"What we've got is a couple of guys who can put it in the net, but also a very strong defence and fairly good goaltending - as you noticed tonight Ching idn't get 'l,',',"); what [you'd call really hard shots," summed up ice. bh hey're (Saints) very mature for their age." But lest one get the impression Saints. who waltzed through an undefeated 20-0-1 Hub League season, are built around only one or two players, forget it. Rice, Collins and Saints' other assistant coach Ron Lavoie are quickly to point out to the contrary. Zilinskas, a trifle rougher around the edges than his sniper-like mate, now has 52 goals to go with his 25 assists, while right-winger Stephen Rice is next in line in goal production with 33. Stephens, a pint-sized phenom with a extraor- dinary wrist shot. is of the Gretzkian persuasion with 87 goals and 32 assists over-all this year. thanks in no small way to the unselfish contribu- tions of linemates Chip Seiling and Chris Code, That didn't prevent Saints and their one-two scoring Ranch of Troy Stephens and Matt Zilinskas from ta ing a solid round out of them though as Stephens sandwiched aiair of secprurpériod markers around goals by ilinskas in the first, his 50th of the season, and two more in the third "1 don't think they tChing) will be as easy in the future as they are now." predicted Rice after Sun- day's shutout, "They've just come through a mu ple of tough series and are likely pretty tired" Well, whatever the case may be. Waterloo minor atom Hogs Fuel Saints didn't take long to fell as a um; this year and they've been tap-danc'mg qn op- ponents heads ever since to the point where Saints have ‘come marching into the Ontario Minor Hock- ey Association finals sporting an over-all record of Their latest conquest came Sunday mght at Wa- terloo Arena where thev handed a tired but scrappy Chiguacousy club a 5-0 defeat W the first Rame of the OMHA finals By Rick Campbell Chunk-JO “on. "itoe Head coach Doug Rice says you don't have to coach them, just open the door and let them on the Mike Collins. one of Rice's assistants. says coaching has nothing to do with their success. that ir.s..tl.t.e prayers that have made. it flapper! _ I ali l SlZES§x10-5x15 " g t0xt0-10rtts-ttrx20 t OTHER SIZES AVAILABLE . UPON REQUEST “I'm“ 886-7350 meow/on (“f vumoo " V The second game of the series was last night in Ching with the third slated for Waterloo Arena Sa- turtjay at , pan. _ trLOCK IT - - U KEEP THE KEY - . .. Saints have theknack for winning Take a walk! Got the blues? Want to get away from it all? A< 0xto- totrt6- 10x20 OTHER SIZES AVAILABLE Walk a MocicToday. S.ft' Just try to stop them miirchiniiiri (Fashions for '8I Not to be overlooked with the up front acclaim on the successful Saints is the play between the pipes of Stephen Whitney and Timmy Brenner. Brenner has chalked up eight shutouts and Whitney seven as the tandem compiled a sterling average of under a goal a game during the season. "The most important thing is talent, we've got a really. really good bunch of kids." said Rice. "And we have a perfect blend of coaches too, there isn‘t a head coach and two assstants here. everyone works equally. Ron is good with the basics, Mike knows a great deal about positional play, and I. well, when something goes wrong, it's up to me to set the team gets flowing right again." That, with a club that has lost only twice all year, might seem like an easy task. But despite the credit the coaching staff showers on the players, it was obvious Sunday everyone is expected to pull their weight, coaches included. when the Saints go marching in. ... in exquisite gowns for the bride, her attendants and the mother of the bride and groom plus a wide variety of suits and dresses for all occasions. "They've just developed a feeling they can win any game, that's just how it is with them," said Collins. "They do it all themselves. we have to coach them in practice. but not in the games." "I wasn't there but apparently lhe kids just turned to Mike and Ron and said, don't worry. we'll win it," said Rice, who has had Collins at his side for four years ant} Layoie for tht past. two. Closest Saints have come to losing a "real" game came in the OMHA semis when they were down 2-1 to Niagara with only six minutes left. Saints charged back to win se in overtime. Sizes 8-20 Saints also have another prestigious tournament win to their credit, the Brantford International they won over Christmas with a 2-1 championship win over Burlington. " Collins indicated, players like Brent Muuigan and Mike Brook: aren't often in the headlines when " comes to point production. but their contribu- lions defensively have been invaluable, a fact that doesn't show up on the final scoresheet. “First, we want the kids to have fun. We also want them to learn. then thirdly comes the-win- rung. But we don't stress winning at all costs, in fact it's good to lose a couple of games. let the kids Ill the ttttd what it's like, so they know they ave to work rd every time out in order to win. t So far for Saints, who are the lone Waterloo all- star club remaining in OMHA competition. their only two losses of the season have come in exhibi- tion play at the hands of Hamilton Huskies. Yet they beat Niagara Falls 4-2 in the final of the Am- herst. NY Tonda tournament in early February. the same Niagara club that has since knocked out Hamilton in district play. The extent of Brooks' improvement is illustrated by the fact that at the start of the year he, as well as teammate Mike Wilson. were selected to Saints from last season‘s pause league pool. "We stress three' things with these kids," said Rice. who has been coaching for 13 years. the last seven with the all-stars at the minor atom nine- year-old level, 43 King St Wttterioo ThelFashion " $21.52.," all e 886-3060 “n.2, . pan-mulw Oped Daily 9-5:30 Thurs, & Fri. til 9 Chris Code, with Iinemates Chip Sailing and Troy Stephens (cap- tain) catching up. leads a rush on the Ching goal Sunday. Stephens, with the help of his two Iinemates, has popped in 87 goals in 51 games this year as Saints near their goat of an OMHA cham- pionship. WATERLOO REGIONAL HERITAGE FOUNDATION The By-laws of the Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation provide for the ap- pointment of ten citizens to the Board of Directors for 1981. Any person interested in being considered for appointment to the Board of Directors is urged to submit a letter of interest to the undersigned no later than April 15, 981. Appointments To The Board Of Directors WAYERLOO CHRONICLE. “NEWY, MARCH m. "I - PAGE " (Mrs.) E. Luhowy. A.M.C,T. Secretary Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation 8th Floor, Marsland Centre Waterloo, Ontario N2J 467 Gerry Hooch “80.70 III]! M SM" adv Stl. FT. Siding & Supplies Ltd. 207 Madison s. Kitchener 742-8394