- BILL " FIBST!!142-2834 PAGE " - NATERLOO Ct4ROHtCLg, “NESOAY, FEBRUARY a. tttBt " ‘Wu " names: 21 mm Sealed and refumshod wtth a “mum Epoxy chemucal wtm"proofiog process, SEALING OF Cracked bl» PERMANENT WAVE - $25.00 in your own home by licenced hair- dtouor. Phone tttr) 5772. M) A-I RAN ROUND Ttee Service - Maintenance and removal Irttturq. MH Kesselnng a. Son. Kitchener. Phone 576- 8531, Ito “mom walls. inside or outside For free ntimllo can Mlimnnn Front Iionll Home Improve- ments 743-2360. (If) Comm No Z‘EIOZT 0 WRITTEN - NO OBLIGATION - ESTIMATES . RESIDENTIAL =OMMERCtAk . INDUSTRIAL . SPRAY COATINGS OF ALL TYPES . INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR q IMMEDIATE SERVICE . CAULKING . GLASS REPLACEMENT McArthur Appliance Service lEAKING. DAMP MUSTY BASEMENT? EXPERT PAINTING Crumbhng Calla! Walls Rockfacmg olden! Ill disabled cattle and bones Flue Hum: or Kitchener 579-†Hence No, 07143-19 â€All: & mums FREE ESTIMATES sac-a Specializing In WASHER DRYER STOVE REFRIGERATOR and FREEZER REPAIRS 24-Hour Refrigeration Service KEN Manama (acumen an in} Guatanmd Work PACONI DEADSTOCK FREE REMOVAL 745-7190 at 744-9995 tron OVER THREE GENERAUONS) ' mum Ina. m. an". FULLY INSURED MI... No In: 047002 PLUMBING a. HEATING Domini - Common“! - Industrial 885-1 562 PORTABLE TYPE _ WRITERS Cleaned. Oiled. adjusted. tepalrs to all makes. reasonable rates. work guaranteed Add » Type Business Equnp- mom. " Brutgeport Road East. Waterloo (just down from Towers) 885 2570 (if) 22 HELP WANTED PART-TIME Housekeeper' required Duties Include cooking. cleaning. drlvmg. paying bulls. ttteat for stu- dent Phone 886.1602 NEWSPAPER CARRIERS Required for Areas of 20 TYPEWRITER SALES SERVICES [IRS d EZRA AllER and WlllOW MOORE and ERR WEBER In! RODREV MARGARET a! ROYAL a King Street Soho. Waterloo, Ontario. WATERMJO CHRONICLE II, Carrier! Swervisor. If you live in one of the†areas and would be interested m delivering newspaper: on Wednesdays after 100 pm. (Applicants MM be at least ll years of ago. Please fill in the application form and than to NAME ...NFVN....... ADDRESS ..N.... PHONE ..F.N.mm.... (8) Customers love our new ideas - as an AVON Re- presentative you'll love the earnings! Profitable territories available IS EARN EXTRA Income de- monstranng needlecrah Joan Creams Cucle Gen- erous commisson Free hostess gohs We tram Call Lula Whittlngdon 25 CHILD CARE 66 Alexandra Avenue. Wa, terloo tluarmed staff. full ttcence. accephng Chl- dren 2-5 years old 886- 9110 (10) TN-COUNTY TRUCK DRIVE TRAINING Loam In am. "new: under or trucks now MAKE APPOINTMENTS By phone to serwce Fuller Brush customers Excellent commisston, Phone 762, 7572 (If) " AGENTS . . SALES HELP 22 HELP WANTED Starts Fob. " BMNTFORD MICHENER 756 0223 I43 501 I s YOUR Outgo greater than your Income7 Earn substantial dollars, yet set your own hours and operate from your home For more Information Wine Box Wtr288 Wa, terloo Chromcle (8) Avon 744-9319 CALL 74341421 ALEXANDRA tur CARE WERE FOR YOU! Next Count AWAY AG E (If) ICHAEL THE two: tttMtg " Iunds of "doing and situations. can dupes l and luau: Roma-bl. I. 0015'»me & ALYEIATDW a can an a um ttttrrps2 new“ WILL Icon" .tMn'rttt% 0.00 pm on. n gnaw Cvucom no Call 886-6437 81 Rod ctmraritort.summeror _--- winter.indoorsorout. EhJqyttrhoursofquiet, 1etfeoessheatopiessttuntmegatemor yt1.ar1itctst?atvaprtftteeryoow.ertoiihto rtghtethetiarhestnigttttvmniiketttetrak'ed 'ma.meWpandax*efrit9antttheautornatic extinguisher 1hatshutstheheaterorrimmersatmy Mienjostledort'pped JJtatg'tt1'lea'allr,'ttt"th"erso"who"eeds PORTABLE KEROSENE HEATER 'iliittt,'ilfl 50% OFF "iituiiiiiaa 20$hirkPlace 'tqtMooCottterStmp%s otemertpMitistreety OR MORE Entire Winter Stock of Children's New Clothing at ijiEEIlrEiEjiElfCiq g. (9) Ope- Daily ' I.II. to ' pm. Saturday ' â€I. to I Fm. ELWI'S ELECTâ€- tVSIO 83060 _ PM! but -r. Moll but Van-and out" with Soco- Polo. Sun-Polo a ttst- Imm It does not dawn or roman h." from the Macao. but pomuuu no rqtarqts growth ot Unwnnx- - Cd Hut Lore.“ Lats Ltd, 9-712 Rooton St . Van- couvol. BC V62 IA2 Wt. mm ot Fe hwy “4.3076, to) UNWANTED HAIR Phone 744AB61 Liberal Headquarters. 65 University Ave. East University Square Plaza. " Princess St. West tMt6-2Soo or Waterloo 886-6230 Experience d Leadership MPP Waterloo North 1977-8] Mayor of Waterloo 1975-77 Alderman, Waledoo 1967-74 Liberal . Waterloo North Herb Epp SUNDAY NIGHT SPECIAL 9-11 PM. .50' Gun - Free Shoo: Herb Epp gets action! keep him working for you ALL YOU CAN BOWL $2.75 PER BOWLER Sundays 10-12 Noon (3 pork-o) DAILY 10 AM TO 7:00 PM, WEEKENDS & MONDAYS. IO A.M, TO 1100 RM. BOWLING F3i8) OPEN BOWLING Re-Elect 'llilllhfr?: LIN LANES 886-2370