‘REMEMBERING Someone also makes you harder to forget Grace and I WI" do om best to: you at Hens n' Chucks Beauty Salon 59 Menno Street We- terloo 886-2733 (8) 34 TUTORING TUTORING Why not try In. mu6tc for t pm your wedding done. or . party? The once well be . -. = Lot. . VOW Cowman-v.10! an ueAtme-g h uponmcod. well 1.00m mend-a bond Pom; oAe'f,"ffi mtg?“ any women to rock and a" tt '??ufltry Call Dave Btu, a... tht. Icon and 32 MUSICAL ACCORDDON AND Gunter lessons available Bresth- aupt Park area Call Bulls Musrc Studio 743-4001 (IO) LADOES "A†Dwmon Ion In Kitchener _ Waterloo. March 25 - 29th Impact costs, but not as much as your discontent! And Impact works Guaram teed. At the five days' end you will be at your absolute best. WATERLOO CO-OPERATIVE PRESCHOOL " "ms EXPECTANT PARENT Education Classes, physu- cal preparauon based on Lamaze Next class begins March 30-31 Wa- terloo Reportaf Health Unit. 850 King West, Kitchener 744-7357 IF YOU Are troubled by an unplanned pregnancy Brrthnghl offers help. which vs nonrjudgemenr tai. cont-dental and symr pathetic Catt 579-3990 mm LOOKING FOR I D.J.? 9 Avondale Ave. S. Welcomes Visits By 1981-82 Applicants 111:0th Match [2CrEa2llrr55) 13, Math and I Phone 8842641 For Appointments 2339 boll tum voguues know lodgeablo hard workmg pgvson to help coach Call 5780157 or 8846983 18) BEAUTIFUL HANDS Begun with beautiful nails" In one appoint- mam we can transform batten or problem nanls into Ionger,haveher fur gemauls The Total Look 742-2321 m) 2:3p p m. 44 YOUNG ST WEST For Applications And General Information Sunday, March lst COFFEE â€TENN“ ls Offering A SEMINAR INSTRUCTION Waterloo IMPACT . GRADES 910 Physucs (12) (9) (a) (tf) " HOLIDAY Accordmg to secluon 146 of the Income tax act, you can deduct ‘up lo $5,500, In some cases. ‘from your taxable mcome ll‘s We collecting part at your taxes back trom the government You can do " with a regnstered retirement savings plan trom ManuLtle A lplan that lets you deter taxes now to your tetlrement when y0u may be in a lowet tax bracket Call me tor all the details locum»: Punch T . tl Lab‘s Lam... " tt DWI OM Show." Ions and Morton Hut-tun. '0.le "'0“ (can "0-2001 OI WINE Gtr" 5 Gun "hr Boa MA. LONGLAC‘ ONT Maan HOURS: Tuesdays, CLEAN AND USABLE CLOTHING AND FURNTIURE APPLIANCES, HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 6 Erb St. E. at King St. Waterloo Classical furniture in Mahogany and Walnut. Clocks, Glass, Brass, Silver. Porcelain and Militaria. Specializing in the Unique. Appraisals Estate & insurance. Marian Household Centre NEEDS YOUR HELP IF YOU CAN HELP PLEASE CALL 742-8622 FOR PICKUP 112k DI'NONS ANTIQUES 97 Victoria St North. Kitchener DONATIONS 0F WWW Call 885-0446 Saturdays 10130-6200 Fridays till 9 p.m. Sundays 11 230-5200 p.m. WITH George E. Holmes 88tr-mo _ All Welcome Sponsored Ry School of Optometry l'mversny of Waterloo . Dinner theatre. shoppmg and some meals - Meadow Brook Hall Cost mom Two I. WILDWOOD enm- ATLANTIC CITV TOUR my "Jane t, III Cost 3235 (I) Twin s. SPRING'I'IME la MUSKOKA 1-: 18-". III Stay at Elgin Home . meal meals Incl cruise 30,000 Islands new McMichael Canadian Collection. Cost $2M.00 Twin I. WESTERN CANADA Au. t, III . " Day: Coal “.me Twin Watch More am at the Chm-mick for more cloning trips now being planned by Are Travel t. June IS, "" . Monday 8. June 18, Iâ€) - Thursday Vent Canada's Newest Attraction - Canada " Wonderland Cost "S.0bmCludes admissuon and manv attracttorts All Welcome Niagara Blossom Parade _ Lunch _ Beacon Motor Inn Tour - Andres Wmes and Tasting Cost SIS,“ Includes lunch Tour Westons Bakery Cost 32,“ 3. Tuesday my M. Iâ€! Mohawk Raceway. Roast Beef Dinner Bus Fare . Admissnon to the track Included Cost 817.. Thursday March 5. 1981 2 p m, Topm' "Maple Syrup Festwal' - presentation & slide show Guest Marvin Duke Elmira. Ontario I. “My Much M, Ill Swamps Greenhouses - West borne Tender Tootsies - Sales and Showroom Co" "I.“ Includes lunch at Swames -- -- - t. Monday April 3. m1 Tour Sara Lee V I Shop Bramalea Shopping Centre Cost 87.50 Lunch not Included 3. Thar-day my T, IMI Tour Avon kntt and Showroom Stratford Lunch - Olp English Parlour Vttut _ The Emporium A New Dundee Con “.50 Lunch not Included -- __ l. Salem-y‘May 9. Iâ€! CRAFTrBEE -70 make craft Items lor Annual Bazaar WHEN A Thursday March N 1961 9 N a m -H JO a m WHERE - Adult Recreation Centre ENJOY _ 'rrt coffee. free fellowship WHAT TO BRING - voursell and a friend, season, needle l thread BAZAAR 19m Monday-Friday 9 am. - 4 pm, For information reservations Call 579-1642 Saturdays 1 pm. _ 4 pm, Carpet bowl Is a good source of fun. exercise, fellowship 1.6 KING STREET. SOUTH WATERLOO. ONTARIO 529-1020 Thursday February 26. 1961 2 pm Topic "Winter Birds" q - their habits and feedings Guest: Don Schneider t Laurel Conservation Waterloo, Ontario Friday February 27. Iat0 2 p m Guest: Carolyn Haehnel Colour Slide Presentation "Tripping Around" All Welcome BEA willie making a small craft for bazaar Thursday Seminars VISION SCREENING I. " ANNE de BEAUPRE May ls _ It. Iâ€! 2 slide showings for this mp Feb 25. we] 2 p m March 4. IMI 2 p m Cost ti64 00 Ttem t. NEW you April taat Cost $250 on Twin I. TOLEDO April 24-8 EBmAY_AtTF',RNf1ONER OVERNIGHT TOURS F. Thursday Mn M. I!" JA.ft,kh TLAEL QAY TQQRS All Welcome LINIC Monday March 2, 19tn for appointments please call 5791020 WAYERLOO CHRONICLE. WENEBOAY, FEBRUARY 26 1'1 No Charge No Charge Waterloo Community Services has openings this summer for the following positions, (Min- Imum Age 16), l. AQUATICS STAFF 2. PLAYGROUND LEADERS 3, ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND LEADERS 4. YOUTH ACTIVITY CENTRE LEADERS 5. PART-TIME CONCESSION HELP 6. PART-TIME FACILITY HELP Phone Community Services at $1550 Ext. 214 during business hours for an application kit Note'. Deadline for applications/fs March 20th, 1981. , o- â€I MINI"!!! Thursday. Feb. 26th 1981 - 7:45 pan. Rink In the Park .Waterloo "Bring a Friend" Girls softball in Waterloo needs your help to make this years program a fun one for all in- volved, For more information call 745-3812, Phone Community Services at 85-1550 Ext 214 during busmess hours for your' free inior. mation flyer, . I†ACTIVITIES - Boys Soccer - Ages 7-18 yrs. _ tl' - Girls Soccer - Ages " yrs, -$L' - Boys Baseball & T-Ball Ages 6-17 yrs - $10 00 _ Girls Softball & T-Ball Ages " yrs -$8 00 - Boys &‘Glrls Track & Field Ages 8-20 yrs old REGISTRATION DATES March 7th or 14th 9 am to l p m LOCATION: Seagram Stadium Gym Seagram Drive. Waterloo "Don't Miss ltr' Marsland Centre: 886-1550 C, MOSES SPRINGER ARENA General Public Skating Fndays â€mom pm B. ALBERT McCORMlCK ARENA General Public Skating Salutdays - 2-4 p m LirCi0IrAAirNrLiTj. â€III. I.†All MM" i HI“ m “.5883 ©Ca=ECCiii) Sunday March 1, 7:30 pm. Waterloo Arena Snskins vs. Kitchener Waterloo Girls Softball Association I'll“. IEETIII , l0! SKATING Vent your clothes dryer into the house during the heating season. You need both the heat and the moisture inside. Put an old nylon stocking over the vent pipe to catch the lint. A, RINK IN THE PARK l Family Skating - Sundayss'l) 105 30p m. tChIldren must be accom- panied by an adult, D 2 Adult Only - Saturday 8 pm to no p m - Sangria! oritre twoo " oo - PAGE 27