This is a cross-Canada tour of an exhibition or- ganized by the Art Gal- lery of Nova Scotia. The exhibition Consists of 45 paintings. prints. and drawings by the Liver- pool NS. artist, and have been selected from Last week string or- chestras from Mac Gregor public school competed in the Toronto Kiwanis Music Festival. Ajudicator, professor Patrick Burroughs, Uni- versity of Western On- tario, awarded the Grade 8 orchestra 87 marks (second place tie) for their performan- ce of Minuet by Handel. arranged by J Capone- gro, and Concertato by C. Gurlitt. The Grade 7 orchestra received 85 marks for performing Our First MacGregor students rate highly A retrospective collec- tion of the Interna- 9onrlly-enowpt Nova Scam artist Roger Sa- vage Is being shown in the UW Arts entre Gal, lery until March 15, "Concord" Sonata (1912) - one of the 20th century's mightiest works for the piano 57 YOUNG ST. WEST. WATERLOO Tickets $7.00; Students/Seniors, $4. oo Phone 886-1673 for ticket information and reservations; No serious student of the piano can afford to miss this remarkable event! MOZART, Sonata and Fantasia in C Minor, K. 457. 475 & SCHUBERT, 3 lmpromptus. OP. 90. Friday February 27, 8:00 p.m. . ' at HEAR TORONTO‘S OUTSTANDING “OTHER ORCHESTRA" Chamber Players of Toronto WEDNESDAY. MARCH 4. tt P.M. ' University of Waterloo Theatre of The Arts TICKETS: " " Student/Senior " All Seats Reserved From U.W. Box Office 885-4280 Nova Scotia artist spotlighted at U W McGill University Faculty of Music performing and discussing Charles Ives' Tom Flaunt, Pianist 1 980-81 SE ASON presents be r - also Conductor Yasu Shlba- ta. who has entered str- ing orchestra classes for a number of years. re- ports much Keener com- petition now than in the past. March by F, Muller and H. Busch. the original exhibition ot no work: that were shown at the AGNS dur- mg September-October. Included In the cross- Canada tour selection IS a mnlti-media painting entitled "Approach" which IS part of the per- manent collection of the UW Arts Centre Gallery and was loaned to the exhibition Roger Savage. com- missnoned designer of '94 " (ktaggndlhipgm brt The understated Sa- vage style. expressed generally through a ligh- twelght media vehicle. Mr, Laurette says. so- metlmes has deceived the more fashionable ob- server as to the import of the works According to AUNS Assistant Curator, Pa- trick Condon Laurette, who organized the exht- bttlon. the survey re-" veals an artist In the true line of maritime re- gionalism that IS In- spired by the surreal 1m- pact of life at the “nuts. while aspiring to univer- sal or abstract concerns the Royal Canadian Mint 1978 gold proof coin, which resents twelve Canada?†tn forma- tton flight as a symbol of Canadian unity, " best known as a sertgraphy master punter through such works as, "Three O'Clock Tractor," "lsol, de and Cow." and "Nude on the Dartmouth Ferry FN Wilfrid Laurier University Dr Elkund's vnsnt IS being sponsored yomtly by the Faculty of Arts and Soence. the Department of Contthumg Education and the Commvttee on Ap- plied Gerontology at WLU and the Waterloo Luth, eran Sermnary MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1981 7:30-9:00 P.M. Pl ROOM 1E1 APPLIED GERONTOLOGY: HYPNOSIS AND AGING Guest Speaker: th. Leonatd Elkind Clinical Hypnotist and Applied Gerontologist from San Francisco All Are Welcome' The exhibition reveals the Savage pattern of production in his mixed media paintings of mis- cellaneous subjects. Nova Scotra watercolour landscapes: serigraphs of lucid subjects of Later. he was included In notable exhibitions In eastern, central. and northern Europe. Roger Savage " a 38- year old native of Wind- sor. Ontario who grew up in Halifax. where he attended the Nova SCI) tla College of Art and Design " a young adoie- scent after demonstrat- Ing a gift for drawing His formative art school studies were taken at Mount Allison Univer- sity. Sackvnlle. New Brunswick, wnth Ted Pulford and Alex Col- Ville. He has exhibited Internationally from New York to New Zea- land and was a Canada Council remplent for travel and study In Ger- manv In 1970 everyday life distilled m a poetry both flat and round: and highly fin- lshed large scale draw- Ings Printing: m pen- ctl") 0 Increasing. yet strictly structured. fan- tasy themes, Minions . . . " {way ot looking at the world will! the tongue Manly planted in the check." Victoria Times be, tntematiooalty-atxMtrned Canadian mime company combines sound, music, vocalization and goalqu in an unique lurid ot visual mus. ii is only silent where ‘oilonco is stronger than wads. The pictorial ideas of Saturday, February 28 Humanities Theatre, 8 pm. $9.00 (Stu/Sen. $7.50) the fabulous multiroodman with " JAZZ QUINTET Atirtcturarofpop, adtoteopoftheciasaicsanttasuggsstiottoftocttmioatdinstthiN' unmistahatgeitdz, Kotfman We! MOE KOFFMAN Ask about the Complete Treat packages that Include dinner and the theatre Canada’s "Swinging Shepherd" WATERLOO CHROONCLE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26,tfttrt - PAGE " this Nova Scoua artist proceed from the por- tran to the vegetable through a set of me- taphors that attends to both the mechanical and fertile, the ominous and the hopeful Signs of our ctvtltzation's status TirsotstmmUWArtsNrttreBtttt Glee. "umqrtitiTtt+ Atsotrxsma-Katt'retRetxterts. wmmmswuypmuu. “Catalan.†amtittetrio'mtamot-trvi-Par- Lou ot convenient puking at 2Se A TWO SHOWS . MONDAY, MARCH C4FSportsorod by The UW Arts Centre Gallery as located In the Modern Languages building, University of Waterloo and " open Monday to Friday 9 a m. to 4 Fm. and on Sundays from 2 to 5 pm Admis ston IS free