PAGE 22 - NATE agoo canomcge, gouge»! Fm mm IttretteATttN CALL: A TIP FOR TWO, IN TME WEIGHT WATCteRS GET AWAY CONTEST “to advantage of the NEW Woof-1 minim: Pamela-d Pro gums and be eligible tor an all uponâ€: and trw tor (no, During February I981, Watch! Watch": wtit donate 26g pet weak to the Heart Fund tor my cunenl member m our classes. Draw to on place in March 1981 at the -nutto"ceremony to rm Heart Fund. Alt current February members cluguble in participating mu Join Weight Watchers today - Learn to eat the right my and Owe Your Heart A Break) WIN Yrucou‘otyol -..- -".... - ..n... a...» .. ... nuns: a; "use: 33 Main fit (GOO!) Why. QUINN) Wesseting's 699.00 system will tttt even larger rooms with clean, ',t,dfs",ae'at stereo sound. " has Tet - nics' top-rated SA-303 re- ceiver with 40 watts per channel, with no more than 0.04% distortion. The speakers are the Pro-Tech V4203 12" 3-way modeIs 3 ChuksSi West a! 1loreo Own doiiy t04 Kitchener, Oil-Ho The" . Fo IO Ml)“ MIME Tbchnics On Sale What a Beautiful Sound KITCHENER 742-1161 Gave your sweetheart and The Heart Fund Tim" . in 10-9 Cdmbodgr no" dosed on Monday WILL DONATE TO THE HEART FUND 2St EACH WEEK FOR EVERY CURRENT MEMBER DURING FEBRUARY 198! I; "iesmeado-s Incl- aBteak - IAYCMIS with power handling of 55 watts each. For your re- cords, there's a Technics SL-D2A direct-drive semi- automatic turntable with an Audio Technica car- tridge. Shop and compare - this Is the lowest price we've seen. But Hum! They'll go fast! I mam 3 Technics tllllluvc . FEBRUARY 's, ll! $599 Includes 3-5-10 year ex- tended warranty. M.S.L. $1079 Dr. Neale Tayler, President of Wilfrid Laurier University (left) re- cently accepted a cheque for $1000 from Nestle Canada Ltd. area manager Bob, Hayward in the name of all-Canadian WLU football players Rich Payne (second from left) and Barry Quarrel (centre). Nestle, which awards 5500 to the home institution of each player named all-Canadian, has contributed over $5000 to WLU coffers in the past few years. Watching the proceedings at right is W.J. Frie- drich of Nestle Canada. (WLU Publications photo) in tlast , a.m.-lZ noon MON TO THURS thd. hi. It run mmumou cm m or was: LOCATIONS 579-4800 KITCHENER 850 KING EAST Cheque this out q Driver training for all ages q Course tee is income tax deductible by the student . Your choice ot automatic or standard shift cars q Enquire about insurance prem-um reductions tor YD graduates . Private in-cer Instruction . Approved try the Ontario Safety League . You onty learn to drive once - do it rignt' Over 70.000 mega?!†recommend, Young Drivers of Canada Training (retires cogst {9:0qu My In“ WATERLOO 232 KING NORTH 579-4800 in class 7-10 pm. MON ' WED 1mm Sun. 2 CAMBRIDGE 7O AINSLIE NORTH _ in class 6:30-9:30 pm. TOES ' THURS 623-6730