, president. Lear-Siegler; Fred Garner, president, KF. Goodrich; Hugh Sloan, president. Budd Automotive; Ed Arbuckle, Coopers and Lybrand; Edward Hayes, former 'newspaper executive; Ernie Holmes, Uni. versity of Waterloo; Robert Koehler, formerly of National Cash Register; Betty Sims. Chicopee Manufacturing; Gerry O'Neil, labor economist; and Phil Taylor. Colonial Cookies. This committee will review advice on our community's economic and social re-development needs. " will also act as a catalyst and focus for the community- based industrial adiustment program. this will coordinate existing federal. provincial and municipal programs. Pror ects eligible for assistance will be screened by a panel in Ottawa. There is' atio assistance available to tetrteytd workers who formerly had The committee staff will include Bill Clarkson. Employment and Immigration Canada, and Peter Melnichuk and Ed Webster of Industry. Trade & Commerce. As you are most probably aware, Conestoga Mall has a collection of seven sculptures. titled: 1) Three Men Talking 2) Man With Expensive Wife 3) Four Men Plus One Woman Walking 4) Five Boys Running The senior citizens of Waterloo, the directors of Project SHINE (Support. Health, Information for Neighbourhood Elderly); and the staff of the Adult Recreation Centre would like to say a public thank you to the Optimist Club of Twin Cities for their donation and assis- tance toward the continued success of our SHINE program. Indeed the " and Little Brothers. I extend to your writers and photographers a more thank you for helping make Bowl for Millions a success. Article helped mall find artist Thanks from Little Mountain Pre-School On behalf of Little Mountain Parent Participating Pre-School Waterloo Inc.. we would like to thank the Waterloo Chronicle. CFCA,,CKKW and CISCO TV for their support in promoting the Bob Schneider Concert held at the Humanities Theatre on April 10. Thanks also to the businesses who purchased and donated tickets to children with special needs. Without your generosi- ty, these children would not have had the opportunity to attend the concert. Last but certainly not least, thanks to the general public. Without your support, we would have failed. The proceeds will be used to purchase equipment for Little Mountain Pre-School, a non-profit organization. Seniors applaud local Optimists Theirienerosity is greatly appreciated Bowl for Millions Con-mm Big Brothers at " Donna Watterworth Diane Fler Carol Ziegler Fund-raising committee Treasurer Project SHINE Waterloo wkreano 'snoeoiLi'iiigiasa'v, in s, 1652 - "tse', Sally Leash I hope that these initiatives by the government will help our unemployed b find work or retraining. But to date Ottawa has received many application lot assistance to other communities an: few projects have been approved. Also there has been no announcement about how much of the $350 million available to the whole country we can expect for assistance to Kitchener-Waterloo. Other provisions of the labor package include early retirement subsidies. in creased mobility allowances, and the provision of temporary productive em ploymem. 2. Enhanced Training » any employe who has, or establishes. an approver apprenticeship program for critical skill- will be eligible to be reimbursed for 100 per cent of additional trainees' wages to ' maximum of $250 per week in the firs year period, and so per cent in the possibl extension periods. Assistance is available as: l, Portable Wage Subsidy » a new employer can apply for a $2 per hour subsidy per worker. provided he does not use it to replace am employee; has been in business for the past 12 months; offers a full-tinte position at a fair salary; and shows a reasonable opportunity for employment beyond the subsidy period. We would like to thank the Waterloo Chronicle for printing the article on Mr. Juhasz, which allowed us to contract him for the repairs. He has done an excellent job, and we are so looking forward to reintroducing this artwork to the public. Thanks tor your help. As a result of the sale of daffodils, Beta Sigma Phi Sorority will be presenting a cheque to the North Waterloo Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society in the amount of 312.600. We, the members of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, Wish to thank you for your support in allowing us to make our daffodil sales so successful. Thank you again for your interest in our work for the Canadian Cancer Society. Mary Duncan Publicity Chairwoman Last year, as a result of an article printed in the Waterloo Chronicle, we hired a local artist. Andras S. Juhasz, to repair these scupltures. They are now done and ready for reinstallatlon in the mall, on newly constructed bases. Sorority appreciates fund-raising support The annual Daffodil Day of the Canadian Cancer Society was held April 2 and 3. " Old Lady MI 0) Family Shopping 7) Young Couple Holding Hands These seupltures were designed by William McElchenn R.CA. and commis- sioned for Conestoga Mall. Over the last several years, these statues have been In various locations and various state of repair, especially as relating to attachment to permanent bases. Time will tell... The Chronicle wel- comes letters to the edi- tor. Writers must identify themselves through their name, address and tele- phone number. We re- serve the right to edit. Letters policy Gary R. Bot-dream General Manager Conestoga Mail