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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Jun 1981, p. 34

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PAGE M - WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 111981 10::an 21 m n 'et PERMANENT WAVE - $25 00 m you: own home by lucencod Inmates“: Phone 884-5772 ttht) COMPLETE TREE sonic. - Tacoma. pinning. ano- CLOCKS REPAIRED An “one wan mantel, 400 may and grandtather Pro fessnonal lraunmg Free estimates reasonaoie rates one yea: guavan tee 8848139 ttfl Sealed and mtmnshed wnh a fantastic Epoxy chem-cal waterproofmg process REGIONAL TREE Servtcos Stump removal prun mg topping use and stump vomovnl Free as "mam 886-4693 (m ELECTROLUX SALES and Sew-cc Free peck-up and delivery Phone 884 6810 UN CHIMNEYS REPAIRED and rebuult Wmten QUd'amees fully maxed Phone 74r2834 1m DEALERS WANTED. Cus- tom made magnetic signs for cars and trucks. also adhesive. dismay and ttathtng signs (indoor). 40% and more discount. Quality-low prices and Ian coast to coast deci- very Write for sample kit trc, Sign Mtg., R.R 2, 29939 Lougheed Hwy. Mission. Bic, (24) A t YEAR ROUND Tree Service Mamtenance and removal Insure M H Kesselnng & Son “alchenev Phone 576 8531 (tfl BREWSTER TRANSPORT - garage foreman This position is open in Ban" to individuals who hold a mechanics licence and have a strong back- ground in repair ot, buses or h.d Macks. Supervi- sory experience pre- terred. Apply in writing to Bil! Mooney, Box 1140, San". Alta., TOL 0C0. CERAMIC TILE And plaster I repairs Free estimates i Phone 885-1044 (23) 20 gusmess OPPORTUNITIES 22 HELP WANTED vats, Wing In or- namonul all mm "on Phone T43-r894 tttm LEAKING. DAMP MUSTV BASEMENT? ot dead and disabled cattle and nurse“ Phone '-4ltHitr2A42l or Kitchener i79-38N Lu'enx-e No tm-cm) Cmmbllng Celia: walls Floors Rockfacmg PACONI DEADSTOCK FREE REMOVAL Guaranteed Work 145~7790 ttr 744-9995 MAKE APPOINTMENTS By phone to sewuce Fuller Brush customers Excellent commission Phone 742 7572 itt) LIGHT ELECTRONIC As- sembiy workers, hours 7:30 am. - 4:00 pm Apply Designed Power. 550 Parkside Drive, Buidding B Unit ll, Wa- terioo. (25) 22 HELP WANTED CARRIERS WANTED to l dehve! weekly “W } In all you ot Waterbo l Earn exits money. bonus '; mazes For more "totormgF ( "on can 742-4794 or 742-3528 (24) I Opportunity to in- struct needlecraft classes. No experi- ence necessary. Will train. ARE YOU EXPERIENCED TIM-COUNTY TRUCK DRIVE J RAINING Learn to move (new! "any: or Hacks now Non Counts Sumac tht.. JUN tt Mom. July " tht., August 1st BRANTFORD KITCHENER 756-0223 743 501 1 23 AGENTS a. SALES HELP 26A TAILORING & ALTE RATIONS D MUCHAEL TREMKO ot assembty production workers'? Vertec Indus‘ tnes Ltd, Canada’s targ- est and expanding Vro- ducev ot gram duels, has jotr opportunitues m su- pemswn and metal tatm- catton such as operating shear, brake. volt former and other positions Can- didates shoutd be ettec, twe commumcators, pos- sess good interpersonal skins, be good 0r9a0- 12ers. be willing to veto cate Work l8 In our ptant tn Vermilion, an excellent family town ot 3600 Hours are 8 am to 5 pm trom Monday through Fo- day Salary or wage ne- gotiable; group Insurance benefits Write. telephone or send resume to: Vertec Industries. Box BAO, Ver- milton, Athena. TOB 4M0 Attention: Al Ward, Tele- phone (403) B53-2901 In metal tabncallon and /or in the supervision does all kinds ot muonng and altevahons even leather. |ackot depots "to- rowed, Reasonabio 81 Ridgeview Crescent. Wa- terloo (tin) ENJOY NEEDLE- CRAFTS? 744-9319 Call Lila (24) LEONA S HAtRSTYLtNG - Belmont and John Street West Appointment not necessaty but it preferred phone 578-634t Open Thursday and Friday mNF nings. (24) 28 PERSONALS HELEN PECK says‘ C (have known Bill and Grace for many years ano , feel comtortaMe and relaxed when they do my hair Hens n Chucks Beauty Salon, 59 Mel-mo Street, Waterloo 886-2733 (24) PLANNING A BOOK or manuscript? Even Delete l writing make it a reality l with money saving melh- l od Small onnungs (500 1 plus) are welcome Con- l tact "Publlsher ' Hornmg [ Mills, Om LON 130 (519) , 925-6035 (24) _ " HELP NAUTED WEDDING INVITATIONS - '0% oft ttat once Includ- mg announcements. ser- otrttes. matches. etc Jim's quck Pnnt Shop, 299 Lawrence Ave, Kn- chener 576-7860 (27) ARE YOU Distressed by P possubie pregnancy' Bmhnght offers free preg nancy tests, hmndshup and confidential counselling Call 579 3990 cm EXPECTANT PARENT Ed- ucation Classes. physical prepatabon based on La- maze Next class begins June 22-23 Waterloo Region! Health Urtlt. 850 King West, Kitchener 74A-7357 (24) DONATIONS OF Clothmg, furniture, dishes to The Salvauon Army, 657 ng Street East, Kitchener "Help us to help others ' For puck up call 578 3130 (m M TUTORING STUDENT & FAMILY Ser Vices . Suecuahzed Tulonal Classes Complete educa tttanal assessments and progvammmg Call 884 3160 (m NEWSPAPER CARRIERS BEAUTIFUL HANDS Begun wnh beautiful narls" In one appomlv mam we can transform button or problem malts Into longer lovehet hn- gemauls The Total Look 742-2321 (If) Required for Areas of Lam-um . III-um V Ina-um ll you live m one of there areas and would be manned tn dehvennc newspapers on Wednesdays after 4 . p m iAppltcanis should be at least ll years of “or Plea-e [III In the apphcatwn form and man to WATERLOO CHRONICLE Att Garner: Seven/nor Rt King Street South Waterloo (inuno NAME ADDRESS PHONE " ME LP WANTED 37 BUSINES SERVICES KEY WEST, Florida Large private house, three bed- rooms. two baths, one block trom beach. suit- able tor tamitoes or cou- Mes, tully equipped. $350 U s pet week 884- 641 t (24) COMPLETE BOOKKEEP- ING and payroll servnce tor small businesses. tax plannmg and mvestmem counselling tor Indwcdu» Hts, Reasonable rates 7424960 (34) f GUELPH YM-YWCA 400 SPEEDVALE 'Lttaa-mso GUELPI'I ONTARIO N1 E 1 N9 NAME., ADDRESS CITV - ACCOMMODATIONS SPECIALTY CAMPS a GYMNASTICS CD SAILING man. LL] EQUESTRIAN Mt MARSLAND DRIVE - WATERLOO k PHONE 886-7777 1 Bussing from Kitchenet-Wayerloo Area weeks of July 6, July 20 & Aug. 10 for donned hrochure send coupon or call ADMISSION $1.50 - SKATE RENTAL 506 FAMILY RATE 3‘50 Skate to Contemporary CHRISTIAN MUSIC AGE Eva-y Saturday Just a Part ot Growing Up! iialu '5." (2 mt) SUMMER CAMP and gone and most 0! Canada's " million taxpayers have now heaved a collective sigh of relief. Although most poo ple are ready to put income tax out of their minds for another year, they should not throw out their receipts and records yet, Reve- nue Canada advises. After refund cheques and assessment notices have been mplled. Revenue Canada. Tax- ation begins to re-ex- amine the tax returns of thousands of Cana- dians to verify claims for personal exemp- tion, deductions from income, and expenses reported on their 1980 income tax returns. s u c h a s s e l f _ employment. invest ment, rental property. or commissions are checked through office examination or audit programs. In either case. without the nec- (-ssary receipts and re- cords, taxpayers could find that their claims are hard to support. " For taxpayers whose income is from wages or salary. the depart- ment conducts post-as- sessing and matching programs. The returns of taxpayers whose in, come is from sources Beware the taxman! (1M unborn) thtsttmttt$Mt 'tta-ttgi-ttis Kathi”, numher oi claim an selected each year lot closer examination. Returns with such claims as away-from- In addition to the recovery of tax from taxpayers who have made erroneous or int- proper claims, this post-assessing pro- gram alerts the depart- ment to problem areas. In the 1979180 pro- gram, reassessments from the post-assessing program totalled $16,226,585 in additional income tax. aver-gins annuity con- tracts and expenses against salary may be subject to scrutiny. The matching pm gram involves the computer or manual- matching of informa- tion reported on various information slips or receipts with information submitted by taxpayers. Informa- tion. slips such as Tts, TFAls (Family Allow, ance) or T4Us (to employment Insurs ance; are matched aginst the amounts de- ciared by taxpayers, to ensure that all such income has been ac- vurately reported. Re- ceipts for payments are also matched to ensure that the taxpay- ers who received the payments have report- ed them. Not only does this matching program Corner Frederick St.& Duke St. ARTS O CRAFTS O HANDICRAFTS 0 BAZAAR NOVELTIES You've seen Knchener‘s famous Farmers' Mar- ket. now Man to ostt the Sunday Arts t Crafts Sale where everythmg us avarlabie for purchase as a personal treasure or tor that special some- " noon to S: sun. until June 28th, 1981 Rtmtmittg Sept-tttter 13th to D-ttter 20th, "ttl RT ttlTtttEttttt'S FARMERS MARKET KmMEttEtt.'s l sumv ARTS m» a. cams ii'stfl? snow 3. SALE .'"-'-i - EVERY SUNDAY . REFRESHMENTS 0 FREE PARKING (enter garage from Scott St.) . FREE ADMISSION ‘WVl-IO muslin-Inna.“ "auoeoteetet.te people who. have In“ to file a return as well as to cases ot fraud. In the 1m matching program, a total of 880 million in additional tax was recovered. For taxpayers whose income is been sure» other than wages or salary the tax depart- ment may caduct ei- ther an ofBce examina- tion of their tax return or a field audit. Both involve the in-depth ex- amination of a taxpay~ er's return conducted either at the tax de- partment or " the tax- payer's residence or place of business. Tax- payers may be asked to provide receipts or re- cords to justify certain claims or verify ex- pauses. Last year the otrtee examination program resulted in the assess- ment of an additional $32 million in tax. The audit program yielded an additional $408 mil- lion in tax. As well as recovering tax owed, these verifi, cation programs en- courage people to comply with the law, Anyone who is contact- ed by Revenue Canada, Taxation should be able to provide sup- porting documentation to back up their claims. Failure to have the proper receipts and re- cords could result in a claim being disal- lowed. J,t.,ii, 4. ilrfir'2,'t

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