PAGE " - WAIEILOO CHRONOCLE. WE DHESDAY, FEBRUARY "J“! By Rick Campboll Chvoniclo' 890m Editor Bluevale collegiate is well known for its fine stage production Many Moods of Music. Well, this year the production hat moved from thy caletorium to the gym where the sen- ior boys are doing a daz- zling display of Many Moods of Basketball. Thursday the young Knight squad pulled their Larry-come-lately act for the third game in succession - but for- tunately for them this time it was enough as they basically clinched a playoff berth with a 55- Excellent golf holiday to the Ocean Dunes Resort. Breakfast and 5 rounds ot golt. There are going to be people disappointed again this year because they waited too long. Book today! 9 days GOLFERS ........ 459 NON-GOLFERS . . . . . . 399 Rocky Point Beach Club 10 days - March 20-29 Give your tamily the vacation they won't forget, Re- taxation and good times on the beach at Tampa Bay. Special rates for children KANA'I'A TRAVEL INC. It’s a guessing game with Knights MYRTLE BEACH Mahleris tlair.amonium [iliTLeiEiri11] 886-7520, " Schneider Ave., Kitchener 1nB'lllii()ljrt PLACE (BEHIND DOMINION) FLORIDA Haurstyhng Limited 742-8801 52 decision over KCI Raiders. - They iced a spot Fri- day with a $64 decision over the lowly Elmira Lancers, but the play of the BCI crew, with its alternating spasms of in- difference and torrid at- Pl has co-coaches Tom Rajnovich and Peter Telford perplexed to say the 'teast. At the beginning of the regular season, Knights got off to a good start. then showed signs of col- lapsing in the middle of contests. That changed. in recent games against Forest Heights and Preston. as wéll as “It's only been the last three games we've played like this (come- from-behind) and I'd have to attribute it to our youngness and lack of confidence. If anyone else can come up with the answer I'd love to know what it is" Knights, who scored only two points in the first quarter against Preston, reassumed their zombie approach against Raiders and fell behind 31-20 at the half. Some second-half pres- "If we can get a 32- minute basketball game from everyone we'll be represented well in the playoffs," said Telford after the win over KCI. “At the beginning we just hoped to make the playoffs and finish so- mewhere in the middle of the pack but we didn't play for 32 minutes against some of the teams we should have beat. against KCI, to dot- drums at the outset. Just to confuse the issue a bit, Knights gunned for 20 in the opening quarter against Elmira Friday, and they have coach Tel- ford willing to pay a king's ransom for the so- lution to their problem as they gear up for playoffs this weekend. Heading into yester- day's action, Knights sported a 7-5 record and faced Waterloo-Oxford in their final contest Should they maintain that position. they would compete in the four, team B pool in weekend action. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED ONE BLOCK FROM KING ST WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED SHARPEHING SERVICE IN THE KITCHENER METRO AREA SPECIAl nus» SAME DAY SERVICE then coachesxare confused The finest in sharpening service in the Kitchener Metro Area. THE FINEST m SHARPENING IN: IARPE SAW& TOOL CO. Qumran Sprain“ I. all n." of S.“ l Took 69 Sydney St. Kitchener 745-1851 “Our message is sim- ple. we want the kids to take the ball inside wherever possible. and I'll give them credit, they did that today," said Telford. adding the demise of Mullins plus effective defensive work on Mullins and Mike Binkley by Craig Kermer and Ed Fowler were keys in the tur- naround. “Now if we could just get them to play a whole game like thatl' Against Elmira, La- zenby took the lead with 23 points while Kermer notched 20 and Fowler nine. - "rd have to say Blue- vale had a lot more depth than us." said KCl coach Jim Saddler, a straight shooter who. although disappointed his club failed to make post-season action. de- clined to alibi Raiders second half effort "When they have to go to the bench, they do. and they just keep com- ing at you." sure. plus the imminent exit from the contest of KCl big man Dave Mul- lins due to foul trouble. ignited the Bluevale fires though and by game's end Knights out- pouring of enthusiasm would have led one to be- lieve they had just cap- tured the County cham- plonship Kermer with 21 and Keith Lazenby with 12 paced Bluevale while Binkley with 19 and Mul- lins with 17 were tops for KCI Second-half pressure by Bluevale Knights helped change the com- plexion of their game last Thursday against KCI. Knights, who start- ed slowly, came on like gprtgbusters to score a 55-52 win. On this play, Knights Keith Lazenby (44) and Brian Mitgang (25) bottle up a KCI ballhandlet. HOURS MON " was " wen 94 YNURS 9.7 m " Barb & Marg have a " FEBRUARY SPECIAL ---------MENS on LADIES- Wrt The Guys to Gels Hair Specialists and " 0 COT and SET $10.00 . COT, SHAMPOO, BLOW DRY $1.00 for men q SET ONLY $8.00 ladies . PERMS $25.00 was. $40.00 1ietehaties and Come in and meet BARB who brings several years experience to Lakeshore Hair Design. WEDNESDAYS ALBERTO owner of ASTORIA HAIRSTYLING in Kitchener. with 16 years of experience. WILL BE HERE 255 TOLLGATE BLVD OFF GLEN FORREST BLVD [lle1e,tt,!le,,e!,'S AHNuttmEit" CAN. BARB " MARS