am - 1rpfrrpt, PAGE " - WATERLOO CHRWICLE. WENESDAV, FEBRUARY 25, INI -ttattx+t8ti.ADtfERnSE WHERE/IPAYE; Your tax deductible $300 contribution to the quality of life in our community puts your name on a seat in THE CENTRE IN THE SQUARE theatre (ADULT RECREATION CENTRE I -. -qttis King St. South Watorloo Everyone Welcome A Pnze Drawmg | We're holding a seat for you at THE CENTRE IN THE SQUARE . . . a theatre . 'iid-tiii'?!?:" seat with an armrest perfect as a setting iM for an engraved bronze plaque bearing ' - tts your name, or the name of your family, or L, as a memorial to a loved one. You mafy e'f'-TF. wish to purchase a seat in the name o your school, club or business. Use the seat dedication program as a bonus sales ' ’ incentive or in recognition for loyalty. For every tax-deductible $300.00 you donate to THE CENTRE IN THE SQUARE building fund, a seat plaque in the magnificent 1,920 seat Theatre will be permanently inscribed with the name of your choice. Along with direct benefit to THE CENTRE of your seat dedication contribution, the funds will be matched by WINTARlO in order to assist with the purchase of furnishings and equipment that will enhance THE THE CENTRE both technically Fr; "1-,.- and visually. I mm Horticultural Society OPEN MEETING "Illustratod Lecture t "h 9’ Solar Grunhousu" by K Iris. Ewan Brundntt & Mrs. Brandt“! at the Friday, February 27, 8 pm. 'ftjtltatg ' g Two twentieth-cen- tury masterpieces for piano will be performed by UW pianist Dianne Werner at 12 30 pan on Wednesday, March 4, In the Humanities Theatre The two works are Rachmaninoff's Corelll Variations. and Albert Ginastera's Sonata para piano Dianne Werner began her musical training as a full scholarship stu- dent at the Royal Con- 't'iaiartiist presents Rachmaninoff t r,2?-lfPitt) ' r,itiqii3iv, I 2 - J. 5 The Rotary Club of Kitchener-Conestoga is participating in the Seat Dedication Program because its members are strongly supportive of THE CENTRE and the Programs it accommodates. A portion of each donation will be used to benefit various Rotary community projects. particularly the ACLD camp for children with learning disabilities. For further information. telephone THE CENTRE 1519) 5705660 or contact any member of the Kitchener-Conestoga Rotary Club. servatory of Music and later attended the Um- versity of Toronto where she was a pupil of Mar garet Parsons-Poole While at the university, Ms. Werner appeared m over 40 chamber con- certs and was chosen as a soloist with both the Cammac and York re- gional symphony orches» tras. Mail to: THE CENTRE IN THE SQUARE PO. Box 2187,_Stn. B. Kitchener, Ontario N2H 6M1 Micah lay/our not Total Glft N in the nun! of: ($300 or ovum) El _ In 1977, she was awarded a Music Talent Foundation Scholarship. City..............Posta|Codo......... NamotDonor. . . . . . . 3W, SEAT DEDICATION mpg; r l) PLEDGE CID and send your an pledge Perl, which was followed when she graduated. by a scholarship to study with Georgy Sebok at the Banff Centre, and a Canada Council grant to work with the distin- guished British pianist Louis Kenlner m Lon. don. England In IMO, she graduated with the highest piano mark from the artist di, ploma programme at the University of Wes- tern Ontirio Later that ll Tout cm Amt“ m- ($100 or omen!) shew Pnyatt% CENTRE ll year the embarked on a cross-Canada concert tour with soprano Nancy Herttison Two of these concerts were recorded by the CBC At present. she " teachmg piano at the Unwersnty of Waterloo. and preparing for Inter- Soprano Debbie Lou Creighton, from Walker- ton, Ont., Will be the m. m... ""P"""" u...“ erblson Two of (hes:- Adrmssuon " free mcerts were recorded This ts the final concert ythe CBC In the Winter Term At present, she Is Noon-Hour series spom eachlng piano at the sored by the Music Dev mversuy of Waterloo, partment “Conrad Gre- ad preparing for Inter- bel College IN mt was“ national competitions on a Canada Councnl grant featured performer at the noon lunch concert on Tuesday. March 3 at First United Church, comer of King and Wilt ham Sts. in Waterloo. She sings with the Laurier Singers and the Chamber Singers and has performed in the WLU opera for the past three years. Creighton is a third year music student at Wilfrid Laurier Univer- sity specializing in voice performance, Today there are so very many choices available to the retired traveller. Many companies pro- less to be specialists in serving this market. Not one company comes close to us in value tot your travel dollar. Be- tore you buy your next tour be sure to look at our tour programs. We have become Ontario‘s largest travel club tor seniors. Give us a call and we would be happy to place you on our mailing list. “KEEN?! " 3 Day Cleveland "aSo_0o o Goldon Ago Faun! . on": at Tullp Tim . Rochoolor Lilac Festival . Holland Item-n Tulip Fun"! . Longwood Gordon. SumTom o A L on ot Ham 0 nonhuman. Bunion Future! 0 $006.00. Retort . Woman Canada Advontmo 0 Bottom cm q Pour m Tom a fonmy'vania Dutch Aedr,'m salll'g TOURS Before you buy COMPARE! 161)}; Kiiirait 998.00 , 1 Day Old South {gbzlmofm 439 oo 14 Day home " -trav- Tabs I Us Text 'sl'lllu'lli'