PAGE 32 â€" WATERLOO CHROWICLE See our fine selection of 82‘s _ Many 1981‘s left, at very sposial prices 20 Ottawa St. North, Kitchener 744â€"8125 D.A. Kurt iInsurance Brokers Ltd. 35 UNION ST. E., WATERLOO Taste the difference quality makes Lutheran Life Insurance Society of Canada Head Office: Marsland Centre, Waterioo, Ontario Telephone : 886â€"4610 10TH YEAR SERVING CANAD|IAN LUTHERANS Insurance Agency Ltd. C SuITE 902 20 ERB STREET, WEST WATERLOO MARSLAND CENTRE Mutual Life 886â€"4820 579â€"5440 ‘Maximum business Canada What do you reaily know akorst Heart Attacks? Usually when we speak of a heart attack. we mean a sudden biociung of one of the arteries that supply the hear? muscle with biood Aithough the heart attack is sudden. )t :s the reault of stow ly developing atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries becomes roughened and nerrowed by fatty deposits When this happens. a blood clot (thrombus| may form in the narrowed artery and biock the flow of blood to the part of the heart muscle supphed by the artery The result is heart attack: which physicians may call coron ary thrombosis coronary occlusion or myorardia) infarction Strokes occur . when there is interference with the blood supply to the bram One of the most commonest causes is the bloclung of one of the brain s artenes by a clot inside the artery This condition is called cerebe! thromboss A clot is not hkely to occur in a health artery NHowever when arteries sre demnaged by atheroacierous clots sre apt to ftorm sround rough deposit on the ertery walt Stwoke siso occurs when an artery in the brain bursts This is called a cerebra! haemorthage Celts nourished by the artery are deprived of blood and cannot function The accumulaton of blood from the burat artery forms a clot By dispiecing brem trmeue :t may interfere with brain function and cause mild or severe symp toms A cerebrs) heemorrhage :s more hkely to occur when the When a stroke occurs. the nerve ceils in that ares cannot func tron These cells controi sensation and mast of our bochiy mave ments When nerve cells cannot function. the pert of the body controlied by these celis cannot function either The resuits mey be difficulty in spealung. inabshty to waltk or loss of memory The effect may be shght or severe. permanent of temporery. depending on which brain cells have been demaged how witespresd the demage is how efMectvely the body can repar system of bioed supply. or how rapidty other srese of breim tresue can take ove: the work of the demaged catls What do you really know about Strukes? Symptoms of Heart Attacks DNESDA Y The Canadian Heart Foundation is a national fundâ€"raising cam paign conducted annually dunng the month of Februarywhich :s Heart Month across Canada it‘s designed to raise urgently need ed funds to fight hesrt and biood vesse! disease which is our number one health enemy and because the resuits to date justify further investment in this fight The Canadian Heart Fund campaign is conducted in all ten provinces in Canada by thousands of volunteer canvassers going houseâ€"toâ€"house contacting businesses and individuals: by mail and by special events conducted by supporting groups during February Heart Month but especially on Heart Sunday. February 10th When you are approached by a volunteer on Heart Sunday February 10th. please give to the heart fund Your helpfu! doliars are very much appreciated Here is how your heart fund doliar is Facts ahout Heart Dissase reduce heart disease risk by keeping your weight down con troiling high biood pressure exercise regularty watch your diet and stop smoking! You l fee! better and reduce your risk of heart Uisease and stroke a childs sore throat may be nothing to worry about â€" or it might be a ‘strep infection Without proper treatment. it could lead to theu matic fever and hestt disesse What is Heart Sunday and the Canadian Heart Foundation? heart disease is an ‘epidemic in Canada Of every two people who dre every year from any cause known to man one dies of heart disease 85.000 Canadians die yearty of heart and blood vesse! diseases and strokes About fourth of them are under the age of 65 there are an estimated 2.600.000 Canadians with some form of heart and biood vesse! disease many Canadians are crippled by strokes every year nearly 2.000.000 Canadians have high blood pressure and don‘t even know it. because it has no symptoms Yet high biood pres sure is the major factor in causing heart atiack and stroke heart disease causes premature death and disability babres are born yearly with heart defects. most of these can be corrected by surgery it costs the Canadian economy 2 bikon doilars annualty in lost wages and medical care Protonged heavy pressure or sqeering pain in the centre of the chest. betund the breastbone Pain may spread to the shoulder arm neck. or jaw Pain or discomfort is often accompamed by sweasting Neusea womitimg o shortness of breath may aiso octut Symptoms may subside and then return FEBRUARY 14TH IS PLEASE GIVE TO THE CANADIAN HEART FUND TO HELP SAVE LIVES HEART SUNDAY ACROSS CANADA FEBRUARY 10 70¢ 85,000 CANADIANS DIE YEARLY OF HEART DISEASE “ tss Campaign The Wateries Chranicle wishes to acknowledge and thank the Canadian Neart Foundation for information on Heart Dissase 1982 lie =l:um & : ommunity Programmes Neart problems that remain uniess Heart Research diseases. Your contributions heip to save many hves that are affected with some form of heart disease. A healithy heart is a family affair! Please contribute whatever you can to the Canadian Heart Foundation ftund on Meart Sunâ€" dpv. Foebruary 10!0-7:9_ hdp ushgm against heart 1456 1.167 12 434 Migh blood pressure is a sient. mysterious killer _ sient be cause (t has no characteristic symptoms. mysterious because in more than 80% of the cases. the cause is unknown. and there is no cure if hypertension is not controfed. serious cardiovascuiar complications may result Hypertenmon affects nearly 2.000.000 Canadians and in these persons the pressure puts an extre work load upon the heart which is responsible for the development of hypertension heart dissase There are several types of hyperiension Some people suffe from occaesiona! periods of elevated pressure. some have sus taimed. but modest. elevations of biood pressure sometimes re ferred to as "maignant hypertension Loading causes of death im Canada, 1976 15 Everyone needs biood pressure to move blood through the circulatory system Blood pressure is created by contractions of the heart muscle. which pumps the blood through the vessets. and by the resistance of the arterial walis With each best of the heart blood pressure goes up and down within a imited range When it goes up and stays up. it is called high blood pressure also known HEART & BLOOD VESSEL DISEASE 82,.367 CANCER 35,205 1. Sudden temporery weskness or numbness of face. arm or leg 2. Temporary foss of speech or trouble in speaking or understand ing speech 3. Temporary dimness or loss of vision. particularty in one eye 4. Episodes of double vision 6. Unexplained dizziness. headaches. etc in conjuncton with other symptoms Act mmediately when Heart attack or stroke J alone it is also the responsibility of the patients family. fnends and associates to take action 6. Haif of all heart attack deaths occur before the victim gets to the hospital a What do you really know about Hypertonsion? % Symptoms of Strokes &3 Et The prevention of congemia! heart defects in newborn babies Further reduction of the time leg between the discovery of new knowledge and its appication to patients mwmdmtwl'?MMcMmm«m ing habits to reduce the risk of heart attack The prevention of strokes The discovery of a veccine to prevent theumatic feves A cure for tigh blood pressure which aftects nearly 2 milkon The prevention of premature heart attacks which are ACCIDENTS 9% x _ RESPIRATORY oscases * 11,801 ALL OTHER CaUses 13% auses Get to a hospital emergency room at once. if your doctor is not available Delay can be deadly Keep a st of emergency phone numbers near the telephane Decision to call for help is too important to leave to the patient 346 § HIGH ALOOD PRESSURE I RHEUMATIC HEART OiSEASE RRBBD aui ornHER HEART DISEASES you reaily matter to us! CPARKWAY mopmm\wZ?/ i T TV THE EQUITABLE LIFE too late to have your Insurance needs checked® "‘It‘s never too early or Insurance Brokers Ltd. OF CANADA *‘ Bringing Great Ideas To Life" Head Office Waterioo INSURANCE COMPANY ‘ westmount place pharmacy 886â€"7670 â€" CALL 744â€"7381 . 194 King St. 5., Waterioo THE DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE oowmvs Open Daily 9 a.m. â€" 10 p.m. Sundays & Holidays 11 a.m. â€" 9 p.m. C. W. Tweed & Son Ltd. Insurance (Since 1925) 455 KING ST. N., WATERLOO 886â€"2710 13 KING ST. N WATERLOO 884â€"51 10