PdMhCt9 Group provides a good feeling sisters Julie Aldis and Suzanne Rough will be featured in a display and sale at the Art Gallery Shop until March 29. The notepaper. hasti- notes, cards and gift en- closures are in the con- temporary mood, yet with traditional over- partners in Aldis Design of Toronto. ed and local That alone should - access for the Insical on. Project M. ht a. was to. . their W "B- hy - at the My of Wa- terloo Theatre of the Arts. their real ability is up leave I m just plain ‘leel'n pod.’ m, ssqr-gtter you) has oft-I appeared in the K-W area since they $itrmed here in tm, hot Sin- day's new - My when! pathetic: of song, time. music and aimed! routine cu My he am lo the dint“ of director Brian Dorseht. according to m3 manager Paul Winder. "We're a totally voluntary. non- profit m and it's taken a lot of effort over the years to build up from scratch“ Waller said in an interview. “Everyone contributes. but Brian's really put the whole Beginning with a selection of numbers from the big-hand era of the It. this "package" is a show designed for wide-audience par- ticipation and appeal. Stationery designed by Drawing heavily on the varied talents of individual female members of the group, Project Ptspiernadeiteasyforthe1arge crowd to take a saitimaital Jour- ney throng! a series of hits made famous by the Andrews Sisters. The group's only weakness was a follow-up number by a barbershop quartet which showed the male counterparts a little lacking in comic flare and vocal ability. The sisters are Stationery sale at the gallery Suzanne Rough stu- The extant to which Project Peo- ple can involve and delight an au- dience came through clearly in a lively Rock and Roll segment. Keeping pace with Sha-Na-Na, the skills of the eight-member band were highlighted, o , I Vim o! ruaTietiiiUiGUGisr,q Hal-bu!) . CI.» CM clock Bacon on I Dan . - q Shot on 3 Ion anv mums a TAKE-out C COIAIOII ACCI'VID I ".aAth-tSt.$t.-irtttoEqetr. '%eta+Nnaa-tltSs4tt5t8tt-t.ATErtLoo IyHELFIOII Mn-‘ei-usdipan ie We. nilH-I-t- arari-ht-gr_-tt local That alone should wnmwuhu success for the uni“! nulls have, the (I have at For The Best Loved Fren In town HAIURING: died interior desngn at Hammersmith College of Art, London. England. Julie Aldis studied tex- tile design at Sheridan School of Design. As ttell as paper items. Aldis Design also produces graphics and textile designs. The K-W Art Gallery Shop is the only outlet for their stationery in the K-W area. although it is sold across Canada and in the US. RESTAURAN' This production was: good in- tgieatit_ttrthekreeaitr-has Ito-Wu iratxeaaimtttres- mutant-era! mkttrrtaira, ex- their instruments In at tines Canada. In 'qteatmirrg weeks, they aretttttAedtera-riatVa-er, MttastreaiaatdNmthet. PtoieetP-t*rattmrtSi"b"" a year, Winklernid. "ad-h; bat- etitpeefdrm-sat-tpuces" 1aweesasdthetsig_rar- aicata-t-tir-etreqterd ttrat-aes-err-e-esta. time in†from ghtameBtmeA asTheWix,A-ieaedCabnret. the tsee Correctional (29kg Hospital. Recently, they acted as local -rdbators for the Variety Club Telethon. "Iiookatthetrroupasaserviee club. We can raise money and we're involved in help'mg others," Winkler said. Most when Mate their time and talents just for the enjoyment of performing, he said. "Others are hoping to mutually go on to protest-Ia] careers. It's a good opportunity to travel. meet a lot of people and there's a feeling of putting something back into it." Winkler admits the group may be a little idealistic for times like these because “we do have a cer- tain message to convey. which is try to be optimistic and enthusias- tie about life" Idealistic or not. those at Sunday nigbt's concert received that mer- sage loud mid clear, and obviously found nothing wrong with it. M.teet11t,f1.f, “TERM TRAVEL LTD. Winnipeg from $139.00 Calgary from $199.00 ‘Edmonton from $229.00 Vancouver from $279.00 CALI. us Ftt8t FWTIEI IUMIITIOI ABC Charters ooo-two-thet week durations 421 Gr-hrooht Dr.. The Kitchener-Wa- terloo Christian We men's Club invites women in the com- munity to its luncheon on Tuesday, March 24 from 1 pan. to 3 pm. at the BinGeman Park Ballroom. Spring is in the air and the ladies will be enter- tained by spring fa- shions with Fudges fa- shion show. Womenhold A free nursery will be provided on location. For late reservations or cancellations for both the luncheon and nur- sery. phone Esther Rup- perthal, 742-6727 or Vir- ginia Linkert, 576a156. Members of PM Pooplo nos. hte this grow shot when ratio: to than performance Sunday It the Unintsity of WW. Chtonido mm Hahn Ore found the gtoup - their snub-nee "Iodine good." PROJECT PEOPLE