The list of world pro- fessional golfers for this year's Labatt's 1n- ternational continues to grow with the addr tion of Germany's Hans Heiser and Franz Laimer. of Austria. Heiser and Laimer join defending cham- pion Arnold Palmer, Canadian Dan Halldor- son, New Zealander Bob Charles and South African Hugh Baiocchi as starters for this year's tournament. to be played June 22-28 at Kitchener's West mount Golf and Country Club. Heiser has been a professional since 1955, and last year won the _ At -' g adiil vulf tgC2sce "‘ZNNILK. swim"; a tradition 'tirartrttnt2S. List growing for Labatt’s Classic 2ptviec.. worthy of your confidence. HARRY ROSS HUEHN BRUBACHER German P.G.A. for the second time, His first German P.G.A, win came in 1969. Heiser was also victorious at the 1968 German Dun- lop tournament, and was a member of his country's World Cup team in 1969-70. Laimer will be one of the youngest entrants in this year's Interna- tional. Only 24. Laimer turned professional in 1979. after an outstand- ing career as an ama- teur. His amateur record boasts tttt national and international tourna- ment victories as a member of Austria's National Team. Conwmml Parking. mining Wellmglon or ng Street a tradition since 1925. Datz ~Bcchtcl funeral home and chapel 621 KING WEST - 745-9495 The International offers $100,000 in prize money. and can justifi- ably call itself unique, bringing together golf- ing professionals from around the world, The winner receives $20,000, the Laban Cup. and the title of Cana- dian Professional Golfers' Association Champion. Last year. at Edmon- ton‘s Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Arnold Palmer, "Mr. Golf" to several generations. won the Labatt's Inter- national in a thrilling, one stroke victory over lsao Aoki, of Japan. Johnsonto be honored A special tribute to McMaster'Universily coach Ray Johnson will While he has decided to step aside as coach to devote more time to his academic duties, Johnson throughout his career has contributed greatly to the growth'of football at the high school and university levels, He incidently was the first guest speaker at the WLU Football Clinics having appeared in 1969. be a highlight of the 13th annual football coaches clinic at Wil- frid Laurier University May tt-9. This year, more than 100 high school coaches are expected to attend the clinic which will feature some popular names within universi» ty football circles scheduled to appear are l'nivorsity of Guelph head coach Tim oimitroif, University of Waterloo head coach Wally Delahey, Uni- versity of Ottawa do fensive co-ordinator Jim Clark, and Crooks- Serving the Twin Cities since 1946 ville, Ohio coach Dennis Neff. The WLU staff will also assist in the clinic by conducting a typical practice with Golden Hawk players. There will be two sessions Friday com- mencing at 7 p m after which "Coaches Corner" will be held to allow for additional questions to all of the speakers. Saturday sessions will begin at 9: 30 am. Lunch will be provided as well as clinic notes Those interested In attending should con- tact the athletic de- partment at WLU im- mediately, 528 “mm St. N, Kitchener menu: Weno- Bakeries) 745-613, After Iain 528-7154 Large Moot Showrooms SUPERIOR MEMORIALS For Spring Installation YOI'R MEMURlAl SHI)ULD BE ORDERED MM WATERLOO CHRMOCLE, WEDNESDAY, Mom 29, "Bt -e PAGE " tr-sTttAtwERTtSE.,.ADtfERrtsEgtneE3tEiS-, IzinCiN2friPEac1Cii%yd, Well-made, well-upholstered furniture can create a plescant atmosphere and enhance the enjoyment of life. Our 40-week, Certificate program in Furniture Upholstery (Repair) will teach you about the craft and business of upholstering. From modern furniture to antiques, from spring systems to fabric selection and costing principles, this program prepares you for an active, useful career. Donn Cam 5 call b"li'3"lf2"sci"i In addition, a period of Work Situation Experience gives you the opportunity to use your skills in an actual employment environment. You can begin studies at the Doon campus any Monday, providing space is available. " you're interested in craftsmanship. call us at 653-2511, Ext. 366. We'll give you the details on the Furniture Upholstery (Repair) Program. ,Mahler’cs Half-a-monlum 886-7520 Furniture. Everyone needs it and everyone uses it. WESTMOUNT PLACE 'BEHIND DOMINION) Hairstyling r united V BuMingtgtittstoday torthemtqdsottomorrow '