Her recent works continue herlmereuin light and reflection. Moving from light-on- glass to light-mt-water, she introduce: con- The Kitchener-Wa- terloo Art Gallery will present the exhibition Lenni Workman: Re cent Watercolours from Feb. 4 until Feb. minim. It ishritttin the viewers' irrtngiatatiort, PAGE " - “TERLOO CHRONICLE. “WAY. FWY 3, P" Citgo VIE REVIEW Dreyfuss, naturally enough, dominates. in a role that is especially alien to his general style of acting. Most of the time on screen his character can only move his head. and, thus restrict- ed, Dreyfuss cannot employ any of the frenetic body movement with which he has, from time to time, overindulged his charac, ters in previous films. His performance in this movie is the product of great sensitivity and the ability to project. with total sincerity. his innermost feelings. It's the kind of perfor mance that certainly would jus- tify an Oscar nomination. Predominant though his char actor is. Whose Life Is It Any Although a highly controver. sial, personal and social issue may be at the heart of this picture, what really gives it its extraordinary dramatic power are the excellent characterize} lions. Actually. the movie quite com- mendably avoids taking any solid stance for or against the practice of so-called "mercy-killing." but simply poses the title question and leaves each viewer to come up with his or her own answer. As played by Richard Drey- fuss, the principal character is a witty, articulate and thoroughly real human being. His feelings about controlling his own life - including up to the point of when and how he ends it _ are certainly very understandable. even to those who might not be in igree- ment with the principle of euth- anasia upon request. It is also a movie that involves and entertains an audience supe- rhly. A mere summary of its plot is likely to suggest some pretty heavy going: A young sculptor, paralyzed from the neck down. fights for the right to choose to end his own life. Adapted from a stage play, Whose Life Is It Anyway? is, however, remarkably free from any dominating tone of pes- simism or despair, and, in fact, much of the time is genuinely funny and even exhilarating. By Victor Stanton " Like its title. Whose Life Is It Anyway? is a movie that asks some significant questions. Canadian art displayed Whose Life entertains superbly This collection of over so prints. circular ed by the Art Gallery of Greater View“. was 'te-tmd by 01mm. in Belleville and cur- rently resides in Kings- ton. Since 1971. her work has been exhibit, ed in many galleries including: the Van couver Art Gallery, Vancouver. B.C. and the Agnes Etherington Art Centre. Kingston. As well, the Art Gar lery will have on dir play Dutch Igth Cellar ry Prints. from Feb. 4 Whose Life Is It Anyway? is a drama that makes us think. but it is far from a heavy-handed mes- sage picture. It is. in some respects. also a richly human comedy, but its humor isn't inserted merely to entertain. Both the serious and the comic aspects have their proper place in this well-crafted and finely acted movie. And, certainly, one must not overlook the contribution A both in terms of humor and poignancy - Thomas Carter as the Jamaican orderly who takes the sculptor on a madcap - if perhaps unlikely - nighttime excursion to the base- ment of the hospital. A very praiseworthy feature of this picture - credit for which probably should be shared equal- ly by writers Brian Clark (who also wrote the original stage play) and Reginald Rose and director John Badham - is the fact that despite the predomin- ence of scenes within the hospital itself this never seems like a play simply transferred to film. On the feminine side, Christine Lahti as an emotionally involved doctor. Kaki Hunter as a novice nurse. J Inet Eilher " the scalp tor's dancer girl friend and Alba Oms as a mHtonBense head nurse all are excellent in meaningful roles. Bob Balaton.‘ as the novice lawyer who pleads his client's right to determine whether he should live or die, and Kenneth McMillan, as the judge ultimate. ly faced with making a life-or- death decision, add impressively to their year's list of supporting roles. Again, of course, it is the individual performer who must be credited for endowing each one of those characters with the depth and substance of huntani. ty. John Cassavetes, as the doe tor who is almost fanatical in his dedication to saving lives, has, perhaps. the least opportunity to present a fully-rounded charac, terization, but he too manages to avoid becoming merely a carica, ture authority figure. way? is by no means a one-man show. Surrounding characters have been deftly written into the script so that they too are very much real people with whom viewers can readily relate. According to I." The â€INOIII Ballet Thom, I' ... from tavern during their 2Sth Inhi- scenes. to "WW. vemry - In If". mama cum and tt V“ later "winced Indiana. an. period by Norma Cdmpboll of printmaking is with (or CBC-TV. metrfvalirtttistory." "eatorrisasiaHt1e Excellent examples of traditional print- mlking techniques such as engraving. etching and drypolm are repmented in this small collection. [an M. Thom and in, cludes such artists us: Visscher. Osude. Rembrandt and La Flue Mal Game was ttrut performed by The National Ballet during their 2Sth agtati- vemry scum In If". It was later pmduced The other principals appearing with The National at The Centre will be Vanessa Har- wood and Tomas Schnmek (both danc- ing tonight) and Raw mood Smith (on Fri- day). La Fille Mal Gardee is a country love story which blends sentiment in the barnyard. love and greed, raucous humor and delicate lyricism. It is a ballet for both the novice and serious ballet lover This engagement by The National Ballet will also mark the first appearance on The Centre's stage of prin- cipals Karen Kain. Frank Augustyn (both dancing tomorrow) and Nadia Potts (on Friday). The National Ballet of Canada will perform one of Frederick Ash, ton's masterpieces. La Fille Mal Gardee. at The Centre In The Square tonight. tomor- row and Friday at " RichardDr-0owertemsursirtWh-uhrhrttAn a.The . bout a former oculptor who chooses to and his own life. WI y story a a National Ballet comes to Centre uric: offhand: inn one. In La Fille Mal Gardee. the young girl, Lise. is constantly being prevented from seeing her lover, Colas, by her mother who wants her to marry a rich man's son. Alain. As the title suggests. the two do manage to get together despite the obstacles and at the endAhe doltish Alain is left with only his red umbrella. From the first strutting rooster through to the use of pink ribbons and the English folk dances of the ensemble numbers, Art exhibits. foreign films and musical con- certs are all scheduled for Wilfrid Laurier University (WLU) from Feb. ' through to the 10th. Thursday. Feb. 4 the Music at Noon Concert will feature the IAyo- pold Series of rs. Bach. Organ Recital XI performed by Barrie Cabena. The concert will be held at 12:00 noon in the Keller Me mortal Chapel at the Brick" Sta. Latetthnt, day. at . Laurier hosts events On Friday. Feb. 5 and Saturday. Feb. 6 speakers from Melan- ter University. the Royal Ontario Museum and the University of Guelph will be at WLU for a seminar on south Italy. Dr. Alister Small. University of Alberta. " discuss the exca- vation at San Ghovagr. ni. at 3 mm. In room Mat of the Am Batild- MouSMythe university will but an all-day mute-duh; the silent min fern. in room 2-20S of the cen- tral teaching building. classics. largely hom Created at Bordeaux on the eve of the French Revolution in 1189 by Jean Dauber val. La Pine Mal Gar- dee centres around conventional life, con- vincing characters and situations that "speak to the heart.“ and it is this very simplicity that has made the bal- let a success. Dancing the princi- pal roles in La Fille Mal Gardee at The Centre In The Square La Fine Mai Gardee tonight will be Vanessa radiates good humor Harwood as Lise, and and rustic charm. Tomas Sehramek as Created at Bordeaux Colas. with Constantine on the eve of the Patsalasasthemother French Revolution in and David Rounder as 1789 by Jean Dauber Alain. On Thursday. val. La Pille Mal Gar- these roles will be dee centres around danced by Karen Kain. conventional life, con- Frank Augustyn, Cow vincing characters and stantin Patsalas and situations that "speak David Allan. On Fri- totheheart,"anditis day. they will be this very simplicity danced by Nadia Potts. that has made the bal- Raymond Smith. Jac- let a success. ques Gorrissen and Dancing the princi- David Rounder. On Wednesday. Fett. 10 a Choral Service in the Kefter Memorial Chapel will feature the WLU Chapel Choir. with Barrie Cabena directing. The service will begin at 12:30 me Monday. Feb. 8 to Friday, Feb. " paintings try Otto Berertvillbedi9Uyed In the Concourse Gal- Tickets are $10. 812 or SM. For inform} tion. phone 5184360. with the history of southern Italy begin- ning at 9:30:.m. in the Paul Martin Centre. Adululon is free to mi of the" events It! everyone In vel-