7£M0~0Av MAR. 23 use " - magnum emu. vacuum", we» a. W {Roller Skating Centre MARCH 21 -29 a sum ArranuooN 2fldf'l'lfl,fld" MONDAY MAR. 23 "Super Skate Seven Day" (every 7th person- Cl FREE ADMISSION) i (afternoon only) I TUESDAY MAR. 24 JM, Schneider Day" - Free hot dog. also I 50e off admission with this ad - cut out and I bring in, (afternoon only) I WED. MAR. 26 "T Shirt Day" - Anyone wearing a Super Skate I Seven T-shurt - V2 price on admissmn Afternoon ' or evening. does not include stayover , THURS. MAR. 27 "Button Day" - Anyone wearing a Super Skate . Seven button - 50c off admission (afternoon ' only) I FRIDAY MAR. " "Pepsi Day" _ One free drink and a chance to I wm a bicycle - donated try Kitchener be- I verages. (afternoon only). , ALSO Surprise Draws - Every afternoon of the entire March break ' - Mar. 21st - 29th. , Prizes to be given away include roller skates, ' monthly passes, new wheels. skate bags, I CLIP AND SAVE THIS AD. ITS WORTH " OFF ADMISSION ON TUESDAY MAR. 24th - AFTERNOON ONLY. LIMIT ONE PER PERSON. 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM 8 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM 81.50 ADMISSION " SKATE REIT“. $1.00 FOR EXTRA SESSION TOES. & WED. EVENING - 4 HOUR SESSION MARCH 24th and 25th EACH, NIGHT 7 PM-tl PM ADMISSION $2.00 RENTAL " Mahler?) liair.aodniun 886-7520 Tiii:?,!.,;)!, A†ii EliMll%jlff PLACE IlE1tr,MElilBt88iilEMttmtn1K$li111lt' M1trllrmlit$tlitomirllttitrtt$ttllttt, (BEHIND DOMINION) Hanslyhng leued "SPECIAL SESSIONS 341 MARSLAND DRIVE - WATERLOO PHONE 886-7777 "'CLIP THIS AD"" "CLIP AND SAVE" MARCH BREAK SPECIAL SESSIONS Waterloo volleyball Vikings recorded a 6-6 record in preliminary play but unfortunately that was not good enough to advance them to the playoffs in last wee- kend's OFSAA championships in Ottawa. However. the team still enjoyed a fine season under coach Wendy Sherlock. and capped their efforts by winning the Central Wetstetrr_tort_tarticttrrypi_oosrtip, recently Waterloo Youth Foot- ball Association execu- tives have been kept busy recently and the playing season is still six months off! The association has doubled its tackle divi- sion by expanding to the bantam level. The team, for boys 14- 15 will be known as the _ Starts Friday. March Mth , to Saturday. April ath Mon. Tues. Wed. Sat 8-6 Thurs. Fri.,8-9 Youth Football to expand 656-2900 _..-.- WELLESLEY The Country Department Store That Sells For Less " 1 a" AA, - ( 421.33 mi! i,dE2ss r' N 'h ‘filehimk. ' tING; = A -.,-i'-- AZ-AAA Cant ANNUAL SPRING SALE 2prvie.. worthy of your WillESllY MILL [In mm STORE mun. Convenient Parking, entering Wellington or King Street Stallions and will play doubleheaders with the peewed Chargers. Alth- ough Youth Football ap- plied for the expansion to bantam last No- vember, it just recently received confirmation Both Chargers and Stallions will be playing in the Niagara District Football League, the a tradition since 1925. Qatz ~Bcchtel funeral home and chapel 621 KING WEST - 745-9495 at University of Waterloo. Team members are front (i- r) Giselle Kavanagh. Susan Steep, Leslie Rheaume, Kim Marteniuk, Edith Edinger. Middle (l-r) are Annette Schroeder, Sheena Ross, Abby McKeown, Pam Fen- nell and Christine Anderson. Top (l-r) are coach Wendy Sherlock, Tricia Hallmen, Robin Todd, Arm Hovey, Alli- son McGee and manager Carolynn Morrison. third league in three years for the local as- sedation. Originally thercom- peted in the Kitchener Football League, then last year moved into the Southwest Football Con- ference. After a disas- trous season administra- tively at the conference level and no effort to im- prove for the upcoming season Youth Football moved to the new league and will compete against Burlington. Grimsby and arch-rival Brantford. which also changed leagues. _ confidence.' On tap in the near fu- ture IS a player develop- ment clinic for boys ages 12-13 (peewee) and bantam {14-153, The clinic, set for March 28 is spdnsored by OAFA and the UW football Warriors. Coach Wally Delahey and his staff will take players through a technique by technique routine with OAFA supplying T'- shirts There is ho char- ge and any player wish- ing to attend should call Vic Chiasson at 885-0523 after 5 pm, before March 23. m - St. N., um - Inu- Inhale!) 705-618. After ban sum: but - w SUPERIOR MEMORIALS For Spring Installation YOUR MEMORIAL SHOULD BE ORDERED NOW